The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 619 Odin is very smart

Chapter 619 Odin is very smart

"What are you doing here?" Kratos asked, stopping Thor from passing the wine glass to Atreus.

"If you don't want to drink, tell me earlier."

Thor muttered, smelling the wine in the glass, with a look of enjoyment on his face.

"Nothing to do, just say hello."

Not long after, there was another knock on the door, and Atreus hurried over to open the door.

Outside the door was a tall and thin old man, wearing a cloak and an eyepatch on his right eye.

After seeing him, Thor became obviously more reserved. There was only one person in the entire Nine Realms who could make Thor show such an expression.


Seeing this, Li Ming complained, "Old Silver Coin."

Odin was afraid that Kratos would take action, so he asked Thor to take the lead and only came out when there was no danger.

"I don't need to introduce myself anymore, right?"

Odin walked directly into the room and brought a stool over for himself.

"Before the winter came, there were some misunderstandings between us."

"But we all know we don't have any grudges."

Odin sat between Kratos and Thor.

"What you did to his son can only be said to be out of self-defense." Odin behaved very generously.

"We Asa Protoss live to die in glorious battle, and to be honest, they are quite useless."

Faced with such words that humiliated his two dead sons in person, Saul had no intention of refuting.

It was as if Odin was talking about something other than his son, Odin's grandson.

I just don’t know if he doesn’t want to refute, or if he doesn’t dare to refute.

Li Ming thought that there was a high probability that he would not dare. Thor's eyes when he looked at Odin did not have the slightest respect and affection, but were full of fear.

Li Ming was not in the room and knew that Odin was coming. In order to avoid causing trouble, he did not go there.

Odin then made it clear why he came.

He wanted to have a truce with Kratos and his son, so that Odin could not hold them responsible for killing Baldur and letting Mimir go. Odin even proposed that he could kill Freya.

Odin's condition is that Kratos and his son will stay in Midgard from now on, and Atreus can no longer look for Tyr.

He also thought that Kratos didn't know that his son was looking for Tyr.

Kratos glanced at Atreus at the right time and fell in Odin's eyes. This confirmed the fact that Kratos was deceived by his son.

But Kratos and his son naturally cannot let Odin kill Freya, even if their relationship with Freya is really problematic, because after Freya is killed, Odin will definitely turn his gun to deal with them.

Odin's words have no credibility at all.

"Do not."

Kratos said coldly.

Odin shrugged indifferently, then turned to Thor and ordered: "Don't take too long."

"The wait is finally here."

Thor picked up Mjolnir and hit Kratos directly, sending Kratos flying into the sky and flying a long distance.

Then Thor followed closely, flew to Kratos and said fiercely: "Listen, foreigners, we have a word called blood debt, which means that you took away my family, and I will come to you to repay the debt. !”

Obviously, facing the deaths of Manny and Modi, Thor was not as indifferent as he had just shown.

But Kratos was not someone to be trifled with. He quickly started to fight back, and Kratos couldn't help but say, "Are you going to be a model father now?"

After staying with Li Ming for a long time, Kratos is also good at talking.

"You didn't even care about Modi's death."

"What?" Thor was very angry, and his hand movements became stronger.

Kratos shouted: "Modi came back to us because he was afraid of you. It was you who killed him!"

Thor was furious, and Thor's hammer was swung heavily by him. Kratos did not retreat an inch, raised the Leviathan ax and faced him.

A huge bolt of lightning fell from the sky, but the moment it hit the ground, it was frozen by the frost of Leviathan's Ax.

The strongest Greek God of War met the Norse God of War, and the fight was temporarily evenly matched. Hearing the movement outside, Odin smiled secretly in his heart.

He had no expectations from the beginning that he could directly convince Kratos and his son.

This thing can even kill my own father, and the entire pantheon of gods has been almost wiped out. No matter how I look at it, I can't even listen to him talk properly.

So Odin has a serious plan.

Make noise in the east and attack in the west.

It seems that Odin is dealing with Kratos, but in fact Odin's focus is entirely on Atreus.

Like Zeus, he firmly believes in the prophecy of Ragnarok, so he naturally attaches great importance to Loki, who plays an important role in Ragnarok.

Moreover, Odin was not only superstitious about prophecies, he was also obsessed with knowledge.

There is a mysterious gap in his secret chamber. Legend has it that there is the truth of the world and endless knowledge. Odin's right eye was blinded when he tried to pry into the truth.

But Odin also gained extraordinary power, so he longed for what was in the mysterious gap even more.

The only thing that could see through the gap was an equally mysterious mask. Unfortunately, the mask in Odin's hand was incomplete, and he could not recognize the words on the mask.

As far as Odin knows, Loki has a super talent and can recognize many unknown words.

So when he realized that the winter of Finbul had arrived a hundred years earlier, Odin did not mourn the death of his son Baldr at all, but felt very lucky.

If Loki was over a hundred years old, he would definitely not help him, but now Loki is only in his teens, which is the age where he can easily be deceived.

How about the Greek God of War?

What about Ragnarok?
knowledge is power.

When he knows the truth about the world, these are all just chickens and dogs who can be destroyed with a snap of his fingers!

Odin has fallen into confusion and has abandoned everything in pursuit of power.

"I heard that you are looking for Tyr?"

Odin plans to guide Atreus to find Tyr, but secretly he will pretend to be Tyr so that he can monitor the enemy's movements at all times. On the other hand, if Atreus takes the mask away in the future, he can also take it again. return.

"This is...the wisdom of the God King!"

The God King of Asgard looked at Atreus's excited expression, and his heart was full of pride.

The reckless man outside who was thinking only about killing had no idea that while he was fighting with Thor, he had already stolen the house.

The movement outside became louder and louder, and the smile on Odin's lips became more and more obvious.

But what Odin, who is full of calculations, will never know is that when he was planning to deceive Atreus, Li Ming appeared on the battlefield between Kratos and Thor.

"Saul, have you ever thought about the culprit that caused your family's tragedy?"

Although he was fighting hard, Li Ming's voice sounded clearly in Sol's mind.

"It's you who want to resist!" Thor shouted.

"No no no."

Li Ming shook his head.

"We didn't let you have no relationship with your father at all. We didn't let your son die and be forced to reconcile with the murderer."

"Haven't you noticed yet? The person who makes your family unhappy is Odin!"

"He doesn't treat you as a family at all!"

Sol was annoyed by what he said and shouted: "That's enough!"

"No matter what you say, the blood debt must be repaid!"

At this time, Kratos activated the Wrath of Sparta and hit Thor in the stomach with an ax, leaving a wound and knocking Thor to the cliff next to him.

But then Kratos stopped and stopped attacking.

Of course, Sol would not give up, but at this moment Li Ming suddenly said something in his mind that made him stunned.

"Manny and Modi are still alive."

Looking at Sol's shocked and surprised expression, Li Ming smiled slightly.

Stealing a home? Who is stealing from whom is still uncertain?

(End of this chapter)

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