The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 636 Michael also kidnapped God?

Chapter 636 Michael also kidnapped... and kidnapped God?
Just as Li Ming thought, the paradise camp is indeed very lively now, not only heaven, but the entire reincarnation space is also very lively.

The reason why heaven started war against hell was that hell had given birth to camp autonomous consciousness and was using the spider totem to search the entire reincarnation space.

That's why Hell is faced with a situation where everyone is shouting and fighting, and even the Tiandao camp has come to an end.

Even if Hell revealed in the middle that this was Heaven's conspiracy and Heaven had other plans, the situation did not improve much.

But now the naked reality is before everyone. It is not known whether hell has camp autonomy, but heaven does exist.

God has already done this. If you say you don't have the camp's independent consciousness, do you think others are blind?

"If that is not the independent consciousness of the camp in heaven, I am willing to lick the shit of the three-headed dog of hell!" Beelzebub said confidently.

The news quickly spread throughout the reincarnation space.

The Tiandao camp is a little confused.

The camp leader wanted to question Michael: "Didn't you reveal that there was something wrong just after we entered the war?"

It's no wonder that Heaven is so nervous, because the camp's autonomous consciousness is very sensitive, and the near-real situation in the God of War world has made other camps tense up.

Nowadays, the situation in the reincarnation space is getting more and more chaotic. Four of the eight major camps have already participated in the war. The camps that have already participated in the war are frantically trying to drag other camps into the water. It doesn't matter even if they give a lot of benefits.

However, Heaven is suspected of having a camp independent consciousness, which makes the main god very hesitant. No matter how much Michael pays, he refuses to take a stand.

They had a normal relationship with the heaven camp, and by virtue of their reputation of waging war with heaven, the gods also received a lot of benefits from hell.

Normally, the four camps of Tiantian, Tiandao, Lord God, and Zhongzhou are almost in alliance.

"Pass the order, Legend will not participate in the camp war."

In the end, the leader of Tiandao did not fall out because Michael gave Tiandao a lot of resources in order to prevent Tiandao from withdrawing or changing sides.

After all, there are only a few major camps in the reincarnation space. One more camp and one less camp make a huge difference.

The legendary reincarnators were not very surprised. The legendary camp was originally outside the mainstream of the reincarnation space. Except for some human reincarnators, they were not very interested in the camp world.

But they made completely different choices.

Because the reincarnators can be resurrected, the main god camp is particularly popular in the battlefield background with spider totems.

Tiandao has been deceived into helping Heaven, and it stands to reason that the main god will also go to fight the downwind game together.

Therefore, in order to prevent the people in heaven from betraying their relatives and leaving their relatives, Michael could only recruit people from everywhere to join him.

As for Zhongzhou, needless to say, all the members of the Great God Gou Dao had been watching from the sidelines before. Now the dirty water in Heaven cannot be washed away, and it is even less possible for them to take a trip into this muddy water.

As for the other two camps, the legendary and heroic camps, they also attach great importance to this war.

Because it counts as half of the camp's autonomous consciousness, other reincarnators can be said to be subordinates of the Supreme, and the Natural Legend camp is its one-word hall.

After all, having one more teammate is always better than one opponent.

Especially with heaven and hell at the forefront.

The camp of gods was the first to jump out and start a war in heaven.

The hero camp is waiting and watching, ready to join the war at any time. Both heaven and hell are trying to win over them.

In the legendary space, the Supreme gave instructions to his subordinates.

How come there are human reincarnators in the legendary camp that focuses on machines?
Learn about cyberpunk and mechanical ascension.

But what others don't know is that the Supreme has other reasons for not participating in the war.

"Angel Kamel? There is only a 36% chance that his true identity is a person reincarnated in heaven."

The Supreme looked at the analytical data in front of him.

"But if the variable of identity implantation is added, the possibility that Angel Kamel is a reincarnation of the abyss can reach 83%."

The Supreme thought of that very special reincarnation, and an experimental device appeared in its hand, which contained the fire source energy that had been unable to be researched for a long time.

"Li Ming, could it be you?"

It pondered, and then publicly issued a statement to the Heaven camp, warning Heaven not to violate the taboos of the reincarnation space and to stop using the camp's autonomous consciousness to invade other camps.

Although the legendary camp did not participate in the war, the behavior of the Supreme added another fire to the war.

Who among the top management in the reincarnation space doesn't know that the Supreme is the existence closest to the camp's independent consciousness. However, because the legendary camp does not expand externally, and the strengthening route is really non-mainstream, the major camps choose to let it go.

Now that the Supreme has asked Heaven to stop using the camp's autonomous consciousness to invade, isn't it once again confirmed that Heaven has the camp's autonomous consciousness?
"Damn it! Why did the Supreme come to join in the fun?"

At a high-level meeting in Paradise, an old man in red cursed.

After the war had begun, the high-level meetings no longer had only the same faces as before.

"Bishop, is the situation very unfavorable?"

Loren, the eighth-level reincarnator and Neptune's cheap thigh, asked him. The bishop shook his head: "It's very bad."

"Hell and the gods continue to promote the existence of the camp's independent consciousness in the subordinate world, describing heaven as a conqueror with ulterior motives, which has shaken the rule of heaven to a large extent."

"Damn it, I never thought that one day, heaven would lose to hell in the battle of public opinion!"

After hearing his words, the expressions of the other eighth-level reincarnators became even more solemn.

Although the Samsaras pay attention to the law of the jungle, public opinion in the subordinate worlds is also very important, because in addition to the worlds that are completely controlled by the camp, many subordinate worlds are joined in a cooperative manner. This is basically witnessed by strong people above the seventh level. If the public opinion in heaven is too bad, it will also make other worlds wary.

After all, the mission world never lacks the aura of the protagonist. If someone wants to leave the camp, it will cause them a lot of trouble.

"So the angel Kamel is really not our handiwork?"

At this time, the eighth-level female boss Rui'er asked.

What she actually wanted to ask was, did their paradise really have no camp consciousness?

Michael, who was sitting in a high position, was the first to respond. His voice was still as empty as the valley, but everyone could clearly hear that Michael, the ninth-level reincarnator, was not as calm as before.

Hayes, the new rebel in Paradise, was secretly observing everywhere, trying to find out the other spy Li Ming was talking about at the venue.

Loren, Riel, Bishop...

Help, no matter who he looks at, he looks like an undercover agent.

"Heaven has no camp consciousness, all of this is a slander from hell or other camps!"

Michael clarified with an emphasis.

"Okay, I have told Gabriel that we will continue to increase the number of reincarnators. The most important thing now is to stabilize the battle situation."

After hearing the order, the other eighth-level reincarnators quickly said yes.

Within heaven, Michael is the emperor.

But after everyone left, Michael, who was sitting on the high platform, finally stepped down from the throne and came to a secret room in the heaven space.

After walking through the door, there is a coastal scene, but it is only about ten meters in size, and the rest is a pure white void.

There was only one person on the coast, an old black man with white hair, wearing a white suit and a pair of bright black leather shoes.

If Li Ming saw it, he would definitely shout that it's you Lucius.

"It seems like you have something serious on your mind?" the old man asked.

"I have something to ask you."

Michael was very serious.

"Oh? Is there something that Archangel Michael still can't handle, and you need to ask me, an old man who is in prison?"

The old black man asked with a smile.

Michael didn't care about the old black man's attitude, but said directly: "Are you really sure that there is no God in the heaven camp?"


The old black man shook his head and spread his hands.

"Isn't the only God being imprisoned by you?"

Michael imprisoned a God!
If this news is revealed, it will definitely cause turmoil in the Heaven camp.

Michael actually kidnapped a God?
Even if Li Ming knew about it, he would still have to shout "good guy".

Binding God and kidnapping God are two different concepts.

"But why is there a God consciousness outside under the banner of heaven?" Michael stared closely into the eyes of the black God, with deep distrust in his tone.


The Black God's face also changed slightly, and then returned to normal: "I have told you what I know. After all, you are stronger than me. You can tell if I told you I wasn't lying."

"But you can also choose not to finish your sentence." Michael said coldly.

"It doesn't do me any good." The Black God shrugged.

Michael didn't see anything and could only say: "It's best this way."

Then he once again said something that could make all the eighth-level reincarnators in heaven explode on the spot.

"The method you gave me last time failed. How can I become the independent consciousness of the camp in heaven?"

(End of this chapter)

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