The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 608: Favorite words to Loki

Chapter 608: Favorite words to Loki

"Li, are you a god too?"

Atreus asked Li Ming.

"You can say that, but I prefer to say that I am human." Li Ming replied.

"Is this optional?" Atreus was confused.

So Li Ming looked into Atreus's eyes again and said to him seriously: "Becoming a god not only represents power, but also represents responsibility, responsibility for all things in the world, otherwise you are not qualified to be called a god."

“Only we can decide what kind of gods we become.”

[The current analysis progress is 75%. 】

It can be seen that Li Ming's words touched Kratos' heart.

"Surprisingly makes sense."

"I thought you only made sarcastic remarks."

After speaking his mind, Kratos felt obviously much more relaxed, and he was even able to tease Li Ming.

Atreus really listened.

Because Li Ming channeled his emotions, he did not fall into rebellion like the plot.

If children can understand their parents' love and parents can understand their children's feelings, how can there be so much rebellion?

And this sentence originally had a critical effect on Loki.

Liked by Loki Odinson.

Kratos and his son embarked on the journey again, and because it was coming to an end, Li Ming chose to go with them this time.

"By the way, Lee, we met Thor's sons, Manny and Modi, before. They attacked us, but Manny was killed by his father." Atreus sighed.

Ever since he learned that his father had killed many gods, Atreus had completely lost his filter on the gods. Although he would not look down on them, he would not feel that the gods were superior.

After all, the corpses were killed by their father indiscriminately, and the gods were also killed by their father. There was not much difference.

It's not as powerful as the Valkyrie. At least it takes a lot of effort for my father to beat the Valkyrie.

But Li Ming shook his head and motioned to Kratos and his son to look forward.

"It's not just Manny."

At this time, Atreus discovered a person lying on the ground. It was Modi who was seriously injured and escaped.

Atreus was attacked by Modi before, so he failed to control the Wrath of Sparta and fell into a coma. Then Modi was beaten into a Muggle by Kratos who controlled the Wrath of Sparta.

Now Modi was on his last legs and looked like he was about to die.

Because this time his son is more lovable than in the plot, so Kratos's attacks are obviously much heavier.

"What do you want to do?" Kratos asked Atreus.

"He has been beaten badly enough, we don't need to pay attention to him."

Atreus turned and walked away.

Kratos nodded happily, his son finally grew up.

But Modi couldn't accept this result. He thought it was a great shame for the enemy to let him go, so he was so angry that he couldn't even breathe.


Realizing that the spell he had cast on Atreus had taken effect, resurrecting Modi from death and protecting him, Li Ming glanced at Modi strangely.

This is actually considered killed by Atreus.

That's right, the spell Li Ming gave to Kratos and his son was to protect the two silly sons of Thor.

If his son does not die, the Thor family and Kratos will not have so much hatred, and it will be easier to stand up against Odin.

And this is also an experiment by Li Ming.

Generally speaking, the magic of reversing life and death is extremely difficult, and even requires a huge price. But after learning the magic of the Warner Protoss, Li Ming discovered that the combination of the magic of the Warner Protoss and the source of power can play a powerful role.

He cast a spell on Kratos and his son, but the objects of protection were Manny and Modi, and he succeeded easily.

The energy spent is much less than directly protecting Manny or Modi!
"Sure enough, we cannot underestimate the multiverse. Any world with a low energy level will also have abilities worth learning from." Li Ming thought to himself.

However, although Manny and Modi were resurrected, Li Ming did not let them appear in the world before they appeared.

In this Nordic God of War world, Li Ming's target is not only Kratos, but he is also interested in some special props.

For example, the Unity Stone of Tyr, the God of War, is used in the plot to freely travel between different mythical kingdoms.

And now that the Nordic world has become an independent world, will the Unity Stone also become a treasure that can travel through different worlds according to the setting?
There is also the mask in "God of War 5" that is said to know everything. It must be a good treasure.

The plot of the mask is still too far away, and it is difficult to get it. Let’s not mention it. Tyr’s unity stone can be planned first.

Therefore, Li Ming cannot let Kratos and his son open the portal on the top of Midgard as they wish.

Only when the portal is destroyed can they find another way.

Of course, Li Ming doesn't need to do too much, he just needs to guide them a little when they fight.

Yes, fighting.

Freya's son Baldur, who was looking for death, jumped out again and attacked Kratos and his son. Li Ming pretended to help, carrying a storm ax and posing a great threat to Baldur.

But secretly, Li Ming guided Balder to be thrown away by Kratos, and the newly built portal was directly smashed by Baldr.

Then Li Ming teamed up with Kratos to beat Balder away. Just when they breathed a sigh of relief, the dwarf Brock suddenly ran out. They always have special ways to travel through space. Brock said that Baldr activated the Nine The portal of the Bridge of Realms.

So the group of people immediately passed through the teleportation gate made by Brock and rushed to the teleportation room. They found that Baldr was actually activating the teleportation device in an attempt to teleport the entire Asgard.

Li Ming and the others quickly stopped it. Seeing that the teleportation could not be canceled, Kratos quickly changed the teleportation target and solved the crisis for Midgard.

However, Li Ming saw that the teleportation target was Alfheim, and immediately took advantage of the fight to move the turntable and change the destination.


There are clues to the Unity Stone there.

Kratos didn't think much about it, and immediately confirmed the transmission when he found the opportunity.

So the four of them were sucked in by the portal.

But the fight between the four was not over yet. They were sent all the way to the depths of Helheim by teleporting energy. Balder took Atreus and wanted to be a hostage, but was beaten violently in the sky by the furious old father. When Li Ming saw that the positions were almost the same, he immediately used his storm ax to hit thunder, causing several people to separate and fall to the ground.



When he landed, Li Ming quickly hugged Atreus with his eyes and hands, but Mimir was not so lucky. He was hung by Kratos by his side, and when he landed, he hit the ground face first. That means Mimir had an extraordinary physique, otherwise his nose would be damaged. It's going to be smoothed out.

When they gathered again, the air pressure of all team members except Li Ming was a little low.

"The only portal is gone, how can we get to Jotunheim?" Atreus was very frustrated, feeling that his mother's last wish could not be fulfilled.

But at this time Li Ming clapped his hands: "No matter when, we can never give up hope."


Kratos was sensitive to this word, and he immediately cheered up.

"Let's find a way to escape from Helheim first. Kratos, you can't let Atreus stay in this ghost place forever." Li Ming said.

Well, it's a serious ghost place.

"Yeah." It was about his son, and Kratos nodded.

[The current analysis progress is 78%. 】

"There is a ship over there. We can use it to leave this terrible place and go to Tyr's palace, and then we can leave Helheim through the portal." At this time, Mimir on Kratos' butt said.

(End of this chapter)

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