The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 593: Confirming the target, Sonny fails to live up to expectations

Chapter 593: Confirming the target, Sonny fails to live up to expectations

Li Ming checked the information about Kamel and found that he was also an archangel and the commander of the powerful angels. He was responsible for guarding the gate of heaven and appeared alternately as a bright angel and a fallen angel.

Moreover, Kamel is the ruler of Mars, and Mars is regarded as the star of war in mythology, so Kamel is also a god of war in the heavens.

Coincidentally not.

Li Ming is the God of War, Kamel is also the God of War, and Kratos is also the God of War.

I guess this is one of the reasons why Kamel appears in the world of "God of War" in the form of an identity implant, right?
And this gave Li Ming some inspiration.

He was not in a hurry to choose an identity, but came to the world of Resident Evil and ordered the Red Queen to quickly prepare a batch of new clones.

They were all angels wearing armor with wings on their backs, but their skin was dark and there was no sense of holiness.

Li Ming announced that these were his subordinates when he was the God of War Kamel.

After all, he is the commander who leads the angels. How can he do it without some subordinates?
As for why Li Ming wanted to look like a fallen angel, it was related to his plan.

[Ding, that’s right. 】

[Ding, my identity has been implanted, do you want to change your appearance? 】

"Just use your true colors." Li Ming decided casually.

Li Ming said immediately.

"Abyss, do you know the principle of identity implantation?" he asked quickly.

"If his face were changed, people who had met Kamel would also forget his original appearance, right?" Li Ming pondered for a while and suddenly asked.

This is Li Ming's current strength. He can create the power to destroy the world with a wave of his hand.

Then he opens his eyes in the new world.

A small number of the destroying angels can still possess level four strength.


Of course we have to change. How can we use our own faces to do bad things?
Abyss immediately gave options for pinching faces. The first one was Kamel's appearance, followed by the interface for pinching faces independently.


This is just their attack power. Because of the genes of Kryptonians and Successors, the physical strength of the Destroying Angels is very high, and it is even difficult for ordinary fifth-level enemies to break through their defenses.

Li Ming named these clones the Angels of Destruction, because although their single attack power is not strong, they are numerous in number, with thousands of them. If the seventh-level reincarnators don't take action, they can really destroy the world.

Planning aside, each of the new clones had some Kryptonian and Successor genes added to them, giving them around third level strength and the ability to fly.

After putting away the Angel of Destruction legion, Li Ming entered the world of the God of War where the war was ongoing.

[Ding, I don’t know! 】

Li Ming's face fell instantly. What on earth was he expecting?
"This idiot actually answered so confidently."

[Ding, the effect of identity implantation ignores strength. 】

Li Ming's heart moved. If he could master this level of cognitive modification...

"Does this implantation effect also take effect on the eighth and ninth levels?" Li Ming thought about inserting a memory into someone's life. It's okay for low-level people, but it's hard to say for big people.

All he could see was darkness.

It took a long time for Li Ming to adapt to the surrounding environment and barely see things clearly.

This is the place of Kamel's seal, but the surrounding area is filled with strong divine power. It is worthy of being a fallen angel, and it was actually sealed by the Holy Light.

It seems that the person who sealed Kamel also left him a way out. As long as he corrects his evil ways and regains his angelic power, he can break through the seal in the next second.

At this time, Kamel's memory flashed through Li Ming's mind. Unexpectedly, the memory was relatively incomplete this time. There are only some fragments of the scene, leading many angels, being seduced by darkness, and finally being hit in the face by the Holy Light and sealed to Greece.

The only useful information is——

"Did Kamel be brought here from another world?" Li Ming couldn't believe it.

This was the first time he had seen an identity implant that crossed the world barrier. Then he thought about it carefully and roughly guessed the reason.

The world of "God of War" is originally a collection of many worlds, including the myths of various countries, from the Greek mythology of the previous trilogy to the Norse mythology of God of War 4 and 5. According to the setting, there are indeed other gods, so there will be one from other gods. The angel who sealed the world also makes sense.

As for the person who sealed Kamel, there was no description in his memory, but Li Ming didn't care.

Anyway, he was just here to cause trouble.

But there are also surprises.

[Ding, get the status of Kamel. 】

[Ding, a homogeneous angelic person has been detected. Please ask if the agent should be replaced. If not, the progress of the current person will be improved. 】

The identity implantation will also inherit the abilities of the original body, so Li Ming directly obtains the identity of Kamel.

If you tell me, Michelle will be angry to death.

Of course, Li Ming chose to use it to improve Uriel's status. Anyway, the power of angels comes to the same end by different routes, and their essence comes from the authority assigned by God.

[Ding, Uriel’s status upgrade progress has been increased to 40%. 】

An increase of 4%?

It was 1% lower than Gabriel, but it didn't matter. No matter how much or how little the windfall came, Li Ming was very happy.

Kamel was still a fallen angel and could not break through the seal, but it was easy for Li Ming.

But he did not break through the seal immediately, but first released his mental power to check the battlefield situation.

Bloody and tragic.

There were broken limbs everywhere, and the local Greek soldiers were not even cannon fodder. As soon as they entered the battlefield, they were collectively bombarded by the opposing fleet, and were directly vaporized under the strong energy.

That is to say, the armies of the gods have some resistance, but only a little. Even the gods dare not show up easily for fear of being named.

The main force of the hell camp is still other civilizations of the same level as the heaven side. It is said that it is a battle between the reincarnation camp, but in fact the big scene is all done by the subordinate civilizations.

But the battle between the reincarnations is equally cruel. There is no camp confrontation here, where the low-level cannot meet the high-level, and there are only five people at most on the opposite side.

Generally speaking, the war in this world is dominated by the hell side, because in terms of high-level combat power, there is a seventh-level reincarnation in heaven and one in hell, but hell also has a world protagonist, Kratos.

Li Ming, the seventh level of heaven, has also met, it is Sonny who went to the Abyss Alliance world with Hayes.

Faced with the unreasonable God-killing Lord Kui, Sonny was a little timid, and his disadvantage directly led to the disadvantage of the entire world battlefield.

"Sonny, why don't we call for reinforcements? If we continue like this, we may lose." A civilized leader boldly suggested to Sonny at Paradise Base Camp.

The battlefield was at a disadvantage, their people were dying in large numbers every moment, and the leaders of civilization were also anxious.

"Every battlefield is very tense right now, and we can't spare any manpower for the time being." Sonny declined. His last mission was the worst among the three seventh-level ones. Of course he wanted to make a big contribution this time, and of course he didn't want to let anyone else do it. Get a piece of the pie.

As for the people who died because of this, what did Sonny have to do with him?

"That indigenous God of War, as long as we can think of a way to deal with him, we can turn the situation around!"

Sonny whispered.

Li Ming's investigation was very secretive. After hearing these words, he immediately knew who to help.

(End of this chapter)

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