The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 592: The war begins, identity implantation upgrades

Chapter 592: The war begins, identity implantation upgrades
The center of reincarnation, Eden.

Unlike usual, Eden now has a large number of new faces, all of them reincarnations from the hell camp.

The war between heaven and hell has begun for five days. The hell side has lifted the ban on reincarnators not to stay in the reincarnation center for too long.

Therefore, you can see scenes of conflicts between those in heaven and those in hell everywhere. Li Ming saw no less than six or seven quarrels along the way.

"No matter how happy they are in chatting, none of them can actually go to the battlefield." Livingston sneered.

He was right. Most of the people who still have time to argue here are reincarnations below level six, because Taicai's camp won't bring them with them at all.

"Everyone shouted with indignation. I just hope that when the camp recruits them, they can be so tough." Li Ming responded with a smile.

Because the war has begun, there is no way to contact the outside world in the mission world, and neither Hayes, nor Michelle, nor even Neptune can leave now, so Livingston, who is not attracted to attention, can only give Lee Ming delivers the message.

Livingston adjusted his glasses and said indifferently: "The battle is becoming more and more intense. The camp will not give them the opportunity to choose independently. It will definitely be in the form of forced recruitment."

"And..." Livingston looked at the noisy low-level reincarnations around him with pity in his eyes, "The camp will most likely recruit the reincarnations with lower potential."

They entered a private parlor in Eden.

"After all, there are many low-level reincarnators, and many of them are extremely talented. It would be a pity to let them go to the battlefield prematurely."

"36 of the worlds have been conquered, 28 worlds have declared defeat, and the remaining 94 worlds are at fierce war."

"You should improve your strength. Neptune is on the verge of being promoted to the seventh level, but you are still at the fifth level." Li Ming couldn't help but say something.


Livingston immediately nodded and accepted the order.

Livingston immediately projected the screen and introduced Li Ming one by one.

Some of them are world civilizations that are completely controlled by heaven, and some are forces that actively signed up to join because of the profits from the war. They are like hyenas, eating flesh and blood from the world under hell.

"How is the battle situation now?" Li Ming asked.

"Currently, Heaven has invested more than a thousand reincarnations and more than 158 civilized armies, attacking subordinate worlds of hell at the same time."

He and Neptune were modified by Li Ming. As long as what Li Ming said, they would be implemented to the letter.

Li Ming recognized this man at a glance. He was the protagonist of the game series "God of War", a man so tough that even the God of Love couldn't grasp him——

Although Livingston's strength is average, his understanding of space and his IQ are top-notch.

In these worlds, a figure wielding a chain blade with both hands is particularly eye-catching. It is a sturdy bald man with red marks on his exposed upper body and cheeks. The double chain blades are burning with hot flames in his hands. He beat all the enemies he fought into ashes.

"There are eight worlds with the largest scale of war, all of which are occupied by seventh-level reincarnations. They are also the core of many battlefields around them. The outcome of the war will affect at least five related worlds." Livingston knew what Li Ming wanted, so Take the initiative to point it out.

Li Ming looked at it carefully. The energy levels of these eight worlds were much higher than those of other worlds. There were some worlds in which Li Ming knew the plot, but there were also worlds that Li Ming had no impression of at all.

But Hell also took precautions in advance, and Heaven did not get too many benefits. However, without exception, the warring world order has been completely destroyed.

"Master Kui?"


Each picture is a scene of a world at war, with the Samsaras as the vanguard attacking the defense, followed by the armies of other civilizations.

"Master Kui, who fought all the way from the Aegean Sea to the Underworld, and then from the Underworld to the God Realm, must have great qualities. Maybe he can be analyzed." Li Ming thought to himself.

"Which world are Neptune and the others in?" he then asked.

"Neptune is on a planet called Pandora, leading the local indigenous people to fight guerrillas. Hayes hasn't taken action yet. Michelle is dealing with a mage named Sauron in the world of Middle-earth." Livingston replied.

They already knew that Michelle and Hayes were one of their own, but Hayes and Michelle didn't know their identities.

Li Ming has heard of both worlds.

"Contact me when Neptune conquers the world, or is about to be defeated." Li Ming touched his chin. He was quite interested in Ava on Pandora.


Livingston nodded, then he hesitated: "But if you go to other worlds, sir, we won't be able to contact you."

"Don't worry, you can just contact me directly in this world." Li Ming waved his hand and clicked on a certain screen.

After inquiring about the information, Li Ming directly used the [Identity Tag], and the participating world was the "God of War" he just saw.

[Ding, the special prop ID tag has been used. 】

[Ding, the effect of the main city of the abyss is activated. You can choose to implant the target among three identities, and you can change the appearance. 】

After hearing Abyss's prompt, Li Ming remembered that he had a special building [Abyss Main City] that allowed him to choose from multiple identities.

[Abyss Main City] was the first building he activated, but it didn't work until now.

Li Ming checked his identity.

1: Greek soldier Atreus, a subordinate of Kratos.

2: One of the illegitimate sons of Zeus, a demigod who masters the power of thunder and lightning.

3: The fallen angel Kamel has been sealed in Greece for thousands of years.

Li Ming discovered that [Abyss Main City]'s ability to improve the effect of identity implantation is indeed very powerful. In the past, identity implantation was done by minions. This time, the three choices are of high quality, and can even change the appearance to further hide the identity. .

And it is obviously based on Li Ming's actual ability.

The Greek soldier Atreus seems to be just a subordinate of Kratos, but he is of great significance to Kratos. In the original plot, Atreus was a brave and kind-hearted soldier who sacrificed his life in key battles. won.

Kratos personally carried his body back to Sparta. In order to commemorate him and hope that his son would grow up, Kratos even gave his future son the same name.

If Li Ming came to the world of "God of War" at the beginning, he would definitely choose this identity.

But a pity.

Now is the world after the scourge of the reincarnation. From the picture, it seems that Kratos has been reduced to the blade of hell. This identity is of little use.

As for the illegitimate son of Zeus?
That's even more so.

Li Mingcai didn't want to have a cheap man, and maybe as soon as his identity was exposed, a bald man would rush out to chop him.

So Li Ming chose the third option.

Fallen Angel Kamel.

Although he didn't know how a fallen angel appeared among the Greek gods, Li Ming thought about it for a few seconds and realized that this identity had great potential.

"Oops, the bad water in my stomach is full again."

(End of this chapter)

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