The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 590 Li Ming Fuxing Ha Suen

Chapter 590 Li Ming Fuxing Ha Suen

Will using [Seal of God] out of the ordinary will make God angry?
Li Ming was not worried about this problem at all.

According to God's understanding of him, he should know that Li Ming will definitely do something sexy.

So since it was not stated clearly, the mark was given to him with the intention of saving Li Ming's life.

"The thoughts of old silver coins."

"I know!"

Li Ming thought to himself.

Because the war between heaven and hell was imminent, Li Ming did not stay in the Abyss Alliance for long, but only sent the video related to Shiba Inu Thor and Loki to Thor.

Who told Loki to call himself the King of Kings to Hayes, didn’t he know that he was nicknamed the King of Gotham?

On the other side, Hayes also reported on the mission.

Although he didn't know that all Hayes wanted to do was kiss him until he died.

"But Mr. Hayes would not hit me before, but he is much closer to me now." Michelle felt proud.

But Hayes got angry when he saw Michelle's face.


Michelle immediately said she understood.

But with everyone on board, Hayes couldn't reveal even the slightest bit of this thought.

He is in a very good mood now because he has finally confirmed that Hayes is with him.

He couldn't help but be astonished. The secret channel abyss was really grand. The status reward, which was very difficult to obtain among angels, was actually arranged in a few days.

When the report was over, Hayes came out and saw Michelle standing outside.

"But I suggest you don't take it yet, and then strengthen it when the war starts, otherwise you won't be able to explain its origin." Hayes reminded Michelle, keeping his bearings.

Hayes raised his hand and slapped Michelle on the head.

"There is news from Li Ming that your status reward is ready."

He knew he was getting carried away.


"Don't do weird things." Hayes just found a reason.

Michelle's eyes suddenly lit up. Fortunately, he had just been taught a lesson by Hayes and was not too showy, but he was still beaming with joy.

Back in a safe place, Hayes had good news.

With all the reincarnations and people from the three major civilizations testifying, Hayes could easily escape the blame for the failure of the mission, and Michael even personally gave him a credit.

Hitting means kissing and scolding means loving.

"Teacher?" Michelle didn't know why.

Michelle greeted him with a bright smile.

"Listen to the teacher!"

Of course Michelle was obedient.

Seeing him like this, Hayes felt a knot in his heart again.

How could he be a good disciple and be deceived into lameness?
"Go back and prepare carefully. The jihad is different from the small fights before. The scale and duration are far beyond your expectations."

"There are many people who have emerged from jihad, such as myself, but there are also many people who have been buried by jihad."

Hayes couldn't help but give a few careful instructions.

Whether he wants it or not, Michelle is now his closest disciple and his ally, so he cares about Michelle's safety.

"it is good!"

Michelle put away her smile and nodded seriously in response.

Whether it will soar into the sky or die midway depends on this battle.

"Master, what is the goal of the jihad in heaven?" Michelle asked.

"The most basic goal is to force Hell to remove spider totems and eliminate Hell's camp consciousness."

"The ultimate goal, of course, is to break up the hell," Hayes replied. Michelle looked shocked. Even the most basic goal didn't seem to be easily achieved.

Eliminate camp consciousness?

It will definitely trigger a desperate counterattack from the camp!

"I'm afraid the other camps won't just watch." Michelle frowned.

"Yes." Hayes took a deep breath. "Once the jihad begins, it is not up to one party to decide when it will end."

"Other camps will definitely get involved, triggering a war in the entire reincarnation space. This is probably why Abyss is contacting us now, fishing in troubled waters."

Hayes's face was very solemn: "I just hope Abyss knows what level of war they are provoking!"

"What, you are Abyss, you don't know anything?"

In the biochemical world, Li Ming said absurdly to the abyss.

He went to Abyss to confirm the information he got from Hayes, but it was no different from before. Abyss still looked stupid and didn't know anything about it.

"Then you know, if all camps join the melee, will the reincarnation space be affected?" Li Ming changed the question.

This abyss is quite clear.

[Ding, camp disputes will not affect the normal operation of the reincarnation space, but will only affect the camp's respective mission income. 】

Li Ming understood.

In other words, no matter how many idiots are played between the camps, it will not affect the stability of the reincarnation space.

Moreover, the combat power of the camp war is at least the reincarnators who have completed nine missions, as well as the power of the subordinate worlds. The most active in the reincarnation space are the reincarnators who have completed nine missions or less, and no camp will recruit them at all.

It's no use even if a bunch of noobs go there.

"That's okay." Li Ming spread his hands and ignored it.

As long as his leeks will not be affected, and with the scale of the war increasing, there is no doubt that he can still make a fortune from the war.

As for what Hayes was worried about if the camp was destroyed, Li Ming didn't think about it at all.

He wished that the war would be as big and big as possible, and he would feel at ease only if everything was destroyed.

"Hey, I know what to do."

Li Ming rolled his eyes. He originally wanted to just watch the show, but now he thought about it, he should join in and stir up trouble everywhere, so that the scale of the war would continue to expand.

It would be best to bring in other camps. No one except Abyss is allowed to grow secretly!
But before that, he had to ask how Hell dealt with it.

Hassoun is a good candidate.

"What? You want to join the war too?"

After a while, Li Ming made a sound of surprise, with deep distrust in his words.

"Don't underestimate me, now I have the strength of a fifth-level reincarnation person!" Hassun was very dissatisfied with Li Ming's reaction.

As for the war between heaven and hell, everyone in the reincarnation space knows it. It’s just that he didn’t know exactly how far he wanted to fight, so Hasoun didn’t hide it.

The angel's plan to attack the east and west failed because Li Ming had 800 ways to leak their information.

Hassuen had a lot of points gained from doing business with Li Ming, and he relied on resources to build a fifth level for himself.

"And I also redeemed the spider totem. With my points, I can easily obtain the sixth level of strength." Hassoun said proudly.

"The camp war is not a mission world, so you can also use spider totem?" Li Ming suddenly asked.

"Except for the limited camp effects, all other abilities can be used in camp wars, including the temporary strength of the spider totem."

Hassoun explained, and then he told Li Ming about his plan with great interest.

"I recruited a group of third- and fourth-level reincarnations, all of whom have strengthened the spider totem. When the war begins, I will let them redeem their temporary strength to the sixth level. By then, won't I be able to go wherever I want on the battlefield?"

An idea flashed in Li Ming's mind, and he was right to come to Hassoun. This second-generation reincarnator was simply his lucky star.

If Hasoun can do this, others can surely do the same.

After all, low-level reincarnators who have always been excluded from the war can become sixth-level reincarnators with 30,000 points. Even though their true strength and combat experience may not be as good as those of real sixth-level reincarnators, there are many low-level reincarnators. went.

So this time, low-level reincarnators have become an important resource that may affect the battle situation?
Li Ming's first reaction was - I'm going to get rich!

(End of this chapter)

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