The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 649 Gotham Fan Club Interview Process

Chapter 649 Gotham Fan Club Interview Process

The story of the League of Assassins and Jerome Jerome goes back to the first time Li Ming met Lei Xiao Ogu.

The first ally Lei Xiao Ogu found in Gotham was Li Ming's man, Jerome.

It got off to a bad start.

The second member of the League of Assassins was Nyssa Ogu, Talia's sister. She collaborated with Jerome to create Borderlands, but in the end she didn't know that everything was following Li Ming's script.

The third time was when Lei Xiao Ogu came back after his resurrection. He was looking for Butch, the biggest gangster in Gotham and the boss of the Fish Gang. Surprisingly, Butch was still Li Ming's man.

This time the Ogu family turned to Thalia to cause trouble. Like her sisters, she also chose Jerome.

Although the cooperation between the League of Assassins and Jerome has failed once, after Li Ming carefully observed the intelligence of Gotham's villains, he found that Thalia also came to Jerome to cooperate, which actually made sense.

As for Jerome, he is now an evergreen tree among Gotham's super criminals. After all, he was famous in Gotham before Batman came to Gotham.

Over the years, although there have been bug-level players like Joker or talented players like Clayface, they have all been killed without exception.

That is to say, the surrounding officials tacitly allow the criminals in the territory to escape to New Gotham, with fresh criminals to supplement it, and Batman is still restrained in New Gotham, otherwise there will not be enough criminals to catch.

Two-Face Harvey Dent.

He was still holding a coin and playing with it on his fingertips.

After twenty years of wandering, he is still alive and well. No wonder Thalia wants to come to him for cooperation.

And Thalia has clearly learned from her previous experience.

In a magnificent hotel conference room in New Gotham, Jerome sat in the main seat and asked the humanoid crocodile standing in front of the conference table.

However, Li Ming discovered that Thalia obviously did not do a good job in intelligence work on Jerome, because she did not find out why Jerome was still alive.

Killer Croc, DC's famous cannon fodder.

Pig-faced man.

Thalia also saw that there must be a reason for the Fish Gang to remain in Gotham.

For example, this time she didn't go to Gotham's local gang, the Fish Gang, to cooperate.

Poison Ivy.

Because the Batman here is really killing when he encounters extremely vicious criminals who are stubborn and unrepentant.

"Are you going to join the Gotham fandom?"

Moreover, the Fish Gang led by Butch is now focused on fighting for the territory of New Gotham, and by the way, it helps Li Ming's eyes. The Fish Gang does not have much influence in Gotham itself.

This man was not short of money either. Because he admired Batman, he bought himself a moth suit and even had his own moth hole. However, what he did was not a chivalrous act.

He is also a veteran villain from Gotham named Laszlo Valentine.

Of course it's not Ivy. This poison ivy woman is Pamela Eisley. She was once a friend of Barbara Gordon and an extreme environmentalist. She was infected by chemical agents and gained the ability to control plants.

So this shows even more how powerful Jerome is.

Sitting at the conference table with Jerome are other members of the Gotham fan club.

Killer moth.

Originally he was just an ordinary killer, but he was later recruited by Falcone's daughter Sofia, trying to disguise himself as a super criminal who punished corrupt officials and crimes to help Sofia get rid of those who did not cooperate with her.

However, Sophia's ambition was urgently stopped by Falcone. Unbeknownst to others, Falcone was very aware of Li Ming's methods.

If Sofia really dared to interfere in Gotham, she would still be played by Li Ming until she died.

But Sofia stopped urgently without notifying Valentin, causing him to play the role of a pig-faced man for a long time. After realizing that he had been cheated by Sofia, the pig-faced man had become too involved in the drama and really became a man who punishes corrupt officials with killing. of super criminals.

Together with Jerome, the five super criminals, Two-Face, Poison Ivy, Killer Moth, and Pig-Face are all the members of the Gotham fan club.

In the past, the Gotham Fan Club was just a joke, but now it has become a real organization, and the leader is naturally Jerome.


Killer Croc replied.

His real name is Waylon Jones. He was born with a rare atavism, which turned him into a half-human, half-crocodile monster as an adult.

Because of his peculiar appearance, Killer Croc was disliked everywhere and people regarded him as a monster. So after hearing about the Gotham Fan Club, he came here with the intention of giving it a try - for an interview.

That's right, interviews. The Gotham fan club considers themselves to be ambitious people, completely different from the criminals outside who commit crimes for money, so new members who want to join are also subject to strict vetting.

In the eyes of criminals from the outside world, the Gotham fan club is full of big shots. Who wouldn’t want to learn from it?

Moreover, the Gotham fan club is notoriously famous, but it has never been wiped out by Batman, and the outside world also wants to know what the secret is.

"The first requirement for joining the fan club is strength." Jerome put his feet on the seat and looked at Killer Crocodile's ferocious appearance, "You hahaha... you are very powerful at first glance."

He raised his hands high in the air: "A vote of strength, I vote to pass."



Two-Face and Poison Ivy also agreed.

"Three votes passed!"

Jerome continued: "The second requirement of the fan group is that members must have a pursuit in life. What is your dream?"

Dream Mentor·Half of the Country·Jerome is online.

"Pursues and dreams?"

Killer Croc's scant brain almost shut down.

If I remember correctly, he came to interview with a super criminal organization, right?

How is it like applying for a large company or participating in a talent show?
"I want money, a lot of money," Killer Croc said instinctively.

"Shut up!"


"No pursuit!"

Unexpectedly, as soon as he finished speaking, Killer Crocodile was booed by Two-Face, Pig-Face and Killer Moth.

Jerome also felt very disappointed: "For money, you can go to the gang, you can go to Deadshot and Captain Boomerang. There is no need to come here."

"But for the sake of your appearance, I can give you a chance to say it again."

He tapped Killer Croc with his finger: "Think about it later."

Killer Crocodile was not very bright, so he said whatever he thought of: "I want a place to live without being kicked out, and I also want to be cured of my illness."

"Home and survival." Jerome chirped, "Just get by."

He looked at the others: "What do you think?"

Two-Face tossed a coin, and when it landed it was scratched on one side.

"Agreed," he said.

"I object."

Poison Ivy didn't raise her hand: "His pursuit is too narrow."

"I object too." The pig-faced man also agreed with Poison Ivy's view.

"2:2, now enters the decisive moment."

Jerome liked this kind of scene the most. He looked at Killer Moth, who held the key votes.

"Walker, how do you choose?"

Killer Moth thought for a moment, then raised his hand: "I agree."

"Clap clap clap!"

Jerome clapped, finding it very interesting that there was another strange person in the Gotham fan club.

Two-Face and Poison Ivy, who were dissatisfied, also clapped twice, and they would not say anything about the results of the vote.

"Then let's move on to the last item -" Jerome said with interest, "new member training!"

Killer Croc is also looking forward to it. Will the secret of Batman not killing Gotham fans finally be revealed?

(End of this chapter)

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