The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 603: Warner Protoss Magic

Chapter 603: Warner Protoss Magic
Freya was shocked for a moment.

She didn't expect that Li Ming, who seemed the most serious when staying with Kratos and his son, turned out to be the most cunning.

Freya's face turned cold. She didn't believe that Li Ming knew this secret that even Odin didn't know.

Seeing Freya's disbelief, Li Ming shrugged: "It's just mistletoe."

Freya was immediately horrified after hearing this name.

Li Ming actually knew!

Obviously, the only people in the entire Nine Realms who knew the news besides her were one person and a pig, and that person was also cursed by her and could never tell anyone.

"You...what's wrong with you?" Freya frowned and stared at Li Ming closely.

She is not an ordinary woman. Freya was once a Valkyrie with a tough character. Faced with Li Ming's threat, she was already thinking about the possibility of killing Li Ming.

Because she was exiled by Odin, she had the magic cast by Odin and could not leave Midgard. She was also deprived of the power of the Valkyrie and could not harm others.

Ironically, the magic Odin uses is still the magic of the Vanir protoss taught by Freya.

But precisely because of this, Freya was still able to break the blockade briefly.

Of course Li Ming knew what she was thinking, but he didn't care.

"I said I've been to many worlds, and it's not surprising that I know Baldr's weaknesses."

At this time, Freya suddenly burst out and rushed directly towards Li Ming, with the target in her hand pointed directly at Li Ming's throat.

But Li Ming only raised his hand slightly, and Freya stagnated in mid-air. The distance between Li Ming and Li Ming instantly extended infinitely, and Freya was simply out of reach.

Li Ming put Freya down: "Just talk..."

Freya still didn't give up, her divine power surged out and condensed into a dagger, and while Li Ming was speaking, she rushed over again.

This time she succeeded in stabbing Li Ming, but the next moment Li Ming's figure shattered like a mirror, and Freya realized that she had been trapped in a mirror space.

"You are doing this in vain. In fact, my conditions are not harsh." Li Ming's voice sounded from all directions.

Freya finally recognized the reality.

She couldn't beat Li Ming.

Her strength was severely weakened, but Freya could feel it. Even if she was in her prime, she probably wouldn't be able to defeat Li Ming.

"You are already so powerful, why do you still need the magic of the Warner Protoss?" Freya didn't understand.

Li Ming finally appeared, holding the Gotham Scepter in his hand. He changed his sick look from before and looked like a noble prince.

"Every civilization has its own unique features and can bring me improvement," he explained.

Although the magic of the Warner Protoss is not destructive, whether it is Freya's protective spell on Baldur or the restrictions imposed by Odin on Freya, there are shadows of conceptual magic.

What they exert is not magic, but setting!

This is not the same path as Kama Taj Magic, so Li Ming is very interested.

Freya was very helpless. The last time she taught Odin Warner magic, the lesson that caused the destruction of all the creatures in the nine realms was still vivid in her mind. She really didn't want to teach it.

But Li Ming threatened her son, which was indeed her weakness.

"Okay, what do you want to learn?" Freya asked.

"Learn them all, as long as you don't teach me magic that requires me to wear women's clothes to use it." Li Ming pursed his lips.

Freya has a kind of Said magic, which is very insidious and strange, but only women can use it, and men can use it too.

Women's clothing.

You can use it just by wearing women's clothes, but Li Ming is not interested. In Nordic mythology, Odin secretly used this kind of magic, which could make Li Ming laugh for a whole year.

In this case, Freya accepted her fate and honestly began to teach Li Ming the magic of the Warner Protoss.

But she also had small thoughts. Kratos and his son told her to go to the highest mountain here. Freya knew that the way up the mountain had been blocked by Odin's magical black mist, and she had to go to Alfheim, the country of elves, to collect Only the light of creation can break it.

Li Ming said that he would leave when Kratos and his son left, and it would only last three or two days at most. Freya felt that even if she taught him, Li Ming would not be able to learn anything good in such a short time.

This is the truth, but Freya doesn't know that there is something called a time stone.

There is something called parsing.

Li Ming slowed down the flow of time in the hut thirty-two times, and specifically paused the analysis of the Mind Stone, just to learn the magic of the Warner Protoss as quickly as possible.

Because the object is knowledge, parsing can take effect even under time-slowing conditions.

So Freya's ordeal began. It didn't take long for her to notice the change in the flow of time, but there was nothing she could do.

And soon Freya discovered to her horror that compared to the speed of time, Li Ming's learning speed made her even more stunned.

Li Ming mastered the knowledge that usually took the Warner Protoss a year to master in a few days, and he was even more proficient in using it.

By the time Kratos and his son set foot on the snow-capped mountains on the third day and were about to be blocked by the black mist, Freya had already taught Li Ming magic for almost three months.

"If you want to help them get to the top of the mountain, it's time for us to set off." Freya finally couldn't help but said.

The nearly three months of getting along with each other not only did not make Freya loose her guard against Li Ming, but instead made her more afraid of Li Ming.

This person is so terrifying, his strength is unfathomable, and his learning speed is even more terrifying.

In just such a short time, his progress has almost caught up with Odin's twenty years of learning!

[Warner Protoss Magic Lv.5]

Li Ming was very satisfied with his results. The magic of the Warner Protoss was indeed unique.

They are proficient in natural magic and are good at using all things as a medium for casting spells, such as how Freya manipulated the corpse of a giant in the final battle.

At a deeper stage, the magic of the Warner Protoss can also affect the laws of nature.

Coupled with Li Ming's skills in [Source Power Application Level 5], Li Ming's Warner Protoss magic can be so powerful.

"Okay, let's go."

Li Ming nodded, but he added: "I will come back to you when I come back from Alfheim."

"You really know everything."

The witch lamented. The more Li Ming knew about the world, the less she could escape Li Ming's control. She could only teach him the magic of the Warner Protoss.

But this is not bad news for Freya, because Odin is targeting Kratos and his son. Seeing Li Ming like this, he will definitely not stand idly by.

Maybe Li Ming can help her deal with Odin.

"Maybe the witch can help us pass through the black fog."

On the snowy mountain, Atreus sighed almost like Freya.

Then he saw Li Ming and Freya walking out.

"The witch said she wanted to make sure you complete your journey, so she came here to help." Li Ming said.

Freya even felt a little bit honored when she heard that Li Ming was giving her face in front of Atreus.

(End of this chapter)

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