The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 644 What if 2 Batmans appeared in Gotham?

Chapter 644 What if there were two Batmans in Gotham?

"February 2th is just around the corner. This time we can hold a birthday party for both Batmans at the same time."

Li Ming said on the way to Wayne Manor.

"Birthday? I haven't had a birthday in more than ten years."

Keaton was a little uncomfortable. He had been alone since Ah Fu's death. It was only in the past two years that his manor became more lively.

"It's okay." Li Ming comforted, "Don't be nervous, you're here as a birthday present."

Keaton Bat slowly typed a question mark.

"You are Bruce's birthday gift to this world. Bruce is your birthday gift to this world. It's perfect." Li Ming said happily.

"You just forgot to prepare a birthday gift, right?" Keaton Bat understood everything.

Li Ming's face froze.

After entering the manor, Diana immediately threw herself into Li Ming's arms, and Bruce, Clark and others also gathered around.

Fortunately, Ah Fu is very popular with children. Little Jonathan is very well-behaved with Ah Fu and has perfectly inherited his father's advantages.

But when he was at Kent Farm, little Jonathan was more like his mother, bold and naughty.

Li Ming had already informed Diana and others about his return, but Li Ming took Keaton Bat around the world for a few times before returning to Gotham on his birthday.

After everyone saw Li Ming, they naturally noticed Keaton Bat next to him.

Even the latter is more important. After all, Bruce celebrates his birthday every year, but Li Ming doesn't come back every year.

He also held Clark's six-year-old son Jonathan Jr. on his hand.

Yes, after Clark's unremitting efforts, Ah Fu still agreed to help take care of their children occasionally.

He secretly felt that Keaton Bat and he seemed to be the same kind of people, and Keaton Bat also locked Bruce in the crowd at a glance.

Gotham Manor is still bustling with people, not only celebrating Bruce's birthday, but also welcoming Li Ming's return.

How can you tell the truth?
In the past few years, he had been busy with the camp war, and he really neglected that the time when he came back happened to be Bruce's birthday.

But Li Ming thinks Keaton Bat’s birthday gift is just right, and Bruce should be very satisfied.

Li Ming shook his head: "It's not my birthday."

Based on Li Ming's current lifespan, it is estimated that that day will have to wait a long time.

"I came back a little early this time and didn't make us wait another two years." Ah Fu said with a smile.

Bruce was the first to feel weird.

"Are you so lively on your birthday?" he asked.

Keaton Bat was surprised to see so many people in the manor.

"Perhaps when I turn gray-haired and become an old man one day, I will consider holding a birthday party and let a bunch of juniors kowtow to me."

Bruce himself feels the same way.

Others also noticed that Keaton's temperament was somewhat similar to Bruce's, especially those who were familiar with Batman such as Dick and Jason.

At this time, Supergirl Kara shouted in surprise: "Bruce?"

Bruce quickly turned around, only to find another person responding.

"Long time no see, Kara." Keaton said with a smile.

Bruce's heart was shocked. Thinking of Kara's origin, he immediately made a bold guess.

"Who is this?"

He pointed at Keaton Bat and asked Li Ming.

Keaton Bat didn't need Li Ming to answer. He introduced himself first: "Hello, my name is Bruce Wayne."

"Bruce...Wayne?" Jason looked up blankly and found that everyone had similar expressions to his. Another old man?

Bruce's eyelids twitched, and he looked at Keaton Bat with a dull expression, as if he was looking into a very tasteless mirror.

After Li Ming's introduction, everyone understood that Keaton Bat came from the universe before Kara, so they all welcomed his arrival.

It's just that Ah Fu looked at Keaton Bat, who looked older than him, and hesitated several times. Keaton Bat saw that he had something to ask, and took the initiative to speak: "Do you have any questions?"

Ah Fu pulled Keaton Bat to a place with few people and asked quietly: "You really... haven't found a partner or... uh, have a child?"

After seeing Keaton Bat, Ah Fu was extremely nervous. He thought about what Li Ming said before, that the Batman in Kara's universe died alone. After seeing the real person today, he hurriedly came to ask.

Afu's biggest concern is the continuation of the Wayne family.

However, although they had already run to the corner, everyone present, such as Li Ming, Diana, Clark, Arthur, and Karako, were all superhumans, and their voices could be heard clearly no matter how low they spoke.

But they were not the only ones. Hal was also very curious. He was the most extreme. He secretly hid behind the flower stand and directly used the power of the green light to build himself a super radio to satisfy his craving for melons.

Bruce forced himself to do some mental construction before he could ignore Hal's actions.

But what he didn't expect was that when he turned around, his female companion Selena disappeared. When he looked over again, he found that Selena had also gone to Hal to ask for an earphone.

Facing Afu's searching gaze, Keaton Bat shook his head: "No."

"Although my Ah Fu often advises me, in the end I am more stubborn." He smiled calmly.

He was about the same age as Ah Fu, and it looked like two little old men were secretly discussing some old lady.

"But why?" Afu asked.

He couldn't ask Bruce this question, but he thought that Bruce might have an answer in parallel time and space.

Keaton Bat showed a smile that saw everything: "I was not ready when I was young. When I get older, I won't be able to meet the right person."

Ah Fu was a little anxious: "Even if the Wayne family has no next generation, at least you can find someone to accompany you."

In fact, in Afu's heart, the continuation of the Wayne family is important, but the most important thing is Bruce himself.

His meaning is very simple. It doesn't matter if you don't have children, but you won't end up alone.

Keaton Bat shook his head: "If you don't cherish the right person when you meet him, you can only miss it."

After hearing this, Selina turned her head and glared at Bruce.

Bruce, on the other hand, looked back at her confused, causing Selina to look away in displeasure.

But Selina didn't know, and then Bruce looked at her with a complicated look.

Wayne Manor is Batman's place, how could Alfred's words escape his ears?
Although Bruce looks serious, he also has a hidden headset in his ear.

Li Ming sees all this, so of course he won't expose it unintentionally, he just wants to eat it.

But he also did something else.

"Abyss, analyzing Bruce's character traits."

[Ding, the current parsing progress is 71! 】

"Wow, you're actually so tall from the beginning?" Li Ming was very surprised. It seemed that Bruce was really close to him.

Li Ming felt a little warm in his heart.

Back to Keaton Bat, overall Keaton Bat is here in another Wayne Manor and has integrated very quickly.

After all, although the worlds are different, there are always similarities, and Keaton Bat seems to have returned to the time when Ah Fu was still around more than ten years ago.

Sometimes his Afu would hold some banquets if he felt too deserted. In that scene, Wayne Manor was as lively as it is today.

After Afu finished talking with Keaton Bat, Bruce also went over to exchange experiences with Keaton Bat.

However, when Bruce learned that Keaton Bat's world had just been invaded by other worlds, Bruce's expression immediately became serious.

(End of this chapter)

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