The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 640 Batman always has a way

Chapter 640 Batman always has a way
"Barry, how about this time?"

In a military camp, Keaton Bat was fully armed and surrounded by senior military officials. They all listened attentively to Barry Allen's introduction.

Time flows at different speeds on both sides. Although Li Ming has spent many years outside, only three years have passed in this world.

Even so, Flash has become a lot more mature now. After all, the person leading him is Bruce Wayne.

"They are"

Barry moved quickly and marked more than two-thirds of the points on the map in red.

"The above areas are very tightly defended and can only break through to the arrow position at most."

Looking at the dense arrows on the map, the military commander was very surprised.

"Where did you get this information? We have just gathered our forces."

The other officers were also strange.

Keatonbat said, then he marked a direction: "I'll go here."

So under the strong military orders, after a period of confusion, these troops rushed to their destinations to perform their tasks.

"Acting as a decoy to detect enemy firepower deployment?"

Out of trust in Batman, they all agreed to send troops to cooperate.

"This time, let's go here."

He raised his hand and looked at his watch: "We have fifteen minutes before the enemy will launch a nuclear bomb attack here. Our mission is to destroy their launcher before then."

"The enemy deploys the robot army much faster than us. Now is the time when the success rate is highest!"

So the army quickly dispatched. During the journey, Keaton Bat assigned combat tasks to each combat unit, and immediately blew up those troops who received the order on the spot.

After Keaton Bat carefully observed the map, he marked a route with a pen.

After all, regardless of whether there are nuclear bombs or not, it is real that the world will once again be invaded by foreign enemies.

The senior military officials could no longer refute, and since Batman was leading by example, they couldn't say anything more.

"It's strange, how do they know these troops will not mutiny?" A senior official murmured to himself.

Barry nodded, and after hearing the nuclear bomb, the military bosses also became nervous.

Some small countries on Earth have been destroyed.

"I understand the source of the intelligence." Barry interrupted, as if he knew what they were going to say, "But I don't have time to explain it to you in detail now."

"What? This is obviously a death mission!"

Many troops receive this kind of mission where death is inevitable.

"Yes, although we all responded to Batman's call because we worked together to fight aliens last time, you still have to tell us..."

The location he marked was the most dangerous area for the enemy according to the intelligence.

"Sacrifice is for ultimate victory!"

This caused senior military officials to quickly contact Batman, but received a positive answer.

The ensuing battle was as fierce as the battle plan. Countless soldiers were stopped by the opposite army before they could reach their destination.

But according to the combat route, they actually broke through to the periphery of the nuclear bomb device.

"They're here again."

"What kind of magic do these natives have?"

"I don't want to play anymore."

Inside the nuclear bomb base, the three reincarnators cursed angrily.

"Calm down, it's normal for some natives with special abilities to appear in the mission world." At this time, another blond man holding a wine glass said.

"That's right, after all, we are not like the sons of Lord Lamande. No matter what happens, we are not surprised." Unexpectedly, the reincarnator responded quickly with a gun and a stick.

Then three of the five reincarnators walked out.

"Hmph!" Hassoun threw the cup on the ground.

"Damn it, how come you are working with Star King's people on this mission?"

The man next to him dissuaded: "Your Highness, these wartime exploration missions are randomly assigned. We really have no choice if we want to jump in."

Li Ming would recognize this man if he saw it.

Duncan, the fifth level reincarnation of hell.

Previously, he worked with Li Ming to kill a reincarnator from the sixth level of hell in "Spider-Man: Parallel Universe".

From then on, Duncan followed Hasselon and became a captain of the guard. In fact, he was Hasselon's bodyguard captain.

However, Duncan also received resource support and is now a sixth-level reincarnator.

Hassoun sighed: "There is no way. Lord Beelzebub is recruiting an army to fight in the God of War world. If I don't come to this mission world, I can only go out with the army. Who wants to fight against Heaven?"

Because in the mission world, due to the speed of time, neither Hassoun nor the two knew that the war in the God of War World was over.

"Are we really not going to the war?" Duncan asked.

"What are you participating in?" Hassoun looked at Duncan with a dissatisfied look on his face. "I am not the captain this time. I will not get the benefits of completing the mission. I wish they would die so that I could go back."

"You just need to protect me!"


Suddenly they felt the building shaking. Duncan quickly called up the video interface and found that the enemy had already arrived.

"Their deployment has been thoroughly understood. The opponent has even mastered the behavior and habits of the reincarnators. It is not surprising that they can find the weak points and attack here."

Hassoun waved his hand.

"Go and deal with the other side."

Duncan nodded, and he, who had never appeared before, immediately went out to face Keaton Bat and seriously injured Batman in two or three blows.

But Keaton Bat, who was lying on the ground and dying, injected an epinephrine directly into him inside the suit, and then while Duncan was dealing with the others, he used the last bit of strength inspired in his body to speak into the communication in his ear. .

"The enemy headquarters also has a superpower, and the frontal attack plan failed."


Barry's voice came quickly, and then Barry hesitated for a moment: "Bruce?"

Keaton Bat, who was almost dying, responded softly: "See you next time, Barry."

Barry, who was far away from the battlefield, took a deep breath and nodded.

"See you next time, Bruce."

He then recorded all the information on this exploration from all parties, and then directly activated the Speed ​​Force.

Back in time!

Everything on the battlefield is flashing back, dead soldiers are resurrected, and the battlefield is restored to its original state. However, unlike the ignorant humans on earth, the hell-reincarnators all look depressed.

Because they are reincarnations, although they have been regressed, they still remember what happened.

Dormammu is actually me.

Barry returned to a specific point in time, quickly came to Wayne Manor, put the information in his hand in front of Keaton Bat, and then explained it.

"You're saying that an enemy that I can't deal with has arrived, and I've made a plan to get information by constantly dying, and then you'll go back to the present time to tell me the new information?" Keaton Bat quickly understood.

"How many times have we tried?" he asked.

"76 times." Barry said firmly.

Keaton Bat nodded, not caring at all whether he would die needlessly again this time.

He smiled and asked: "Barry, how was this time?"

(End of this chapter)

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