The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 610: You actually want to use your words to penetrate Li Ming’s shamelessness?

Chapter 610: You actually want to use your words to penetrate Li Ming’s shamelessness?
However, this harmonious scene did not last long. Their ship hit the statue of the temple and the whole ship was about to capsize.


Li Ming shouted, aimed at the roof of the nearby temple and jumped off.

Kratos and his son quickly followed.

After landing, the three of them found that the palace was relatively well preserved. Kratos opened the door to the room next to it, which was full of various classics.

"I smell a familiar stench."

Mimir sniffed twice, then shouted with disgust: "Odin!"

"This is Odin's chamber."

Atreus ran over and looked through some records, and the three of them with his translator immediately realized that this was the secret room where Odin studied Tyr.

"After Asgard began to slaughter the giants, the last giants escaped back to Jotunheim with the help of Tyr, and then Tyr hid the kingdom teleportation tower in Jotunheim."

"This should be the place where Odin used to find a way to get to Jotunheim."

Mimir introduced.

"Are there any giants in Jotunheim now?" Atreus asked.

"No more." Mimir lamented, "I don't know what method Odin found, but Thor finally entered Jotunheim and slaughtered the giants there."

Atreus didn't know why, but there was a sudden sadness in his heart.

But his sadness didn't last long, and his attention was quickly diverted.

Kratos found a prophecy wooden board, only half of it. It seemed that Odin didn't want people to know, so he hid it.

"This is the missing part in Tyr's Chamber!" Atreus reacted.

Then he explained to Li Ming, who had not gone with him: "We found the prophecy altar in the secret chamber of Tyr, the God of War, but only the first half. It seems that this is the second half."

Kratos also lifted Mimir up.

"This seems to be a depiction of Tyr traveling through different worlds in some way." Mimir speculated.

At this time, Li Ming immediately reminded: "Look at his eyes in the picture, they are made of gems."

Mimir quickly asked Kratos to put his head at the same height, and then his eyes and Tyr's eyes in the portrait glowed at the same time, and a device immediately appeared in Tyr's hand on the portrait.

"That's... a key blueprint, used to open a certain door in Tyr's secret room. There must be something inside that allows Tyr to travel through the world!"

Mimir was very excited: "We have discovered the clues that even Odin has not found. Now we can go to Jotunheim!"

"As for how to create this key, I suggest you ask the two dwarves."

The two dwarves Mimir mentioned were naturally the two brothers Brock and Sindri.

This pair of dwarf brothers is also a source of frustration for many "God of War 5" players.

Because they selflessly helped the protagonist and his son, build equipment and various devices, and also entered dangerous places many times to provide assistance.

But in the end, due to the negligence of Kratos and his son, Brock was killed, and Sindri broke with Kratos and his son.

But this time Li Ming came, and Brock was able to escape.

The dwarf brothers quickly created the keys they needed, and then Li Ming and Kratos and his son embarked on the journey again.

This time they are going to Tyr's temple to look for clues inside.

Taking the key, Kratos opened the locked door of the temple. Although he was the God of War, the burden of opening the door fell on him along the way.

"Why don't you change your name to Door God?" Li Ming said jokingly.

Kratos glared at Li Ming, but Atreus snickered beside him.

After entering the temple, they discovered that there was a hidden kingdom teleportation room. "But it's upside down here," Kratos said.

A light door appeared next to it, and the three of them looked at each other. No, there was no head. The head was invisible on Kratos' butt.

The three of them looked at each other and then walked in directly.

They are all masters of art and boldness.

Inside the Light Gate is the Hall of Tyr, where two huge golden statues stand.

Kratos walked over and tried to lift the upside-down portal, and then he noticed that the portal was firmly tied by two large iron chains.

"Why did Tyr do this?" Mimir was puzzled. "I have never quite understood Tyr. He was determined to maintain peace in the Nine Realms and made a lot of efforts to this end. But after he disappeared, the Nine Realms were still in a state of chaos. confusion."

"No, it's different." Atreus suddenly retorted.

"We still have hope. After going through so much, we work together and stick together. This is what Tire wants to leave us!"

"Wow!" Mimir couldn't help but exclaimed, "Brother, did you hear it? This kid is simply enlightened!"

Kratos is really happy this time, and his son has really grown a lot during this journey.

[The current analysis progress is 90%. 】

This time the smile spread to Li Ming's face, he just likes Kratos's temperament that doesn't talk much, but his analysis progress is soaring.

The Unity Stone was just ahead. Li Ming was in a good mood, so he patted Kratos' arm: "Hold on."

Kratos did as he was told, holding the 100-meter-high portal without letting go.

The Storm Tomahawk instantly appeared in Li Ming's hand, and thunder exploded. After accumulating strength, Li Ming used the source blast method to throw the Storm Tomahawk towards the chain. A loud bang was heard in the distance, and the chain was thrown. The ax exploded into pieces, leaving Atreus stunned.

"You are so powerful, you still want me to protect you along the way?" Xiao Douding frowned at Li Ming.

"You just said that we are a team, and a team has a division of labor. You and Kratos are responsible for killing, and I am responsible for clapping."

Li Ming spread his hands.

"Perfect division of labor."

Kratos shook his head, thinking that his son still had room to grow.

He actually tried to let Li Mingliang find out through words?

Still too naive.

Li Ming, who was chained on the other side, also used the same trick, and soon the portal was freed from its constraints.

Kratos used his hands hard, Atreus also raised his arms and legs to help, and the huge portal was quickly turned upside down.

After entering the portal, Kratos and Atreus teamed up to open a black seal and took out a large black stone with gold edges.

Kratos and others naturally didn't know and shouldn't know what it was, but Mimir was very excited after seeing it.

"Oh my god, the Unity Stone!"

“I can’t believe this actually exists!”

It was only then that Mimir finally figured out the secret Tire had hidden.

"He uses the Unity Stone to walk in the gaps between worlds, so he can go to other worlds without being noticed!"

"So..." Kratos understood, "We can go to Jotunheim?"

"That's right!"

(End of this chapter)

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