The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 594: Devil, shall I come out?

Chapter 594: Devil, shall I come out?
"Sir Sonny, the other side has started attacking again!"

As soon as dawn broke, someone came to report the news, and Sonny hurriedly cursed and went to fight.

Of course, this refers to a large-scale attack, and small-scale battles are ongoing 24 hours a day.

But Sonny cursed a lot, and the reincarnators on the heaven side didn't have anything nice to say about him.

They were obviously on the offensive side, but now they are on the defensive side. The strength gap between the two sides is obviously not big, and there is just another plot protagonist on the opposite side who is not even at the seventh level of strength.

One general is incompetent and a thousand troops will be exhausted.

This view spread like wildfire among the reincarnators in heaven. There is no loyalty to the reincarnators. Unlike the subordinate civilizations who can be forced to die by Sonny, it is normal to fish and paddle.

In the battle between reincarnators, the example of high-level reincarnators is very important.

Because the Samsaras only fight with the wind, although there are camp restrictions that won't help who wins, they will really run away if they want to lose.

Although the Angels have discipline, they are still just an organization of reincarnators, not the camp itself. Even if the reincarnators break away from the organization, they will not be able to fight to the death.

"Sonny, admit defeat, your defeat is obvious." The seventh-level reincarnator from hell laughed loudly.

There are a hundred more sixth-level people on the opposite side. Are you going to hit them on the head now?

At least you can't escape directly.

"Yes." Abner nodded, "It's up to them."

At this time, Sonny noticed that there were many second- and third-level low-level reincarnators in the opposing lineup. He couldn't help but sneered: "Just them?"

He hurriedly looked towards his own half and found that half of the Heaven Reincarnators had already run away after transforming on the opposite side, and the remaining half were also wavering.

Sonny immediately reacted and recognized one of the triggers of the war.

But as a battlefield commander, others can escape but he cannot.

But Abner on the opposite side shook his head: "You have no chance."

No matter what head Sonny takes, he can't defeat it even if he transforms into a Florida Ice Shooter.

This is the confidence given by the majority of players.

"This is... Spider Totem!"

Of course, it could also be the Fengling Moon Shadow Sect.

Sonny didn't even have time to get angry, because at this moment he also had the intention to retreat.

Seeing the seventh-level reincarnator grinning across from him and the bald man staring at him fiercely, Sonny was filled with anguish.

As soon as he finished speaking, the aura of the group of low-level reincarnators immediately began to surge. In Sonny's horrified eyes, more than a hundred low-level reincarnators suddenly transformed, and they all possessed the power of about six levels.

How did he know the destructive power of the protagonist of the game? He was a being who would kill even a god as long as he dared to show his health bar.

But what Sonny didn't notice was that the few reincarnators on his side showed shocked expressions when they saw the low-ranking group on the opposite side, and then looked at each other and ran away.

When it comes to gossip, they are much better informed than Sonny.

"Abner, stop dreaming. Even if you are at a disadvantage, I can still find a way!" Sonny gritted his teeth and said firmly.

The protagonists in other worlds are not like this, right?

At this moment, Sonny's IQ is even comparable to Einstein's.

"Get seriously injured and run away quickly!" He made a quick decision in his mind.

Sure enough, as Abner said, facing the temporary sixth-order army, the Heaven side had no chance this time. The battlefield situation was like a landslide, which could not be stopped at all.

Sonny, on the other hand, went against the current and put up a brave resistance.

He is also an intensification of the angelic personality, but is just an ordinary unknown angel. Because he always left two forces ready to escape, he was defeated faster than before. Under his influence, not only the reincarnations, but also the subordinate civilizations began to lose their military morale.

Just when Heaven was completely in decline and was about to be driven out of this world, suddenly a large mountain in the distance erupted with dazzling white light. This incident caused many people to stop what they were doing.


After the light passed, the entire mountain exploded directly from the middle. The thick smoke and flying gravel obscured everyone's sight. When the smoke dissipated slightly, they discovered that where the mountain was originally, the mountain had disappeared and was replaced by a back. The angel with wings has reached the sixth level of peak aura.

Reinforcements from heaven?
Abner quickly looked at Sonny and found that he was also shocked, and immediately realized that this was not arranged by heaven.

This angel who suddenly appeared was naturally Li Ming.

He pretended to be very unfamiliar and looked around, his eyes naturally locked on the two most conspicuous seventh-level people.

Then he got furious: "Devil?"

Abner is indeed a demonic figure, or the reincarnations of the hell camp are all similar.

So Abner suddenly felt something was wrong.

"How dare the devil bring trouble to the world again? I, the War Angel Kamel, will put an end to your sins today!" After Li Ming shouted, his aura increased again. In the blink of an eye, he broke through the seventh level, and his energy intensity even exceeded Abner and two others.

Abner is also well-informed. Based on the War Angel introduced by Li Ming, he immediately realized that he was absorbing the power of war.

"Oops." He made a decision immediately, "Kratos, hold Sonny while I go over and test it out!"

He also saw that Sonny was not willing to fight. The most important thing now was to see how strong this new angel was.

Unexpectedly, Abner was blinded by Li Ming's holy light as soon as he rushed out.

The holy light sizzled on Abner's body, making him feel as if his body was being corroded. It took him a lot of effort to remove the holy light from his body.

"How is that possible?" Abner couldn't believe it.

Shouldn't the strength gap between him and Kamel be so big?

[Lance of Longinus: The quality of the holy light is increased by 200%, and the damage against dark creatures is increased by 100%. 】

Li Ming also integrated the Spear of Longinus into the Gotham Scepter. Now after the Gotham Scepter is upgraded, even if he does not summon the spear, he still has the effect of the Spear of Longinus.

Of course it hurts to hit the devil with three times the power of the Holy Light and double the damage.

Li Ming also realized this problem and quickly turned off the effect of Longinus' Gun.

He is here to stir up trouble, but he is not really here to save Heaven from the siege.

In front of everyone, Li Ming said the lines he had prepared long ago.

"Devil, I have been bewitched by you and have been sealed for a thousand years. Today I finally have a companion to help me escape. I will definitely defeat the evil!"

He spoke sternly and righteously, but Abner got the point.


The companions of angels are...

Abner turned his head and stared fiercely at Sonny who was "playing dumb".

The first reaction of Abner and most of those who have been reincarnated in hell is that heaven is behind it.

After all, the appearance of angels in this world is too sudden.

"This is indeed a conspiracy from heaven!"

(End of this chapter)

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