The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 645 Move the Justice League to the Moon

Chapter 645 Move the Justice League to the Moon
“Different world wars?”

After the Penguin, Riddler and other ordinary guests left, the superheroes gathered together and were very surprised by the information Keaton Bat told.

"There is a war between thousands of universes, and even the soldiers are the elite of the Kryptonians, my God!"

Arthur put his head in his hands and exclaimed. The others looked similar to him, with their eyes widened in disbelief.

But this news was brought back by Li Ming. Keaton Bat had experienced it personally and couldn't fake it at all.

"We must prepare in advance!"

Bruce made an immediate decision, and Clark and others fully agreed.

Although Li Ming said that he had found a way to block the coordinates of this universe, both Batman and Superman felt that they could not be too lucky.

After all, the opponent this time is not a single Parallax monster, or the Green Lantern Corps who will hold back, but an invader from another universe.

War between countries is extremely cruel, let alone a large-scale war between universes.

"We need to unite the forces of all parties." Li Ming said first.

Arthur was very excited. He was called the King of the Sea. He was used to staying in the sea, so he naturally yearned for the sky.

"The distance to the moon has increased several times. Is the range of the teleportation device enough?" Hal asked.

"In that case..." Li Ming then expressed his long-awaited idea, "Let's move the Justice League to the moon."

Arthur had a sudden idea.

But Bruce thinks it makes sense: "Yes, the earth does need a window for external communication."


Everyone knows the reason. There are more than two hundred countries on the earth. No matter where this place of communication with the universe is placed, there will be territorial disputes. Even in Gotham, there will be countless people coveting it.

[Ding, the current parsing progress is 75%. 】

Everyone was shocked by Li Ming's proposal, but after thinking about it, they realized that it seemed feasible.

Bruce also nodded: "Yes, relying on the power of the earth alone is not enough. We must unite all forces in the universe that can coexist peacefully."

Li Ming and Batman are both here now.

Everyone present is a member of the Justice League or is familiar with the Zhenglian. Naturally, they know the technological content of the Zhenglian base. It is not difficult to build an office in space.

"What should we do?" Clark used his super brain, and then the super brain made the same decision as before.

"But... it cannot be placed on Earth."

"So we're going to space again? Great!"

"Then we need a diplomatic consulate facing the universe?"

Next to him, Dick and Jason, who had not been to Planet OA last time, were also very moved. They had never left Earth.

When in doubt, look for Li Ming, but Li Ming is not looking for the bat.


The current Zhenglian headquarters in Washington already has a teleportation device, and they can quickly gather at any corner of the earth.

"No problem." Bruce replied. He was very aware of all the affairs of Zhenglian.

"Then it's decided, show of hands!"

The child king Arthur took the lead, and the younger generation Dick, Barbara, and Jason also raised their hands high with excitement on their faces.

Diana smiled fondly and raised her hand, and others were affected and raised their hands in agreement.

If they put the Justice League's headquarters on the moon, they would be able to prevent official harassment from various countries.

After all, no matter how far the official hands are stretched, they can't reach the moon, and no matter how loud the fuss is at the Justice League headquarters in Washington, it won't help.

Just do it if you think of it, but if they want to build a new base after abandoning the officialdom, they will have to pay for it themselves.

But just after Pent Baker came to power, one of his big moves was to cut the funding of the Justice League and supervise the affairs of the Justice League. Changing the base was just a good way to avoid trouble in advance.

You oversee the Justice League headquarters, what does it have to do with my moon base? Among everyone present, when it came to funding, Li Ming and Bruce naturally took the lead.

"I asked Oswald and the others to come back." Li Ming said.

Bruce also spoke: "I asked Lucius to come back too."

Soon, the leaders of Gotham Group and Wayne Group came over.

The Penguin returned with his wife Freya, the Riddler, and Lucius Fox, the president of Gotham Corporation.

Everyone is responsible for making demands, and they are responsible for paying.

As for the staff of the lunar base, they will be replaced by robots.

"We still have to come up with a name," said Arthur, cheerfully.

"Let's call it the Watchtower, which means we are at the forefront of the earth's safety." Li Ming spoke in time, interrupting the outrageous name Arthur was about to say.

"Watchtower? Not bad." Arthur muttered.

The name quickly passed the unanimous vote of everyone, and the next focus of Zhenglian's work was to build a lunar base.

However, Li Ming's focus is still to feed Diana.

The Justice League's big move to relocate naturally fell into the official radar.

"Mr. Baker, while Li Ming hasn't come back yet, do we want to intervene?"

In the white room, the new director of the Sky Eye Bureau, Amanda Waller, asked during the report.

After Ponte Baker became the commander-in-chief, his original position fell into the hands of Waller.

Waller serves as Pent's right-hand man in the Sky Eye Bureau. Although he is not qualified to be the deputy commander, he is more than enough to be the director of the Sky Eye Bureau.

"It doesn't matter. Try to downplay the impact of this matter and focus on publicizing what important positions we have placed at the Zhenglian headquarters in Washington." Pente ordered.

Contrary to Waller's expectation, Pente Baker did not plan to delve into the actions of the Justice League.

But she clearly remembered that Ponte Baker's campaign manifesto was to supervise the Justice League.

As if he had read Waller's thoughts, Pent asked her directly: "Although Li Ming is not here, can we restrict Wonder Woman?"

Waller shook his head.

"Can we deal with Superman?"

Waller continued to shake his head.

"Is there any way we can instigate Batman?"

Waller still shook his head.

"That's it. Although the Sky Eye Bureau is responsible for supervising the Justice League, I must tell you Waller..."

Pente taught him how to get promoted.

"What the Director of the Sky Eye Bureau has to do is not to supervise the Justice League, but to make the outside world think that we are supervising it."

"Remember how we survived the Parallax crisis?"

"It was obviously the Parallax monster we attracted by our mistake, but in the end we got a big credit?" Pent asked.

Waller nodded.

Ponte nodded with satisfaction: "Very good, let's do the work."

After walking out of the Commander-in-Chief's office, Waller's mood was no more relaxed. She looked back at the office door with a very complicated mood.

Amanda Waller is a staunch national supremacist. Because of her own experience, she does not believe in superheroes and is willing to work under Pent, also because Pent has the reputation of daring to stand up to Li Ming.

But Waller really didn't expect that Pent was actually in trouble now.

(End of this chapter)

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