The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 635: What should I do if I accidentally bind God?

Chapter 635: What should I do if I accidentally bind God?
Beelzebub was confirmed when the Holy Light appeared and expelled all of Beelzebub's energy.

The person coming is definitely not some space consciousness.

Spatial awareness is never that strong!

In fact, spatial awareness is mainly reflected in the control and interference with the origin of the world, and the real combat effectiveness is not strong.

At least Beelzebub had never seen spatial awareness that could easily suppress him.

If any dimension had such strong consciousness, the ninth camp would have been born in the reincarnation space long ago.

The only ones who can do this, apart from the independent consciousness of the camp that controls countless spaces, are the ninth-level powerhouses.

But because of Odin's tip, Beelzebub immediately assumed that this was the independent consciousness of the camp in heaven.

Feathers began to fall in the nine realms, white doves and baby-like angels with small wings on their backs also appeared everywhere, and hymns resounded in everyone's heart.

The Nordic side was naturally encouraged and their morale was high, but the Hell side was in despair.

"Believe in hope, believe in light!"

Because the Holy Light has indeed brought hope to people, and now that the crisis is approaching and the entire Nine Realms are facing life and death, almost everyone has spoken out.

There are thousands of reincarnators alone, and there are countless armies of subordinate civilizations. Even if this lineup is thrown into the Marvel world, Li Ming can only solve it by snapping his fingers.

Their boss, whom many people have never seen, and is only known as the legendary demon leader Beelzebub, is defeated when he comes out, so why bother to fight?

Beelzebub also heard their shouts, and blood-red demonic energy quickly surged from his hands, trying to exterminate life in the nine realms and not give them a chance to make a comeback.

"Believe in hope, believe in light!" Li Ming said, "We want everyone to hear this."

Even Beelzebub, who was at the peak of the eighth level, could not stop him in the slightest, and was also kicked out of the Nordic world.

"The new main god that Li once said has appeared, we still have hope!"

"No, we still have hope!"

"It's very simple." Li Ming took off his disguise and returned here. God was covering him up and Beelzebub couldn't find him.

Li Ming has [Warner Protoss Magic Level 8], and his magical attainments are no weaker than Freya's. When they join forces, this sentence suddenly echoes in the hearts of all Nordic people.

Mimir, who stayed behind at the Bridge of Nine Realms to direct the battle, exclaimed.

Atreus was injured and used the portal to return to the Bridge of Nine Realms with the help of Brock and Sindri.

But the next moment the energy in his hand dissipated, and the chants of the Nine Realms became louder and louder.

Only then did people intuitively feel the scale of the war in the outer domain that Li Ming mentioned.

Then everyone saw that the portals all over the nine realms were slowly shrinking, and the reincarnations and armies that had already entered the nine realms were kicked out by an invisible force.

Freya nodded and used magic together with Li Ming.

"Odembula's milk, their warships are more than the total number of lives in the nine realms combined!"

At this time Freya also came back to discuss countermeasures: "What should we do?"

"Believe in hope, believe in light!"

But Beelzebub was horrified and did not stand still. He directly mobilized his energy and used his authority to open countless portals over the nine realms. The army summoned by the hell camp swarmed towards the portals.

All members of the hell camp were exiled.

"Oh yeah, that's it!"

Li Ming gave God a big thumbs up in his heart.

It would be nice to kick them all out. We can't let him suffer this kind of treatment alone.

Beelzebub tried various methods in the hell space. Whether it was the authority granted to him by the camp or relying on his own strength, he could no longer find the world of the Nordic God of War. He could only choose to recognize the reality.

"That world has been occupied by heaven."

Beelzebub gritted his teeth and said that he finally led the team to go out in person, but he was slapped and kicked back hard, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

But then he grinned again.

"But fortunately, the harvest is still not small." Although the army's trip was in vain this time, they confirmed the existence of the independent consciousness of the Paradise camp. This is the biggest gain.

Beelzebub was aware of such a noisy activity in hell and did not cover it up. The group of eighth-level reincarnators from other camps must have been keeping an eye on it.

He believed that many people must have seen the scene just now and tried to return to the Nordic world like him, but to no avail.

This time it was once again confirmed that the camp’s autonomous consciousness was at work. Although the ninth level could expel them, it could not shield them from the exploration of the reincarnation space.

From the channel of the reincarnation space, by spending special props, except for the camp space, other worlds can be entered as long as you know the coordinates.

To shield a world from the level of reincarnation space, in Beelzebub's impression, only the camp's independent consciousness can do it.

As everyone knows, in the Nordic God of War world, Li Ming is also surprised.

"Are you saying that because I brought you to another world, you have new permissions?"

He reconfirmed in his mind the news that God had brought him.

When the confirmation reply came from the bottom of his heart, Li Ming suddenly thought of a lot.

What he originally expected was that after God came over, he would use his overwhelming strength to repel the Hell Alliance, and he was even ready to act as God's thug again.

As a result, God actually obtained some permissions related to the reincarnation space, and he accidentally hit it.

Li Ming pondered for a while and then reacted.

"No, this is all my fault. I was paid for nothing?"

In Li Ming's eyes, if others don't take advantage of him, they will suffer a big loss, so he quickly made constant offers to God in his heart.

Holy Light...Holy Bonus...Personality...

However, God immediately came to comfort Li Ming, but after a message was delivered, Li Ming's expression became a little subtle.

"You are already bound to me?"

"Only through me can you go to other worlds?"

He repeated God's meaning, feeling a little unbelievable in his heart.

When a positive reply came from the other side again, Li Ming suddenly became happy.

It seemed that the authority of the abyss in him had an unknown reaction with God's special form of existence, but for him, this was the best thing.

In this way, he doesn't have to worry about God, an old silver coin, secretly finding other partners. From now on, he can only cooperate with himself.

Li Ming is most keen to put his own lock on public areas.

What to do if you accidentally bind God?
Gathering wool!

"Ahem, then this..." Li Ming rubbed his fingers and said in his mind, "It takes a lot of money for me to travel through the world. It's a bit difficult..."

[Ding, Uriel’s personality has gained a new exclusive ability-Fire of Vengeance. 】

[Fire of Vengeance (Level B): The damage to light creatures is increased by 20%, and the level can be increased with the upgrade of Uriel's character. 】

Li Ming's eyes lit up. Increased damage to bright creatures?
This feature is rare and very practical for Li Ming.

And does this count as official certification for Li Ming to discipline his subordinates for him?
Of course, Li Ming also knew that in the final analysis, those people were not considered subordinates of this god. Li Ming could beat other people's children if he wanted to.

"Any more?"

Li Mingtian asked shamelessly, "You can never have too much of a good thing."

He also felt a sense of being despised in his heart, so Li Ming gave up when he saw the opportunity.

God can’t escape anyway, and there will be many opportunities to reap benefits in the future.

And now, he still has a good show to watch.

He even brought God out, and the current situation in the Heaven camp should be very lively.

(End of this chapter)

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