The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 630 Odin’s hell and heaven fell into the pit at the same time

Chapter 630 Odin’s hell and heaven fell into the pit at the same time
The Sheep of God still has about a week to mature, which is enough time for Odin and the Hell Reincarnation to shake people.

The reincarnations naturally went to the top of the organization under the leadership of Dar.

As for Odin, he originally planned to hide and look for opportunities to regain the mask.

But at this moment, Odin felt a sudden trance in his heart. He obtained information about a location in Midgard.

There was also a murmur.

"Come to us."

The picture in my mind finally stopped at a rune character - Nolen.

"The three Norn goddesses?"

Odin immediately realized who was calling him.

As the god who controls destiny, Odin also searched for their traces, but found nothing.

"I will never allow this to happen!" Odin gritted his teeth.

"The world is being destroyed, Odin, father of the gods," Urd said.

"Not only Asgard, there are other gods coveting this world. If he replaces the consciousness of the world, even you, Odin, will lose your divine power."

"Yes, I know. Asgard is the cornerstone of the civilization of the Nine Realms. After Asgard is destroyed, the Nine Realms will be finished." Odin replied with deep understanding.

Now he took the initiative to open the door to him.

So he didn't even bother to collect the old troops, and immediately used the crow to teleport to Midgard.

They passed a portal in the lake and jumped out of the water in another place. The place was filled with mist, and a stone bridge connected a huge building made of yellow silk threads.

However, compared to prophecies, destiny is a bit more mysterious and advanced. This is a fatal temptation for Odin, who firmly believes in prophecies.

First of all, he contacted several Outlanders who had escaped before, and through them, the Outlander army entered the Nine Realms, defeated the Nine Realms coalition forces of Kratos, Freya and others, and killed the Outer God with wings on his back. .

The three Urds already knew their lines by heart.

Although the Web of Destiny has collapsed, Li Ming used the Reality Stone to reshape them in order to make the three Norn goddesses more powerful.

"As expected of the god in charge of destiny, his residence is so secretive." Odin praised, then walked up the stone bridge and saw the three Urds.

Verdanti's words can be said to have added fire to Odin's heart, making him instantly excited.

Then many scene fragments emerged in his mind, all about him.

Because it was the three Norn goddesses who took the initiative to invite, Odin arrived at the gate smoothly, without being fooled into killing a bunch of monsters like Kratos did.

Odin is very anxious. If he loses his divine power, he will become a mortal and completely miss the truth of the world.

Odin rode on the black horse by the lake. The next moment, many kelp-like things grew on the black horse, and it led Odin into the lake.

"We came to you to guide you to the right destiny." Shikodi pulled over a yellow silk thread, and Odin took it directly.

"Why did you invite me here?" Odin was in a hurry and asked straight to the point.

"Is this the legendary Fountain of Urd?"


Then the scene changed, and Odin finally obtained the complete mask. He gained endless power by wearing the mask, and drove out all the armies from the outside world that attempted to occupy the Nine Realms.

"Is this?" Odin's heart was pounding.

"This is the thread of your destiny."

Urd replied.

"Hahaha!" Odin laughed suddenly, "I knew that only the truth of the world is the most important, and I was right, hahaha!"

"However, the original destiny is deviating from the planned direction." At this time, Urd suddenly poured cold water on him, causing Odin's laughter to stop abruptly.

She pointed to other threads of fate, and Odin realized that some were withering.

"The web of destiny is collapsing. If you don't seize the moment, you will never return to your original destiny." Urd explained. As soon as she finished speaking, the thread of his own destiny in Odin's hand suddenly dimmed a bit, causing Odin to shudder.

"No! I must save my own destiny!" Odin said resolutely.

Then he immediately turned around and left, looking directly for the fleeing Outlanders.

After he left, the yellow threads here disappeared without a trace in an instant, leaving only the bare stones and the three Norn goddesses.

"You did a good job."

Li Ming's figure suddenly appeared and nodded with satisfaction to the three Urds.

"In this case, as long as you don't talk nonsense in the future, you can stay well."

After finishing speaking, Li Ming disappeared directly, and the three Urd sisters finally let go of their hanging hearts.

Odin was defeated here, and the hell-reincarnators who fled back on the other side were also exerting their strength.

"What? Kamel"

In the Greek God of War world, the reincarnator commander Abner was very surprised.

"Are you sure you are the Kamel who appeared here?"

"That's right, Your Excellency, it's that Kamel. His appearance and abilities are exactly the same, but his strength is only at the sixth level."

Dar answered honestly, and the other three nodded.

"The mask fell into Kamel's hands."

"Since Kamel only has level six strength, you five can't get the mask?" Abner doubted the authenticity of the matter.

He knows very well what kind of ethics a reincarnation is.

"Kratos and the Nine Realms Alliance are stronger than in the plot. We have no way to fight them. We can only come back first to report the news."

At this time, Dahl suddenly said righteously: "But I am willing to take the blame and serve meritoriously, and go to the Nordic world again to collect information for you."

"Huh?" Abner looked at Dar with admiration now.

I didn’t expect Dar to have such courage, he seems to want to make progress.

"Yes, sir, Dar is willing to go!"

The other three reincarnations immediately echoed.

If Dahl goes back, he can make up for the failure of their mission, but he will never mention whether he will follow them.

Abner naturally saw through their little thoughts at a glance.

It was just for gathering information, so there was no need for more people, so he agreed to Dar's request with a wave of his hand.

As for the angel Kamel, he didn't pay much attention to it. He just caught him and tortured him when he had time.

But unexpectedly, Dar suddenly came back in a hurry on the third day.

"Sir Abner, something big has happened."

"Odin contacted me and said that the three Norn goddesses in charge of destiny told him that the angel Kamel is trying to replace the consciousness of their world with a new world consciousness!"

Abner cheered up instantly: "Are you sure he is talking about free consciousness?"

Dar nodded and played the video of the conversation with Odin.

"It turns out that this is what Heaven... had in mind!"

Abner laughed in anger.

"I want to seize the world directly from the source, and in order to start a war, I also slandered Hell as having camp consciousness. Now it seems that those who have camp consciousness are clearly Heaven!"

"Heaven, you are finished!"

(End of this chapter)

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