Chapter 629: Selling God
Yes, Li Ming still disguised himself when he showed up.

He did not use his true form, but the form of the angel Kamel.

In this way, those who reincarnate in hell will know it at a glance.

Oops, it turns out that Heaven is behind it again!
This group of hell-reincarnators indeed thinks so.

But they were also extremely scared, because the angel Kamel who had appeared before was actually a seventh-level warrior, and even Abner, the seventh-level reincarnation of hell in charge of the battlefield here, could not compete with him.

But Dahl's fear was feigned, and after a while he was right about his lines.

"Wait a minute, this Kamel doesn't seem to be at the seventh level of strength." Dar suddenly spoke, causing all the other reincarnations to turn their attention.

Because the Hellraiser stopped, but Odin didn't.

Odin knew that he had no way out, so he launched a crazy attack on Li Ming and Kratos. During their fight, the Hell Reincarnator discovered that Kamel, played by Li Ming, did not seem to be the seventh level.

Regardless of the energy intensity or attack performance, they are only at the sixth level.

At this time, the remaining four reincarnations of hell looked at each other again.

Then they were beaten into dogs by Kratos.

Then Kratos switched to the Leviathan Ax and launched the Rainbow Bridge Storm. Several thick whirlwinds suddenly appeared and swept towards the reincarnations. At the same time, using the cover of the storm, Kratos rushed over and faced O Ding and Samsara launched indiscriminate slashing.

But Kratos is not alone. Atreus directly activated his divine power, transformed into a giant bear, and continued to help Kratos clear obstacles with powerful and heavy attacks.

And Li Ming was not idle either. He gave full play to his sixth-level strength, no more and no less. It was just because of the Holy Light's restraint on the demonic power that the hell-reincarnators were not feeling well.

How come three people were seriously injured and one died in just one confrontation?
The reincarnations quickly got some medicine to take drugs, and they tried all the methods to suppress the situation. At least they were able to temporarily suppress Kratos, who had not started Wrath of Sparta.

This series of attacks directly blinded the reincarnations.
If I remember correctly, there were six of them, right?


But Li Ming also said that this group of people would be harmful to Atreus.

At this time, Odin suddenly showed his power.

He directly used magic to trap Kratos and his son in place, but Li Ming escaped in time and continued to fight Odin.

Not only Li Ming and Freya have learned Warner magic, but Odin has also learned it, and their attainments are extraordinary.

And other hell-reincarnators have indeed regained their composure. If this Kamel is the seventh level, then they will kneel down and beg for mercy.

If there were traces of paradise, and it was a sensitive person like Kamel, they would definitely go back and report it.

Kratos wielded the Ax of Leviathan, launched Frost Freeze on Odin, then switched to Dropnir's Wail, stabbing the Samsara accurately, and then switched to the Blade of Chaos, and the flames engulfed Odin's crow. Sweep away.

Although he has a good temper now and can suppress his anger when faced with provocation, there is one exception - don't touch his son.

"Although I don't know how he was resurrected, his strength has been severely damaged. We are not without the strength to fight!" Dar gave the team members timely encouragement.

Now Kratos couldn't bear it anymore.

But now the enemy is only at the sixth level. They want to let the opponent know that hell, one of the eight camps in the reincarnation space, is majestic and cannot be provoked.

Because Li Ming had already greeted him, Kratos, Atreus and others were not surprised by Li Ming's new look.

Their actions just now confirmed this point.

But who to let back is another question.

At this time, no one could shirk, as if everyone had become the loyal dogs of hell, vying to go back and be loyal to hell.

So Dahl, as the captain, made the decision again.

go with.

Both go.

All go back.

As for Odin?

No matter what it is about Austrian League One, Austrian League B and Austrian C, how can the life of the reincarnation master be important?

If the demonic organization asks, just say that it was Odin's fault, Kamel's fault, and the sheep made of holy light. They can all be used as excuses.

Anyway, their reincarnations are non-stick pans.

So when Odin was fighting hard, he suddenly felt that everything around him was empty, and all the people from the outside world had escaped!

Odin was shocked and angry. Outsiders were indeed unreliable. But now he was alone, and Odin didn't dare to stay longer. He was also afraid that Kratos would chop him down.

So Odin also summoned the crow teleportation array and fled quickly. At this time, Kratos and his son broke free from the binding magic. Li Ming pretended to be concerned about them and did not chase them.

Once Odin left, Asgard was leaderless and the war quickly died down.

Thor became the eldest brother, Valkyrie Gena took advantage of the chaos to escape, and Asgard, which once dominated the nine realms, collapsed.

"We did it, successfully overthrew Odin's rule and restored peace to the nine realms!"

Atreus was so excited that he danced on the spot.

All the important people gathered around, including Freya, Thor, Frey and others.

"It's not enough. We only succeeded half way." Li Ming shook his head and poured cold water on him.

"Ah, is it because Odin escaped?" Atreus seemed to understand.

"Not only Odin, but also the most important Outlanders."

The script written by Li Ming is to pour dirty water on heaven that cannot be washed away. How can there be only one Kamel?

"There is a fierce war going on in the outer realm. At least thousands of worlds have been affected. They are just outposts. They will probably invade with a large army next time." Li Ming said it seriously, successfully convincing everyone of the seriousness of the matter.

But the people here are all famous figures in the Nine Realms, so naturally they will not be intimidated by difficulties.

"If there is an invasion by a foreign enemy, we will unite again and defend our homeland." Frey said loudly.

Others also responded.

"Yes, that's right. We finally overthrew Odin. We have hope for peace, and we must not let others destroy it!" Freya also said angrily.

"Although I'm not used to your smell yet." Thor nodded beside him, "But I like what you said."

"Although I say so, compared with the strength of the Outland Alliance, this world is still too weak."

Li Ming frowned slightly and said: "The strength of those foreigners just now is extraordinary, but in the foreign army, they can only be regarded as ordinary soldiers."


"Are you kidding me?"

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly suffocated. Dar and the others were already stronger than most of them, but they only had basic strength?
Li Ming shook his head, breaking their luck.

"I don't have to lie to you."

Frey and others looked even more sad.

If the gap is so big, it would be more practical to think about how to escape.

"But... we are not helpless." Li Ming changed his tone at this time and quickly grabbed everyone's attention.

"Every world has the possibility of giving birth to consciousness. If the world consciousness refuses outsiders to enter, unless people from the outside world break through the sky, they will not be able to enter this world."

"World consciousness?" Kratos remembered something he had come across before that was similar to what Li Ming described, "Gaia?"

Li Ming nodded: "It's almost the same, but Gaia is more inclined to humans, and her status is not high enough."

"Compared to Gaia's selfishness and Odin's cruelty and ruthlessness, what we need now is a world consciousness full of justice, fraternity, and light."

"Does that really exist?" Atreus asked.

It doesn't exist, at least I haven't seen it.

Of course, Li Ming definitely couldn't answer like this. Although God is stingy, insidious, and darker than darkness, as long as He is generous to Li Ming, he is Li Ming's loyal partner.

"There is something similar. If it could become the consciousness of the world, it would be enough to keep out intruders."

"This consciousness will never interfere with the operation of the world. You don't have to worry about finding yourself an immediate boss." Li Ming said solemnly.

"If there is such a world consciousness, I am willing to support him." Frey was the first to raise his hand.

Later, Kratos, Freya and others also agreed.

It would be best if we could avoid fighting.

Li Ming smiled slightly in his heart.

It can be regarded as selling God out.

(End of this chapter)

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