The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 618 Thor is like a fool

Chapter 618 Thor is like a fool

The heavy snow is still falling, and now the entire Nine Realms Lake has frozen, and the thick snow even buries half of the teleportation room.

After Kratos and his son finished hunting, they drove their sled home as usual.

But suddenly Freya fell from the sky, and the extra pair of wings on her back proved that she had regained some of her power.

Freya raised her sword and slashed at Kratos.

"Give my son his life!"

Kratos didn't fight her, he just defended himself, looking guilty.

But behind the scenes, under the cover of fighting, Kratos and Freya exchanged information in a low voice.

"I have found all the Valkyries, and they are all willing to follow me, but I heard from them that a small number of Valkyries have become Odin's lackeys," Freya said.

"Atreus has found a new prophecy. Tyr is probably still alive and is being imprisoned by Odin somewhere in the dwarf kingdom."

After speaking, Kratos pretended to be eager to get rid of the pursuit, and threw Freya so far away that three big trees were broken.

Because Odin's informants are all over the nine realms, they have apparently broken up, so they can only exchange information with each other while Freya comes to hunt them down.

Li Ming rarely appeared in public outside the scope of the protective mark, or he always hid his figure. His main focus was to hide things from the outside world.

Freya then transformed into a goshawk and returned to the battlefield.

"According to the giant's prophecy, Tyr will eventually lead the nine realms to resist Odin." Kratos continued.

"Why Tier, not you?" Freya was a little surprised.

"The weapon used by the person in the portrait is a gun. I don't use a gun." Kratos answered.

At this point, the exchange of information came to an end. Kratos and his son hid within the protection mark, and Freya pretended to be unable to enter and returned angrily.

As soon as Atreus got home, he ran to a hut.

"Fenrir, are you okay?"

At this time, a big wild wolf whined and staggered out.

Atreus liked wolves very much. He had three large wild wolves at home. Fenrir was his favorite, and the other two were the two who pulled the sled just now.

But Fenrir was seriously ill. Even if Atreus fed it meat to its mouth, Fenrir could only barely eat a small bite and try hard to survive.

Just as hope ignited in Atreus's heart, Fenrir suddenly licked his cheek, and then collapsed weakly in Atreus's arms.

This made Atreus very sad, and he recited the prayer again, but he unconsciously mixed two runes in the middle.

Kratos, who was sitting next to him, suddenly saw four streams of light flying out of Fenrir, one of which was injected into Atreus's knife, and the other three flew into the distance and disappeared.

He sighed and handed the bow to Atreus.

"Let's go, train."

Atreus felt a little strange: "It's night now."

"There are enemies at night, too." Kratos replied solemnly.

Then Atreus knew what his father meant.

"Thank you, father, but I don't need to divert my attention. I want to... bury Fenrir."

After three years, Atreus is no longer the little boy he used to be. He has grown a lot taller and is very familiar with his father's way of expressing concern, so he is not as rebellious as in the plot.

Kratos nodded, and then told Atreus what he had just seen.

"What are the four rays of light?" Atreus looked stunned. He didn't even realize that he had recited the spell.


But then Li Ming suddenly appeared and answered their confusion.

"Fenrir's soul is inside my knife?" Atreus was very surprised.

"Yes, so you have to take good care of it. Maybe you can give Fenrir another body later."

Li Ming nodded and then turned to the topic.

"Odin is coming, and maybe Thor." Kratos and his son suddenly became alert.

"Come to kill us?" Atreus asked.

Li Ming shook his head: "For those who are valuable, Odin will not be inclined to use violence to solve problems."

"Are you ready to face the test?" Li Ming asked Atreus.

Atreus recalled in his mind the various tricks and self-protection techniques that Li Ming taught him, and then replied firmly: "No problem!"

Kratos just watched them plot loudly and said nothing.

If it were in the past, Kratos would definitely not allow Atreus to provoke Odin, but now he also understands that the child has grown up. Rather than letting Atreus wander around on his own, it is better to have more experience under his protection. Experience.

Anyway, if Odin dares to harm Atre, he can just kill a few more gods and let Odin enjoy the Zeus experience card.

Even if that would inevitably start Ragnarok, and Kratos himself would die in it according to the prophecy, he didn't care.

That night, Atreus buried Fenrir.

"Don't worry Fenrir, I will find you a healthy and strong body!" Atreus promised.

In the evening of the next day, the sleeping Atreus and his son suddenly felt that the whole house was shaking, and then heard two roaring sounds, and two huge gaps suddenly appeared in the roof and wall of the wooden house.

Kratos and Atreus quickly went out with their weapons, and found that dark clouds were flashing outside, lightning and thunder continued to fall on the ground, creating large craters, and a fat man with a messy beard stood proudly under the thunder and lightning.

His hair and beard were brown, his face was haggard, and he looked like a greasy middle-aged man.

The most eye-catching thing is that the fat man also has a sledgehammer filled with thunder hanging on his waist.

The father and son understood immediately, and it was exactly what Li Ming said.

Thor is here!

After all, the current protective mark was not drawn by Laufey himself. The mark repaired by Atreus could only prevent remote detection, but it could still be easily destroyed when an opponent of Thor's level came to the scene in person.

Just hit the surrounding trees with Mjolnir.

As for Freya?
She didn't really want to kill the father and son, so she wouldn't destroy the mark.

But Kratos was a little surprised that the feared God of Thunder in the Nordic mythology world looked like this.

That belly is even more exaggerated than that of Thor in Avengers 4, and because he also has giant blood, Kratos’ height barely reaches the shoulders of Nordic Thor.

Kratos's muscles tensed up, and the Leviathan battle ax was ready to strike at any time.

He still clearly remembered that Sol had a son-killing grudge against him.

Still twice.

Although Kratos knows that Manny and Modi can be resurrected, Thor does not.

Thor's hand slowly stretched to his waist, getting closer and closer to Mjolnir, and Kratos and Atreus immediately concentrated on preparing for battle.

But at this tense moment, Thor's hand actually crossed Thor's hammer and took out the wine bottle beside him.

"Can I come in?" Thor asked, as if greeting an old friend. "I brought mead."


A big question mark appeared on the foreheads of Kratos and his son.

Is this Thor out of his mind?

But Kratos is not intimidated. Of course he won't be timid if Thor wants to come in and sit down.

So Thor walked all the way into the room, sat down on the chair, and put the mead on the table.

The waiter Atreus quickly brought out two cups.

Then Thor thought for a moment and placed Mjolnir on the table.

Seeing this, Kratos did not lose any momentum, and he also put the Leviathan Ax up.

The two came directly to the Polish arms display.

(End of this chapter)

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