The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 609: The God of War also has to pick up rags, Kratos’ battle template

Chapter 609: The God of War also has to pick up rags, Kratos’ battle template

The three of them, Li Ming, all followed Mimir's instructions. After all, he was the older one here and he claimed to be "the smartest person in the nine realms."

"Mimir, you are so knowledgeable, do you know what these golden marks are about?" Li Ming asked at this time.

He knew that these marks were painted by Lao Fei, but Li Ming thought that when he came to Helheim this time, the landing point was different from the plot, but there were still golden marks on the wall to guide the way.

This is very scary.

However, Li Ming took a look and found that there were golden marks in most places, pointing to the same target, so he couldn't confirm whether it was a coincidence based on big data, or whether Laufei had predicted that they would deviate from the original route.

If it's the latter, then this Laufei is a bit too scary.

"Golden mark? Um..." Mimir was rarely able to answer, "Maybe it was marked by an adventurer?"

But this cannot explain the close overlap between the golden mark and their journey.

“Or a gift from nature?”

"Is it possible that Tyr painted it when he traveled to the nine realms?"

"Well, I don't have a clue." Mimir finally admitted.

Listening to their conversation, Kratos said nothing, but his hand touched the golden mark on the wall.

He always felt that these marks were very familiar, especially the color, which was very similar to the paint that his wife often used, but his reason told him that it was impossible.

But along the way, the guidance of these golden marks never went wrong, which made Kratos waver.

Who else but their wives would be so considerate to them?
With Kratos thinking like this, he smashed the lid of a treasure chest on the roadside with one punch and fumbled out the good things inside. The whole set of actions was smooth and smooth.

Observing Li Ming staring, Mimir thought Li Ming was surprised, so he said, "I felt strange at first, but I got used to it after a while."

Kratos also pointed to the dead souls all over the ground and explained: "They don't need them anymore, but we still need them."

"I understand." Li Ming waved his hand and said.

Of course he understands, after all, collecting all the maps is the pursuit of every player, and he has already done what Kratos has done.

Li Ming even often read the strategies while comparing the operations.

"If you can still contribute to the world after death, the owners of these treasures must be very happy." Li Ming said nonchalantly.

At this time, Atreus also wanted to imitate his old father, so when he encountered the next treasure chest, he smashed it with his fist first.



Treasure Chest and Atreus cried out in pain at the same time, and Atreus's scream was even louder.


Seeing Atreus holding his fist and rubbing it there, the remaining two people burst into laughter.

Then move forward.

Li Ming never stopped staring at Kratos along the way, especially when Kratos was fighting.

Li Ming had been doing this before, and he had long discovered that Kratos' fighting method was very efficient.

Take the same example of using an axe.

Li Ming has [John Wick Combat Template Lv. 9], which allows him to respond in the correct way during the battle. He also has instilled the skills of using cold weapons. He is very powerful when using the Storm Tomahawk.

But compared to Kratos, Li Ming found that he seemed too dull.

For example, a computer can run in the most correct way at all times. If the computer is allowed to work alone, the final result will always be very patterned.

Kratos is different.

The Ax of Leviathan is just perfect in his hands. Attacking and blocking are easy and smooth. The most important thing is that Kratos can always attack in unexpected ways.

Throwing axes, rotating axes, and even the ejection angle and strength of axes are all controlled by Kratos. Even the handle of the Leviathan Ax has become part of Kratos' attack.

This creativity is simply unparalleled.

In his previous life, Li Ming had seen a video of "God of War 4" with no injuries. Except that Kratos could not achieve no injuries, he was far beyond the character in the video.

This immediately aroused Li Ming's desire. If he can learn Kratos's fighting style, his actual combat ability can be further improved. Kratos' main weapon in Helheim is the Blade of Chaos. The double chain blades in his hands are like two intelligent fire snakes, extremely agile.

When Kratos fights, he is a completely different person than he usually is. He is good at adapting to various situations and is very different from the rough and tough guy he looks like on the outside.

With Li Ming's current knowledge, he could still learn a lot even without Kratos actively teaching him.

[Ding, the skill analysis was successful and Kratos battle template Lv.5 was obtained. 】

When they finally made it to the boat, Li Ming suddenly received a prompt that Kratos' combat template had been analyzed.

This means that Li Ming, like Kratos, can give full play to his strength in a very creative way.

Not only that, he also received a second reminder.

[Ding, the John Wick battle template has been upgraded to Lv.10. 】

The level of [John Wick Combat Template] has been stuck at Lv.9 for a long time. Li Ming even thought that he was not the real person and therefore could not be upgraded to Lv.10. Unexpectedly, there was an unexpected surprise now.

Sure enough, it is the template of God of War, that’s how good it is.

[Kratos Combat Template: You can fight in Kratos's way. During the battle, you can accumulate stun values ​​on the target. When the standard is exceeded, the target will temporarily lose all defense. 】

There are also special effects!

Accumulate stun points and lose all defense?
Li Ming immediately thought that in the game, hitting the target to a certain extent can trigger the execution skill. Think about it carefully, doesn't the enemy lose all defense when it is executed?
The protagonist of the game is so terrifying.

Do you want to know how valuable the words "lose all defense" are?

This means that even enemies of the level of Infinite Ultron and Michael can be killed by Li Ming, whose true strength is not as strong as them, as long as Li Ming has full stun value and loses all defense.

This is another conceptual ability!

Of course, the accumulation of stun points is not that fast. Li Ming briefly tried it, and the undead warriors accumulated land quickly. However, when encountering the stronger wasteland ronin, that is, the big sword brother, the stun points accumulated much slower. .

It seems that the stun value accumulation speed is inversely proportional to the opponent's strength, but Li Ming is already very satisfied.

Even if it's just like this, when he encounters evenly matched opponents in the future, he will have the confidence to win with one blow.

Now Li Ming looked at Kratos more kindly, it was really a huge treasure.

They took the big ship into the air and headed towards Tyr's temple. Li Ming remembered fighting the monsters that came to attack here when playing games. The number of them almost made him vomit.

But this time he was able to play on the ground, and Kratos was much more powerful than Li Ming in the game when he was controlling it, so he quickly defeated the monsters.

But at this moment, the ghost of Kratos' past suddenly appeared on the ship, and Helheim was able to project the dark experiences deep in people's hearts.

For Kratos, killing his father Zeus is one of the darkest experiences.

Seeing the young Kratos in the phantom throwing down the Blade of Chaos, waving his fists and beating his old father violently, Kratos looked at Atreus with some worry.

"Is that my grandfather?" Atreus asked.

Watching the scene where Phantom Kratos punches to the flesh.

Atreus suddenly turned his head and comforted his old father: "Don't worry, father, I won't do that to you."

Kratos suddenly smiled, and then quickly disappeared.

He knew that the curse on himself had finally ended in his son's generation.

"Li, father just laughed!"

Atreus seemed to have discovered a new continent and quickly called Li Ming.

"I didn't!" Kratos said quickly and coldly.

"Yes, I saw it with my own eyes!"

In Li Ming's eyes, the quarrel between Kratos and his son at this moment was in sharp contrast to the passionate fight between Zeus and his son in the illusion.

On the one hand, the father is kind and the son is filial, on the other hand, the family is full of filial piety.

[The current analysis progress is 87%. 】

(End of this chapter)

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