The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 591: Space arms dealer Li Ming

Chapter 591 Reincarnation Space Arms Dealer Li Ming

Hasoun doesn't have much inside information. After all, he is not a core member of the demon organization.

But he has a father who is the core of a demonic organization, so he still has some useful information.

"The camp war is fought one world at a time?" This was the first time Li Ming learned about the method of war.

"Yes, I heard from my father that when there is only one subordinate world left in the camp, other forces can invade the camp space through the last world."

"This is their previous experience," Hasoun said.

Li Ming's lips twitched slightly. Abyss should also have contributed to this experience, right?

"Eh? Aren't you supposed to know this? After all, you are from um... there." Hassoun realized.

Since the last Spider-Verse incident, there was a team of successors in the abyss, and Hasoun knew which camp Li Ming belonged to.

But he did not dare to use his identity to threaten Li Ming at all, because the eighth-level star king had fallen, and Li Ming still had his own leverage.

First of all, in order to cope with the upcoming camp war, Li Ming "considerately" lifted the restrictions on the spider totem.

Li Ming said something quietly in his heart.

Hayes joined the Abyss because of his disciples, but what about Lord Lamande?
Hassoun is his favorite son.

That's because it will be your father who gets into trouble.

"I didn't expect you to care about me. You're such a nice person." Hassoun was even a little touched.

He would not take care of Hasoun so kindly. The reason why everything was done was for his eighth-level old father.

"Remember to inform me if you have any information, especially when encountering a life or death crisis." Li Ming did not answer, but said with concern.

So of course Li Ming couldn't let Hasuen die. Without Hasuen, there would be one less eighth-level reincarnation.

War is a disaster for some people, but it is also a rare opportunity for a small group of people.

Such as arms dealers.

And Li Ming, who has mastered the spider totem, is now the largest arms dealer in the reincarnation space!
No matter what equipment or props you have, is it efficient to directly improve your strength?

"Don't worry, I have my father here, so nothing will happen." Hassoun said nonchalantly.

After hanging up the call, Li Ming started working on his plan to make money.

This child is hopeless.

Because he has the authority of the abyss, Li Ming can control the attributes of the items on the shelves by himself.

Although he was the one who cheated, Li Ming couldn't help but sigh.

Lord Lamande.

In the past, temporary strength could only be redeemed once per mission.

And now is a very good opportunity.

Now his total points have reached 8020 million, which seems like a lot but is only nearly half of the 6 million required for [Source Power Advancement Level ].

But it is impossible for Hassoun to know about Li Ming's plans.

But not anymore.

Although the temporary strength only takes effect in the world where it is redeemed, the reincarnator can redeem the strength again every time he changes to another world!

Of course, each temporary strength can only take effect for one year at most.

After all, the camp war may last indefinitely, so one exchange will benefit you for life?
Want to eat fart.

Want to prostitute Li Ming for free? There are no doors! Secondly, because the temporary strength can now be redeemed multiple times, considering Li Ming's high operating costs... Ahem, the 5% tax on Samsara Space and Abyss is free, right?

So Li Ming decided to start with the second exchange of temporary strength - increasing the price!
The points required for the first redemption of the sixth-level temporary strength: 3.

Second exchange: 4.

Third exchange: 5.

By analogy, each additional redemption will add 10,000 points.

Originally, Li Ming wanted to double it, but when he thought about it, a digital game like that was too scary. After all, low-level reincarnators have mandatory mission restrictions, and they have to go back to complete missions every once in a while. This can easily turn low-level reincarnations into disposable ones. It's a business, so I just make small profits but quick turnover.

Business is hard to do.

Is this still too expensive for low-level reincarnators to afford?
We are already at war, so of course the military expenses have to be paid by the camp!

For the camp, spending tens of thousands of points can add a sixth-level reincarnation, which is a sure-fire deal.

And the biggest conspiracy is that if you don’t buy it, some factions will.

When other camps come up with a bunch of temporary sixth-level reincarnators and beat their own side until they howl, no matter how tough the camp is, they will have to follow suit.

Seventh and eighth-level reincarnations are strong, and six-level ones are like eating and drinking in seconds, but others also have high-level reincarnations, and they will come to stop them as soon as they show up.

There are so many worlds in the camp, and the backbone must be at level six after all.

With just a rough calculation, Li Ming knew that his [Source Power Level 6] was stable. If the camp war was large enough and lasted long enough, he could redeem it for a higher level Source Power!

Li Ming really didn't expect that he initially just wanted to divert attention from Abyss, and at the same time, the war provoked by internal strife among other camps would actually become the source of his sudden wealth.

Sure enough, no matter what you do, you must persevere, even if you trick people, you must persevere, maybe one day you will bear fruit.

The premise is not to be beaten to death.

Li Ming always came up with deceptive ideas. Since what he wanted to do now was to intensify conflicts and expand the scale of the war, he rolled his eyes and took up the idea again.

"Abyss, one month after the war starts, when the Hell Reincarnators redeem their temporary strength, all of them will be discounted at 95, no... just 9% off!"

He wanted to firmly believe that the spider totem came from the hell camp. When other camps spent 3, 4, and 5 points to exchange for temporary strength, he turned around and found that hell only needed 2, and 7 points. At that time, no matter what hell said, he couldn't make any excuses in the face of this naked preferential treatment.

Even if many people see that this is deliberately provoking trouble, it doesn't matter. Li Ming has sharpened the knives and handed them to other camps. They will not let go of this opportunity.

Not only that, Li Ming also planned to get involved and go in personally to stir up trouble.

By the way, lay a little more thunder for heaven and hell.

After all, if the current intelligence is exposed, it will all be unfavorable to Hell. In order to prevent other camps from collectively attacking Hell, he has to pour some dirty water on Heaven and increase suspicion.

In this case, some camps support heaven and some support hell, so the melee can only last long.

As an arms dealer in reincarnation space, Li Ming is a professional.

If there is no market, create a market.

If the market is too small, take the initiative to expand the market.

Li Ming had already thought about how to get involved. He took out a small thing that had been collecting dust in the warehouse for a long time.

【Identity Tag】

Quality: None
Type: One-time special props

Owner: Li Ming
Effect: You can obtain an identity implant in all types of mission worlds.

This thing is a trophy Li Ming obtained in the Transformers world. He has never had a chance to use it. This time he just used it to create a million surprises for other camps.

(End of this chapter)

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