The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 631 Hell’s big move

Chapter 631 Hell’s big move
Buna quickly reported the news to the top of the demon organization.

The demon leader Beelzebub took it very seriously and quickly convened a high-level meeting to make the news public internally.


Lord Starry Sky was the first to burst out uncontrollably.

"I knew everything was a conspiracy from heaven!"

Other senior officials, such as Lord Lamande, Mammon, Amon and others, also frowned, rarely standing on the same front as Lord Starry Sky.

"We have to respond!"

Beelzebub nodded: "Yes, but we must first distinguish clearly whether the world consciousness Odin talks about is a certain space consciousness or the independent consciousness of the camp in heaven. This is the most important!"

If it were just a space consciousness that invaded, although it could prove that the war was a conspiracy from heaven, whether other camps would respond to hell's call would have to be sold at a price.

But if what comes is the independent consciousness of the camp in heaven, then things will be a big deal.

"Give him some awards and set an example for other reincarnations so that they don't always cheat," Beelzebub said.

Because of the benefits he received, Star King's attitude became much better.

"Don't announce it to the outside world yet, otherwise it will be a joke." Beelzebub said.

"By the way, the reincarnator who got this information is called Dar, right?" Beelzebub suddenly remembered.

This is also the reason why he let Dahl be the first person. No matter what changes happen, Dahl, a direct participant, will be able to get wind of it.

Although Beelzebub is also at the eighth level, his strength is much higher than him.

The Lord of the Starry Sky suddenly beamed. He did not expect that Beelzebub would actually lead the team himself.

The World of God of War is the territory of his Star Lord, and of course he is happy about it.

And the higher Dar climbs, the more help he will get to Li Ming.

Heaven is waiting to be beaten.

"Let Abner go explore the road first, we will arrive soon!" The Lord of the Starry Sky immediately issued an order to the God of War World.

"No problem!" Star King promised on the spot as he patted his chest.

He calculated the time and found that the training of the Holy Light Sheep would be completed in three days, and it would also take time for Hell to gather the army. If calculated this way, the Hell army would arrive almost as soon as the Holy Light Sheep matured.

Hell's deployment passed through Dar and soon reached Li Ming's ears.


Although the military spending camp takes the lion's share, the reincarnators and subordinate civilizations are fighting in his territory. He wants them to do their best to avoid losses to the power. The power controller must give some incentives no matter what.

"Everything is up to you. If you are not strong enough, I will have no choice but to take Kratos and his son and escape to other worlds."

Then Beelzebub gave the order: "Assemble the army, I will go there personally. Xingkong and Mammon, you will join me. You must find out what the so-called world consciousness is?"

"But..." Lord Starry Sky still wanted to speak, but Beelzebub immediately stopped him with his eyes.

Even if Beelzebub hadn't said anything, he would have rewarded Darl vigorously. After all, without him, not to mention exposing the conspiracy of heaven, just to end the war in the God of War world, he, the Lord of the Starry Sky, would have to spend a lot of points.

Not only can the conspiracy of heaven be clarified now, but the war around the world of God of War will definitely be calmed down as well.

In Constantine's world, Li Ming said loudly.

As soon as he finished speaking, he sensed a message that reassured him.

Li Ming was indeed relieved. Since God can guarantee it, there must be no problem.

Then he secretly had bad thoughts.

Come on, I want a pair of wings, right?

He kicked open the hospital wall.

"Gabriel, your grandpa is here..."

Before Li Ming finished speaking, his eyes blurred before his raised foot even landed.

He was kicked out by God again.

"Stingy, isn't it just to take advantage of you in terms of seniority?"

Li Ming put down his feet angrily and muttered softly. Forget it, give God a face and let him be Gabriel's father next time.

Back in the world of the Nordic God of War, Li Ming put away the mask first. He didn't have time to go to Odin's chamber yet and put on the mask to see what was inside.

The news of the impending invasion from the outside world has been told to all countries by the Nine Realms Allied Forces, so the ranks of the Nine Realms Allied Forces have grown even stronger.

The leader of this army has almost become the de facto leader of the Nine Realms.

Since Kratos was the commander during the rebellion against Odin, this leadership position was once again held by Kratos.

Originally, Kratos wanted Li Ming to come, but Li Ming was unwilling to show up, so Kratos had to continue to take over.

It is worth mentioning that they found Tyr, the Norse god of war, who had been imprisoned by Odin.

"Our troops are all here, but the Nine Realms have been exploited by Odin for too long, and they have just experienced a great war. If the troops in the outer realms are really what you said, our chances may be very slim."

As Odin's former chief adviser, Mimir naturally also took on the task of formulating combat plans.

But as he said, the situation is not optimistic now.

"It doesn't matter. The armies from the outside world won't rush up in a swarm. A group of vanguards will probably come first. As long as we can survive the battle with the pathfinder vanguard, we'll be fine."

Li Ming comforted everyone, and after hearing his words, everyone regained some morale.

There are a lot of new faces here, but actually there are also familiar faces.

The Dark Elf King who had fought against Kratos came, and Kratos even found the god of war, Tyr, in the prison of Svartalfaheim.

By the way, Jormungandr, the World Snake, did not participate in this war because he was accidentally knocked out of space by Thor during the battle in Asgard, encountered the World Tree and traveled to the past.

Thor led the remaining Asgardian troops to join the coalition, and his daughter Slud was about to join the army.

And Manny and Mody.

After beating Odin away, Li Ming kept his promise and resurrected the two silly sons of Thor, which was regarded as a successful win over Thor and Sif.

Now that Manny and Modi are both resurrected, the other one is naturally indispensable.

"Aren't you going to attend the war meeting?"

Outside the temple of Tyr, Atreus stared at the shirtless man standing on the Bridge of Nine Realms and asked.

"No, I just need to know who to fight."

the man replied.

Then he turned to Atreus and said coldly: "And don't get so close to me. Just because I agree to participate in the war doesn't mean how good my relationship with you is!"

"I know, I know, Baldr." Atreus was not frightened at all, but moved closer, "You are actually worried about your mother, so you agreed to join us, right?"


Badr immediately retorted.

"That's weird."

Atreus ruthlessly destroyed the situation. He pointed to the sky: "Your heart has actually become hot again. Look, the heavy snow in the sky has stopped."

Badr made no further objection.

After experiencing life and death once, he did have a lot more insights, and Li Ming also gave him the choice this time to switch to immortality at any time, so Balder's resentment towards Freya also dissipated.

But what he didn't know was that during their conversation, Freya had been eavesdropping while hiding on the Bridge of Nine Realms, and now she was crying.

Against this background, two days passed quickly, and the vanguard army led by Abner entered the scene.

Several huge portals opened over Midgard. Although the main force was in the Greek God of War world, there were still thousands of ships fighting, which brought great impact and shock to the Nine Realms Legion on the ground.

Abner led a group of generals standing on the deck of a helicarrier. In addition to the leaders of his subordinate civilizations, there were also gods from the Greek world.

All are familiar faces to Kratos.

Zeus, Athena, Poseidon and...the God of War.


(End of this chapter)

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