The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 632 Nordic Gods vs. Greek Gods

Chapter 632 Nordic Gods vs. Greek Gods
"Father, is"

Atreus was very surprised. Although Kratos next to Abner was younger, his appearance was exactly the same as Kratos.

And there was Zeus next to him. Atreus had seen the phantom of Kratos when he killed Zeus in Helheim.

"Yes, it's me."

Kratos nodded.

He is now able to face his past experiences, and now he only cares about one thing most, and that is to keep Atreus safe.

Mimir on Kratos' waist was greatly shocked: "Impossible, hasn't the Greek God Realm returned to chaos?"

"That's another timeline." At this time, Li Ming stood up and explained, "A timeline in which the Greek gods were infected by the negative emotions in Pandora and then were ruled by the outside world."

As Li Ming spoke, his eyes were focused on Abner.

The Holy Light Sheep still needs two hours to mature, and the survival of the Nordic world depends on this wave.

Mimir also saw Abner’s intention.

As for Kratos’ opponent, it’s obvious.

Kratos made an immediate decision: "Attack and smash those portals!"

As long as the invaders from the outside world are held back in Midgard, two hours will pass quickly.

After Abner entered this world, he didn't say much and immediately arranged for his subordinates to build a portal.

Then he took out the Galar horn and blew: "Woo!"

As the gravedigger of Asgard in the language, Ragnarok transformed into the flame giant Shirter is undoubtedly the top combat power in the Nordic world, reaching the seventh level.

Abner was obviously startled by the appearance of Ragnarok. As the only seventh level here, he could only face him.

Everyone else has also found their own opponents.

The Greek gods, led by Zeus.

The army of light and dark elves rushed towards the spaceship fleet.

Thor, the God of Thunder, and Baldr, the God of Light, were already killing the enemy.

Li Ming told Kratos that he only needed to hold on for two hours, so Kratos directly used his trump card.

I saw a giant with blue flames all over his body and a flaming sword appearing on the scene. He waved his sword and struck at various spaceships.

Zeus, Athena, Poseidon, Hades, Hercules...

Helheim's army of the dead is responsible for dealing with the landing legions of Hell's subordinate civilizations.

Li Ming raised his hand and summoned many Destroying Angels, which relieved the Nordic side's pressure on the sixth-level numbers.

Under the leadership of Freya, the Valkyrie Legion approached the sixth-level reincarnators.


But if battlefields spread all over the Nine Realms, the Nine Realms Alliance Army would not be able to take care of so many places.

"No, they are going to divide their forces to attack the Nine Realms!"

They are all opponents that Kratos has killed before.

He grasped the double blades of chaos tightly. Even though he was against many enemies, he didn't feel any fear in his heart.

"Kratos, do you remember this sword?"

Zeus raised the great sword that glowed blue in his hand.

"The Sword of Olympus," Kratos murmured.

How could he not recognize it?
He killed many gods with this sword, and even committed suicide with this sword in the end.

Li Ming's eyes lit up when he saw this sword.

The Sword of Olympus is the top artifact in the Greek God of War world, possessing the power to destroy heaven and earth.

According to the urinary nature of the reincarnation, the sword was not taken away?
However, Li Ming immediately thought that the Greek God of War world was not actually a prisoner, but a subordinate world of the hell camp. It is estimated that retaining the divine sword is also one of Zeus's conditions.

After all, the Greek gods are not weak in strength, so being a younger brother is very suitable for them.

He rolled his eyes. The Sword of Olympus was a scar for Kratos. As Kratos's good brother, Li Ming must keep this sword away from Kratos.

As for Zeus?

Li Ming didn't think about it at all.

The divine sword is for those who are virtuous. In terms of moral character, who among the people present can compare with him?

"I heard that you turned your world into chaos?" Zeus said with a gloomy look, "You are truly a sinner through the ages."

Kratos was unmoved.

Speaking of sinners, Zeus and others are the original sin of the destruction of the world.

The two sides started fighting without any speculation. Atreus still followed Kratos, and the father and son fought in a double battle against the Greek gods.

After all the trials, Atreus' strength has improved a lot. After activating the Wrath of Sparta, he is at least temporarily evenly matched with Hades.

When Greek gods come to Northern Europe, their strength will definitely be weakened.

Kratos was even more powerful, and soon he gave Poseidon a hard blow with an axe.

But the Greek Kratos was missing because Zeus was afraid that seeing Atreus would affect stability, so he asked the Greek Kratos to deal with others.

Li Ming didn't pay much attention to Greek Kratos. He just helped in time when Greek Kratos wanted to kill important people.

It's better to leave it to Kratos to decide what to do with these Greek gods.

Gradually, because the aftermath of the seventh-level battle was too great, the civilizations affiliated with Hell suffered heavy losses and could only temporarily withdraw from the battlefield.

So Thor, Bader and others also freed up their hands to join Kratos' side of the battlefield, which greatly relieved Kratos' pressure.

Of course, the Norse gods are generally not as powerful as the Greek gods, and only Thor can be evenly matched with Hercules.

Even when Kratos faced Zeus holding the Sword of Olympus, he was suppressed and beaten for a moment.

At this time, Zeus's strength was extremely close to the seventh level.

So Li Ming immediately threw out the spear in his hand, pretending to go all out, using all the holy light, and forcibly knocked away the Sword of Olympus at the expense of the weapon in his hand.

Kratos seized the opportunity to step forward and entangle Zeus, and soon the Sword of Olympus disappeared.

Li Ming didn't chase the divine sword. There was still a battle going on around him. It would be too shameful to pick up things now.

Once the battle is won, it will all be his.

However, when the Nordic gods fought against the Greek gods, the person on the other side who considered themselves very important did not appear.


At this time, he had summoned Gena and other loyal old troops, but faced with the chaotic battlefield, Odin did not choose to join the battle.

He has only one goal - the mask.

"Damn Thor, how dare he betray me!"

Odin naturally saw Thor fighting hard, and immediately realized why Asgard was captured so easily. It turned out to be a thief.

"And Badr? He is actually resurrected?"

Odin forcibly diverted his attention away from Thor and Baldr. He was superstitious about fate and now his mind was filled with masks.

As long as he gets the mask, he will be the ultimate winner!
But at this time, Odin already knew through the raven that the mask was not in the hands of Atreus, but was put away by Li Ming.

So he's always looking for opportunities.

After Li Ming struggled to knock off Zeus's weapon and made a posture of exhaustion, Odin's eyes lit up.

"The opportunity has come!"

He quickly ordered Ge Na to attack Li Ming with all his strength.

After Gena and others surrounded Li Ming, Odin immediately activated the crow teleportation and teleported Li Ming away directly.

When everyone came to a secret place, Odin was very excited. The answer to the truth about the world that he had been thinking about was finally revealed!

But Li Ming, who was surrounded, didn't have any panic on his face.

Even a little want to laugh.

He was caught on purpose.

Because God is about to hatch, he just needs an excuse to get out.

Seeing Odin slowly approaching with a proud smile, Li Ming also chuckled.

"Odin, should I save a place for you in the clown army?"

(End of this chapter)

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