The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 637 Laufei’s ultimate prophecy

Chapter 637 Laufei’s ultimate prophecy
Reincarnators have no faith.

If there is one, there is only one.


So this can also explain why Michael did such a rebellious act as capturing God.

Perhaps before he became a reincarnator, he was once a loyal dog of God, but after becoming the pinnacle among reincarnations, Michael thought he had seen everything clearly.

There is never any omniscient and omnipotent God, there are only stronger men with higher strength.

Faced with Michael's questioning, the black God remained silent.

But Michael snorted coldly.

"I advise you to think carefully before speaking. Don't forget that your world is still in my hands."

The Black God let out a long sigh, closed his eyes and said painfully: "Now if you want to replace the original camp consciousness, you must obtain more camp permissions, and in this situation, there is only one way for you to obtain more permissions... "

“God so loved the world, huh?”

"Fortunately, there is a new main god. By the way, Li, what is the name of that god?" Freya asked.

Yes, Li Ming is right.

In the Nordic God of War world, at the celebration banquet held in Midgard, Li Ming said loudly while holding a wine glass.

After his figure completely disappeared, the black God slowly opened his eyes.

But Li Ming will not help God preach, so he should just teach the Nordic people to believe in and praise the Holy Light.

Li Ming's words were recognized by many country leaders.

He knew that what the Black God said made sense, and he also knew why the other party couldn't bear to say it anymore.

Michael sneered, then turned around and left the enclosed space.

he muttered.

"And we relied on unity to protect the Nine Realms, so now we can't be divided."

He can help God occupy the consciousness of other worlds. After all, the two sides are now bound together, and it will also be beneficial for God to upgrade him.

"You can also call Him Holy Light God." He added.

"I hope you don't follow in my footsteps."

But what they were thinking about was no longer Odin, the little guy, but the enemies in the outer world.

"We will never follow the same path of defeating the Lord God!"

"Odin's method of high-pressure rule over the nine realms has led to countless tragedies."

The overwhelming and terrifying army of hell really frightened them.

"Sheep herder...ah no." Li Ming blurted out, and then immediately changed his words, "God."

"Expand the scope of the war." Michael understood and completed what the black God did not say.

"Another God? Since you want me to help you."

As for whether God himself would find his chosen son to preach in this world, Li Ming didn't care.

"Holy Light God, God?" Kratos nodded, "Sounds like a God full of hope."

The protagonist has admitted it, which means that God is officially recognized by this world.

[Ding, the agent triggers the alliance function, and the target is God. Do you want to send an invitation? 】


Li Ming's eyes lit up, how could he refuse?

Although God has said that it has been bound to him, now with the certification of the abyss, he can feel more at ease.

What if Old Yincoin plays tricks on him?
"Yes." He said in his mind.

Then the abyss immediately sent a reminder——

[Ding, the agent helps the alliance occupy the world and obtains a share of the world's origin,]

Li Ming suddenly felt that his world origin inventory had increased a lot, so he was even more pleasantly surprised.

He just wanted to be more deeply bound to Lao Yin Coin, but he didn't expect to receive dividends, which made Li Ming not averse to working for God. At this time, Atreus asked: "Is the God of Holy Light always like this, never showing up?"

"That's right." Li Ming nodded, "The Holy Light God is not a main god who is keen on ruling, so how you go about the Nine Realms in the future depends on your own choices."

"Then we need a new king." Freya said immediately.

"This is true. If the nine realms are allowed to develop freely, the battle between the light and dark elves in Alfheim will serve as a lesson." Mimir agreed very much.

"So...are you going to be the queen?"

Sol also walked over drunkenly and asked in an angry voice.

However, Atreus keenly heard that Thor would not approve of Freya becoming the new king.

Because although Freya was once the queen of Asgard, she was also the leader of Vanaheim.

The entanglement between Vanaheim and Asgard is no less than that of the light and dark elves, so even though they know that Freya is excellent and capable of taking on this important task, Thor and the other Asgardians are still a little awkward.

"No, I shouldn't."

But Freya shook her head, and instead she looked at Kratos standing aside.

"Kratos, I think Kratos is the best choice."

"General?" The Valkyrie Commander Sigrun next to him nodded immediately, "I agree!"

Kratos' performance in leading the Nine Realms coalition to attack Asgard and resisting the invasion of foreign lands is obvious to all, and people in the Nine Realms are convinced of him.

Even Thor relaxed and drank himself some mead: "Spartan? Barely enough."

However, Kratos subconsciously refused: "No, I can't."

Becoming the new king was a path he had never imagined.

"Father, you have to come and see this!"

At this time, Atreus was called over by Angelboda, who brought over an altar of prophecy. After seeing it, Atreus quickly called Kratos over.

Kratos' thoughts were confused at the moment, but he still walked over when he heard his son's cry. They saw many such altars along the way, all of which were prophecies about their journey and Ragnarok.

This is the last remaining shrine from the Nine Realms, a shrine they have never seen before.

"There is mother up here. She doesn't want us to follow our original destiny, so she broke up with the giants."

Atreus was very excited. He pulled Kratos to the back of the altar, pointed to the last prophecy, which was modified with golden paint, and said: "Mother helped us modify our destiny."

"She saved the real prophecy for last, which is you."

In the image, Kratos is carrying the Leviathan axe, surrounded by bright lights of hope.

"Mother foresaw this scene. Father, you are no longer an angry god of revenge, but now you are a respected god of hope!"

Seeing the images on the prophecy and listening to Atreus's words, Kratos couldn't help but burst into tears.

He can actually be loved by everyone one day.

So Kratos finally made up his mind not to let down this hard-won support.

He turned around, Li Ming nodded to him, and Freya and others were full of expectations.

"I accept it, and I will spread hope across the world again." Kratos said.

Atreus and others were naturally very happy, and surrounded Kratos to announce the good news to the public.

Li Ming smiled and shook his head. Kratos had this ending, which can be said to be perfect.

He was last, so he closed the doors of the altar one by one, but his movements were sudden.

Li Ming discovered that there was a hidden compartment under the altar.

So he pulled away directly, and a new picture appeared in front of him.

Li Ming's smile froze instantly.

On the screen, an angel with six wings on his back and a red cross sword crucified a man to the ground. There was also a scepter broken in half in the man's hand. The top of the scepter had six different stars in red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple. Gems of color, as dull as their owners.

Li Ming recognized him at a glance.

The one who was crucified was him!

(End of this chapter)

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