The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 646 Tim Drake volunteered

Chapter 646 Tim Drake volunteered

"Why isn't that Punt Baker targeting you anymore?"

On Paradise Island, Diana stroked the bracelet lovingly and asked Li Ming curiously.

"I thought that after he became the commander-in-chief, he would always look for trouble as before, but in the end it was just trivial things."

Seeing Diana transformed into a curious baby, Li Ming held her in his arms amusingly: "You can actually see that Pentrey's voice is louder than raindrops?"

"I thought you never cared about such things."

Diana shook her head: "I just don't like calculations, but it's not like I don't know how to do it."

"I can see that although Pent has never stopped looking for trouble, he targets corners that appear to be critical to the outside world but are not actually that important."

She suddenly thought: "Pente surrendered to you?"

Li Ming smiled and said nothing.

Countless people want to know from Li Ming whether the legendary omniscient and omnipotent one exists.

As a pioneer against Li Ming, Ponte Baker is naturally the best choice.

Diana's attention was immediately diverted. She held up the bracelet happily, her eyes shining.

Speaking of which, the official could ask a wizard to check the body of the commander-in-chief. For such outrageous things, Li Ming had to take the blame.

"He is the commander-in-chief. The government has hired a lot of occult experts to keep an eye on him. If I suddenly ran to brainwash him, wouldn't it be easy to expose him?"

“Great, beautiful!”

Li Ming nodded Diana's head, then pointed at the bracelet and asked, "Is it still suitable?"

Of course Li Ming can answer now.

For Li Ming, it is much better to leave it in the hands of Pente than to leave it to his enemies.

The slogans were shouted loudly and the noise was loud, but Li Ming's actual damage was approximately zero.

There's nothing I can do about it, the Holy Light Angel and all that really scratch the heart of Westerners.

Even if all the armaments on the earth were put together, it would not be enough for Li Ming to fight alone.

And since the Parallax Demon incident, Li Ming has gained many fans around the world, most of them coming from religious believers.

"Did you cast a spell on him and confuse his mind?" Diana asked again.

It’s just that Li Ming’s enemies still don’t know the true identity of Ponte Baker.

It exists, but it just evolved from sheep and is still being upgraded.

After all, it wasn't long ago that Li Ming transformed into an avenging angel and defeated the Parallax Demon above the earth.

Because the previous commander-in-chief, Norton Rivers, supported Li Ming and Gotham as if he had lost his mind, and targeted all other forces equally, many people wondered whether he had been brainwashed by the King of Gotham.

After all, even if no one targets many of his privileges, Li Ming will hand them over in order to maintain his identity as a righteous leader.

That's why it was so easy for Ponte Baker to take office this time. Originally, his qualifications were not enough, but the world has been suffering from Li Ming for a long time and is in urgent need of a leader who can compete with Li Ming.

Of course, they are not trying to defeat Li Ming now.

She raised her left hand high, and a blooming rose flower was engraved on the protective silver bracelet.

There is also a flower on the protective silver bracelet on Diana's right hand, which she slowly carved on herself while waiting for Li Ming.

So now that Li Ming was stronger, he also personally engraved rose flowers on Diana's other protective silver bracelet.

It's better if they are in pairs.

This rose flower is not a simple pattern. Li Ming made full use of the skills of [Warner Protoss Magic Lv. 10] to give the guardian silver bracelet many new effects.

The increase in divine power is only the most basic, and it also has powerful protection, remote communication and other functions. Even when Diana encounters a life-or-death crisis, the guardian silver bracelet can not only replace Diana's death, but also bring Li Ming across the world.

The main thing is to protect his wife.

When Li Ming and Diana were getting tired of each other, he suddenly contacted him on Sunday.

"Your Excellency Li Ming, it seems that Mr. Wayne's Bat Family is about to have a new member."


Li Ming immediately turned his attention to Gotham.

Although it is daytime on Paradise Island, Gotham has entered the night. New Gotham is a little darker.

There is no shortage of criminals here. Recently, a new "Joker" imitator has appeared in New Gotham. His behavior is much more flamboyant than Jerome, he causes destruction everywhere and his IQ is not low.

Bruce took the two Robins with him and finally drove the new clown into despair.

During the arrest, the new clown was about to rush into the crowd and take hostages when he suddenly saw a young man alone in an alley, so he rushed over and took him as a hostage.

The three Batmans surrounded the new Joker, but they were afraid that the young master would be in danger and did not dare to act rashly.

Bruce quietly activated the yellow light ring while using words to ease the new Joker's mood.

"Jared, let him go."

Batman's deep voice sounded, and the new Joker was obviously startled, and then laughed.

"Hahaha, you actually know me, it's such an honor, hahaha."

"Although I don't know why your family worships the clown." With the information provided by Sunday, Bruce naturally knew the identity of the new clown.

"But you just want to pursue excitement and fun. Killing an unarmed person will not make you feel happy." Bruce said solemnly.

He has dealt with many clowns of all kinds, but he quickly captures the minds of clown impersonators.

Batman said directly: "Capturing hostages? This is something ordinary criminals would do. Do you want it to be fun?"


"Let him go. I'll let you run for five minutes. If you can run away, I'll let you go."

The new clown named Jared was really moved after hearing this.

"Interesting, interesting."

But in the next second, his expression suddenly changed: "I don't believe you, this bat. How could you let me go and let me hurt more people?"

Bruce didn't expect that this clown was actually smarter. It was really impossible for him to let these criminals go, and he would at least have to be jailed.

Seeing that the talks collapsed, Batman immediately wanted to use the power of the yellow light ring to prevent the hostages from being injured.

But the boy who didn't want to be taken as a hostage took advantage of the time when the new clown was talking to Bat-talk, and hit the new clown in the stomach with his elbow. The clown bent over in pain, and he kicked the new clown hard in the crook of the leg. Jared thought To fight back but sadly find out.

He can't beat it.

Bruce, Dick, and Jason had already swarmed over and held the new clown firmly down.

"Good job!"

Jason also took the time to give the boy a thumbs up.

After the clown was controlled by the two Robins, Bruce stood in front of the boy.

"Did you get caught on purpose?" he asked solemnly.


The boy swallowed. Although he had expected it many times, when Batman actually stood in front of him, the boy was still a little nervous.

"Yes." He nodded.

By this time, Bruce had already recognized whose child this was, but he was confused: "Why did you come here?"

"I, I studied the clown's behavior and deduced that he would run away this way."

The boy's voice was a little trembling, but he spoke very clearly.

"That's why I'm here to wait for you."

"wait for me?"

Batman grabbed the boy by the shoulders, took him to a secluded rooftop, and then used his size and aura to suppress him, forcing the boy to tell the truth.

"What are you waiting for me to do?"


Finally, the young man took a deep breath, looked around, and when he saw no one was around, he stated his purpose in one breath.

"Mr. Wayne, my name is Tim Drake and I want to be Robin!"

(End of this chapter)

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