The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 602 Madam, you don’t want your son either

Chapter 602 Madam, you don’t want your son either…

"Then let's try our luck and go up the mountain?" Atreus asked again.

"That's not necessary."

Li Ming pointed to a golden pattern on a mountain wall and said, "Did you see that? Follow the golden mark. It can guide us on the right path."

In the game, golden marks are used to guide players, but in reality, these marks were drawn by Fei himself to show the way to the father and son.

Fei has already walked the journey for Kratos and his son in advance.

Looking at these golden marks, Kratos felt a little familiar. He turned his head in confusion and asked, "What are these?"

Li Ming shrugged: "I don't know either, but I found that the paths indicated by the mark are very reasonable."

Seeing that nothing could be found, Kratos stopped asking.

He doesn't like to use his brain very much. Anyway, if something goes wrong, he can just pick up an ax and chop it.

As expected, in Midgard, where zombies are rampant, those who can still jump around outside are of a certain caliber.

As for Li Ming, he gained another 2% resolution.

Alive, dwarf.

And because Atreus had more contact with Kratos, he felt his father's thoughts behind his silence.

Because he discovered that Atreus actually knew runes, no, he was proficient in most languages.

Li Ming couldn't help but complain: "As a father, you don't even know whether your son can read or not. Have you really paid attention to him?"

[The current analysis progress is 20%. 】

Well, it seems that Kratos is not untouched.

Kratos did not deny it, but he turned to look at Li Ming: "Where is he?"

When passing a bridge on the mountain, the three of them saw a living person for the first time.

But Li Ming knew that things were not as easy as Bullock said. Bullock even died once when building the Leviathan Ax, and Bullock knew what Fei was like before, but he didn't even know what Kratos and his son were like when he met him. There was no need to talk too much.

It feels so good to have a mouth substitute.

After bidding farewell to Bullock, they broke into the secret realm of the forest and helped the witch in the forest treat the mysterious wild boar creature accidentally injured by Atreus.

I can tell at a glance that you are not human!

This dwarf looks middle-aged, but is as tall as Atreus. His name is Brok.

As they got to know each other better, the relationship between Kratos and his son also gradually heated up. Under the influence of Li Ming's complaints, Kratos gradually realized that he indeed lacked attention to his son.

Because of his great respect for Fei, Bullock upgraded and strengthened the equipment of Kratos and Atreus.

The witch deliberately sent Atreus out to collect medicine, and then said to Kratos: "You are not a local god, are you?"

Along the way, Kratos continued to teach Atreus how to fight and hunt, and Atreus also gave Kratos many surprises.

Atreus helped Bullock calm down the beast of burden that was crossing the bridge not far away. After talking to several people, they found out that the Leviathan ax that Fei once used in Kratos's hands was actually made by Bullock and his brother. of!

Kratos was speechless, while Atreus gave Li Ming a grateful look.

He noticed that the witch only said that he was not a local god, but Li Ming clearly was not either.

"He..." the witch was a little surprised, "He has several kinds of divine powers, some of them are a bit like you, some of them I haven't seen before, and the rest... are very similar to Thor."

"Are you really not Odin's illegitimate son?"

There are some black lines on Li Ming's head. Norse gods and Greek gods are like this. They live a chaotic life, so he often encounters this problem.

He shook his head decisively.

"I have been to many different worlds, and it is normal to obtain different powers."

He not only has the divine power of Ares, but also of Thor and even Loki, and some of it was transformed by his source power. No wonder Freya couldn't recognize it.

Freya is the name of the witch.

She also has a hidden identity, Odin's wife and Baldr's mother.

In order to avoid the war, Odin of the Asa Protoss married Freya of the Vanir Protoss, but this still did not prevent the war from happening. So Freya left Odin, but her son Baldr stayed in Asgard.

Because Baldur and Freya broke up.

Freya knew from the prophecy that Baldur would die in vain, so she put a spell on Baldur, making him immortal from then on, but the sequelae was that Baldur lost all his feelings.

There was no pain or touch, and the wine, food, and beautiful women all left him. This was an extremely terrifying thing for a god with a long life.

So Baldr hated Freya and searched all over the world for a way to break the spell.

Freya, on the other hand, stubbornly believed that this was good for Baldur and was still unwilling to relieve him of the curse.

It is also a terrible thing when the desire for control takes over in maternal love.

Freya's cultural level is much higher than that of Kratos, and she quickly accepted the setting of the multiverse.

"You should tell that child his life experience, otherwise he will not be able to control his power, which will affect his life safety." Freya warned Kratos.

"Atreus' strange disease..."

Atreus had a strange disease since he was a child, which caused him to often fall into coma and cough up blood. It was only then that Kratos knew the origin of Atreus's strange disease.

But he still dared not tell his son the truth because Kratos had shouldered too many blood debts and did not want to pass them on to his son.

"You'd better not reveal your identity. The gods here are not very friendly." Freya reminded again.

"I've already experienced it."

Kratos nodded.

Li Ming explained: "Before departure, we encountered an attack by a local god. Kratos killed him. I heard that his name was——"

Li Ming stared into Freya's eyes and gave her a look: "Badr."

Freya's face moved slightly, but she did not panic. She knew that Baldr would not die.

But her heart sank.

She has a good impression of Kratos and his son, especially the kind-hearted Atreus. Little Doudin inspired her motherly nature, so she cares about them more, but she really doesn't want her son to face them.

In particular, she could guess that Balder must have been instigated by Odin behind this group of people.

Anything related to Odin is not a good thing!

So after curing the boar spirit, Freya gave Kratos and his son each a hidden rune to help them avoid Odin's detection.

However, Li Ming was very interested in the magic performed by Freya, and he offered to learn magic from Freya.

Because of Li Ming's previous hint, Freya nodded in agreement.

"Li, aren't you leaving with us?" Atreus was a little reluctant.

"We are all in this mountain. I will look for you when you come back." Li Ming replied.


Atreus and Kratos both thought that the journey was only in this mountain, so they both decided to separate temporarily.

"who are you?"

Freya asked immediately after the father and son left.

But Li Ming smiled slightly: "It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is that I want to make a deal with you."

"What deal?"

"You teach me all the magic of the Warner Protoss, and in return I don't have to tell Balder how to lift the spell."

"After all, madam, you don't want your son..."

Suddenly Li Ming felt that his tone was a bit evil, so he quickly shook his head and straightened his expression.

The way the villain talks is accidentally exposed.

(End of this chapter)

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