The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 641 Li Ming comes to the rescue

Chapter 641 Li Ming comes to the rescue
After carefully studying the battle map, Keaton Bat immediately contacted the official, and then he asked with some confusion: "Do you go back to this point in time every time?"

Barry shook his head: "Before, we always went back to the moment before we started taking action, but last time you said that if we failed again, I would ask you to initiate the last resort."

"Understood." Keatonbat nodded.

He realized that the situation had become extremely urgent, otherwise his future self would not have risked giving the enemy more time to react by allowing Flash to look back so long.

So before leaving, he took out the [Space Beacon] given by Li Ming and activated it directly.

"What is this?" Xiao Shan asked.

He came to Wayne Manor often and had never seen this thing before.

"A one-way messaging device, given by Li Ming, can contact him at critical moments." Keaton Bat explained, "The other Barry Allen should also have it."

"Wait a minute." Xiao Shan noticed something was wrong and pointed at himself, "So I'm the only one who doesn't have this thing?"

"This is not fair!"


Keaton Bat shook his head: "So this is the last resort."

At this time, a person said with a gloomy face: "I have found the location of the person who is going back. I have observed it many times. Every time he disappears, time starts to go back."

"If Hasuun dies, His Majesty the Lord of the Starry Sky will naturally protect us. Not only that, but he will also give us generous rewards. We just need to pretend that they died during the mission."

Then they left Wayne Manor and entered emergency preparations.

"He is the son of Lord Lamande, so the risk is too great."

The three reincarnations under the command of the Star King began to discuss secretly.

"Then go kill him!"


His words successfully convinced others. After all, there is no shortage of bold people among reincarnations.

"Then if we retreat early and give up the insurance time, it will only take five minutes to detonate!"

As for the reincarnators, they couldn't stay any longer.

"Wealth is found in danger!"

"But Hasoun is still inside, wait..." Another person suddenly realized, "Do you want to get rid of Hasoun?"

"No, I can't stand it anymore. It was interesting at first, but now I'm going to vomit if I keep repeating it."

"There's no rush, maybe we can do more." The man told his plan gloomily, "The nuclear bomb will detonate in fifteen minutes. The purpose is to give us time to retreat."

After complaining for a while, Xiao Shan was a little worried: "Will Li Ming come? Or will he arrive in time?"

"But we can't break the cycle."

After all, they were across the world, and they didn't know how long it would take for Li Ming to come over.

"I am not sure."

"What are you afraid of? We are all direct descendants of the Lord of the Starry Sky."

The two sides started fighting as scheduled, but soon Keaton Bat and Little Flash felt something was wrong.

The firepower of the robots on the opposite side was significantly reduced. They marched all the way, and even after arriving at the nuclear bomb launch base, they did not encounter any obstruction by superpowers.


"They're going to detonate the nuclear bomb early!"

Keaton Bat reacted immediately and ran towards the command room like crazy.

At this time, Hasoun and Duncan also realized something was wrong.

"Why did the big black rat on the other side come so fast this time? Where are those people?" Hassoun was very surprised.

Duncan's expression suddenly changed, and he asked hurriedly: "Your Highness, do you still have the detonator in your hand?" "Yes." Hassoun flashed the detonator in his hand, "What if they don't give me the detonator?" What if we are killed?"

However, Duncan did not let down his guard. He quickly took out a special glasses prop and put it on.

"The protection of the Eye of Horus?" Hassoun exclaimed, "This is a one-time tool to reveal the crisis, but you actually use it so randomly?"

Suddenly, Duncan's glasses prop suddenly shattered, and Hasoun's face immediately froze.

"Damn it, they detonated a nuclear bomb!" Duncan shouted, "This base has also been set up a forbidden magic zone!"

Hassoun asked hurriedly: "How much time is left?"


Fortunately, although the ban on demons here is a bit troublesome, whether it is three minutes or thirty seconds, it is enough for Hasoun to take out his life-saving tools and escape.

"2." Duncan added with a pale face.

Hassoun raised his head blankly: "Huh?"


Hassoun seemed to hear a loud noise and clearly felt a burst of heat coming from under his feet.

After all, no matter how wet he is, he is still a fifth-level person. At this moment, he can feel how he died.

Flash activated the Speed ​​Force and felt the nuclear bomb begin to explode. He quickly wanted to go back in time, but at the critical moment three reincarnations suddenly appeared and knocked him out of the Speed ​​Force state.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time!" The Hell Reincarnator was very proud. They were done with Xiao Shan and the others.

But at this moment, the reincarnators suddenly noticed that the movement behind them had stopped, and immediately looked back. Then they were surprised to find that a green barrier enveloped the nuclear bomb base, and the nuclear bomb in the explosion stopped abruptly.

"Time stops?"

They began to wonder if they had arrested the wrong person, and then three lightning bolts came straight from the sky in the distance. They were unable to avoid it and were directly hit away from Xiaodian. They fell to the ground and were unable to move.


Seeing the figure slowly falling in the sky, Xiao Shen shouted in surprise and rushed over.

"You came at the right time!" Barry said excitedly.

Li Ming did come by chance. When he arrived, he happened to find the nuclear bomb detonating and quickly used the power of the time stone to stop it.

"By the way, Bruce is still there, let's go rescue him!" After Barry said that, he quickly turned on the Speed ​​Force and ran towards the nuclear bomb base.

"and many more."

Li Ming slowed down Barry's movements with a wave of his hand. Although Barry felt that he was still in the Speed ​​Force, Flash's movements were slowed down dozens of times from Li Ming's perspective.

His hands and feet were paddling slowly, and Xiao Shan opened his mouth in surprise and slowly turned his head, which looked extremely funny in the slow motion.

It's like a gorilla flying in the air.

Li Ming wanted to prevent Xiao Shan from getting in his way. The next moment, a green light flashed past, and time began to flow backwards on the entire battlefield again, but this time no one's memory was affected.

His time stone development level has reached 51%, so he can naturally go back in time without going back in memory.

The exploded nuclear bomb returned to its original shape and the alarm was lifted. Everyone except the three hell-reincarnators breathed a sigh of relief.


Hassoun's heart was beating fast. He almost died just now. It was only then that he began to be afraid.

Then he and Duncan also noticed Li Ming outside, and immediately understood who saved him.

"Hey! My big brother is here!"

Hassoun was pleasantly surprised. He thought Li Ming came specifically to save him.

Since you saved me, you are my big brother!

(End of this chapter)

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