The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 588 I can’t beat him

Chapter 588 I can’t beat him

As soon as Hayes agreed to join the team, he felt the atmosphere around him lighten up. The late-night Holmes and the Purple Sweet Potato Man opposite him both laughed, and the depression in the air completely disappeared.

For him, he finally escaped.

Only then did Hayes react. He looked at Li Ming: "Is this mission a trap for me?"

From letting Michelle guide Heaven to this world, to Loki just making a wish, to the Dragon Balls disrupting the layout, and finally seducing him into taking the initiative to get into the trap.

Step by step, he fell into the trap.

Li Ming nodded: "No need to feel honored."

I honor you **@#!
If he hadn't already been on a pirate ship and couldn't say bad words, otherwise Hayes would have cursed out all the beautiful words he had accumulated over thousands of years.

"The Dragon also fake?" Hayes asked the key question.

Li Ming knew that this was a critical stage for establishing trust between the two parties, so he directly denied it: "No, the Dragon Ball is real."

Anyway, he has the Infinity Stones, and his ability to make wishes is even more powerful than the Dragon Balls.

= _ =
Hayes stared at Li Ming absurdly and speechlessly, finally convinced.

"Well, this place... can be regarded as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Abyss."

The aura on Hayes' body also dropped suddenly, and he almost couldn't maintain the white horse.

Li Ming snapped his fingers again, and then the real universe was infected with the plague, and the intelligent life forms that provided Hayes with a combat power bonus were all taken into his personal space and disappeared from the universe.

"Well... a four-star ball appeared in Li Ming's hand, "It's not hidden, but seven dragon balls. I only released six. "

With the Supreme Yellow Lantern Ring around, Li Ming clearly sensed the fear coming from Hayes, which made him very satisfied.

Hayes suddenly had a fear of Li Ming and couldn't play with it.

"However, there are restrictions on the use of Dragon Balls. Each use has a ten-year cooling period, and the interval between wishes for the same object must exceed one hundred years."

The conversation between Li Ming and Hayes did not conceal the intentions of Supreme Strange and Thanos. They are not bad people. As long as they can protect their own universe, Li Ming will accept whatever method he uses.

Li Ming deliberately added a time limit, but Hayes felt relieved after hearing this.

He was inexplicably horrified, and he couldn't help but think that if he really took action, and then Li Ming came with such a move during the fierce battle, he might be seriously injured in an instant.

How could he have imagined that it had only taken more than twenty years for Li Ming to grow up to this point?
"You have hidden one of the seven dragon balls?"

"Moreover, this is actually a back-up move."

Supreme Strange and Thanos already knew that those were Li Ming's clones, but Hayes knew nothing.

Don’t be afraid if there are limits. Whether it’s ten years or a hundred years, they all fly by in Hayes’ eyes.

"This is……"

Every move he makes is calculated, so it's normal for him to fail.

"It's just that you are really generous and allowed people in several galaxies to be infected with the plague. This should be your base camp, right?" Hayes sighed.

"As a meeting gift, you can jump in line at the next opportunity to make a wish." Li Ming continued, making Hayes' face filled with joy.

Hayes has already collected all the Dragon Balls in the universe for his own side, and is still upset that he has not been able to collect all the Dragon Balls.

Intimidation, inducement, exaggeration, and fear, these factors combined are enough to prevent Hayes from betraying Abyss easily.

"You can act normally after you go back. Just remember to tell me if you have any information."

Li Ming smiled brightly.

"But don't try to deliver false news, I will know."

Hayes kept nodding. In his opinion, since Li Ming was not the only one in the top ranks of the Angels, it would not work to mislead him by sending false information.

"Okay, I will cover up the reason for the failure of this mission when I go back."

There are Dragon Balls in this world, and he certainly knows that Li Ming cannot give up, and they are on a world invasion mission. If the world is not defeated, the mission will fail. "Although the invasion mission failed, it does not mean that you will return empty-handed."

A red light flashed in Li Ming's hand, and the surrounding scene suddenly changed. Li Ming, Supreme Strange, and Thanos were all hidden, and instead, a tall demon suddenly appeared on the scene.

Although Hayes had never seen this demon before, he recognized it directly based on the aura on his body.


The two reincarnation organizations of angels and demons are mortal enemies of each other, and they are both familiar with the energy of those great demons.

"Yes, it's Mammon."

Li Ming's voice sounded from the void.

"Although the invasion mission was blocked and failed, your investigation clearly revealed that it was Mammon from the Hell camp who coerced Abyss to do things for Hell."

"There are real fluctuations in the battle between You and Mammon, Michael will believe it."

This Mammon was naturally summoned by Li Ming through the infinite gems and the totem of Mammon, and was directly controlled by Li Ming.

"Isn't this the real Mammon?" Hayes was extremely surprised. Li Ming was blaming Li Ming like this. The real hell camp Mammon would not take the blame for him.

But the eighth-level aura of Mammon in front of him was extremely real.

"The abyss is everywhere. Do you think we are the only ones in heaven?" Li Ming did not answer directly, but to Hayes' ears, it seemed like he had answered everything.

Hayes suppressed his shock and quickly adjusted himself. Li Ming was right. Finding out that there was something wrong with Mamen Sitting in Hell would indeed make him not only blameless but meritorious.

But the prerequisite is that he has to have a real fight with Mammon.

And he also knew that this was also Abyss's test of his own strength.

The Supreme Strange withdrew from the diamond space, and the momentum of Hayes and Mammon suddenly enveloped the universe.

At the same time, Hayes also quickly explained the situation in the team voice.

Other reincarnations finally understood why this plague broke out and why the population in the universe suddenly disappeared.

It turns out that it’s all because Mr. Hayes is fighting the devil!

Their battle lasted for three full days, and countless planets were destroyed due to the war. However, this universe was already barren except for the earth, so it had no impact.

But this is a pain for the people of the three major civilizations, and their exploration of the new universe is directly interrupted.

This time it can be said that he lost his wife and lost his troops.

It's just that even Michelle and others can't intervene in the eighth-level battle, and the three major civilizations don't dare to say anything.

Fortunately, Hayes promised to provide compensation, and the leaders of the three major civilizations were able to think a little more.

And later, the demon Mammon even began to attack the reincarnations and people from the three major civilizations, forcing Hayes to be in a dilemma. Finally, after a portal was damaged, Hayes protected the remaining people and left the universe.

Perfect ending.

After everyone in heaven had left, Li Ming used the infinite stones to repair the damaged universe.

Although there is no life here, the resources are still very useful to the members of the Abyss Alliance.

But before leaving, Michelle asked Li Ming about personal status.

He has fulfilled Li Ming's request, and now he is truly one of his own, so Li Ming should fulfill his promise.

But Li Ming didn't have the inventory on hand now. After all, he didn't expect Michelle to complete the task so quickly.

So Li Ming set his sights on Gabriel again.

"It's been a few months, it's not too much for me to want another pair of wings, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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