The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 650: Gotham Fan Club’s No-Kill Principle

Chapter 650: Gotham Fan Club’s No-Kill Principle
Jerome raised a finger.

"Gotham Fan Club Code of Conduct——"

"No killing!"

Killer Crocodile's eyes immediately widened: "Huh?"

If you don't kill people in Gotham, other criminals will laugh at you if you say it. He can't believe that this sentence actually came from Jerome.

And not to mention the past, Killer Crocodile looked at Killer Moth, whose name was very similar to his.

"If I remember correctly, he just killed 13 gangsters the day before yesterday." Killer Crocodile questioned.

“Do gangsters count as people?”

Unexpectedly, Jerome spread his hands and asked him.


"When we say people, we mean civilians."

He doesn't like people saying he doesn't look like Batman.

Killer Crocodile almost broke the news. Outside criminals have speculated for a long time about the truth behind Gotham's fan club. Some even said that they and Batman colluded with each other, but they didn't expect the real reason to be so simple.

"Batman protects civilians. As long as we don't kill civilians, it doesn't matter if we occasionally engage in activities with them. At most, we will be caught and beaten by Batman."

"Don't you want to know why Batman only arrests us, but hasn't killed the fans yet?"

At this time Jerome explained to him.

Jerome stood up and said plausibly: "There's no way he could kill me just because I tied civilians in one place for several hours, right?"

This is true. Jerome kidnapped a family of three two days ago and played hide and seek with Batman.

Killer Croc was silent, he wanted to retort.

"Why?" he asked, "You also often attack civilians."

"After all, he is Batman, not Killer Moth."

"Hey!" Killer Moth yelled dissatisfied.

That's why the Gotham fan club can firmly occupy the top spot as the new Gotham villain, and this is all done through killing.

Killer Crocodile stood there blankly, as if his entire worldview had been impacted.

The crocodile is a little confused.

But in the end he fell silent.

"Have you never heard that black lives matter? The lives of gangsters matter!"

Because although the fan club members don't kill civilians, when they encounter gangsters and other criminals, they really kill indiscriminately.

The famous Gotham fan club actually started not harming civilians?
This seems very conspicuous, but the outside world has never noticed it.

Aren’t gangs just expendable in New Gotham? The authorities don't care, and even Batman doesn't care. They really can't be treated as human beings.

"That's why!"

But now Killer Croc knows that the Gotham fan group, the one that everyone covets to be the leader of criminals, has... been cleared?

Of course, it's not a clean slate, at most it's a semi-conformity, but this is also very scary.

"You all abide by this rule?" Killer Crocodile was a little unconvinced.

But others' answers were surprising.

The first is Jerome, who talks about his own journey.

"I just want to have fun and hang out with Batman."

"I used to not care about civilians, but at that time Batman was chasing me very close. It was not interesting at all to be busy escaping for my life every day." "I also tried to drag Batman into the same role as us, but I failed. ”

"In the end, I realized that I just wanted to play with Batman, and I didn't care about the lives of civilians at all."

"In that case, I'll let the civilians go, and Batman won't hunt me down, so I'll have enough time to come up with ideas to play games with Batman, hahaha."

Jerome raised his hands high and said proudly: "What a great discovery!"

Two-Face said coldly: "We only punish crimes."

The "we" he refers to actually refers to himself, because there are two personalities in Two-Face.

The pig-faced man also nodded: "Me too."

Of course, the way they punish crime is anything but clean.

"I only like plants. Although sometimes I want to kill those who abuse plants, but for the long term, I don't have to kill them." Poison Ivy did have some opinions, but not much.

Killer Moth said, "It doesn't matter who I kill. Since killing civilians will offend Batman, I can just kill gangsters."

Killer Croc understands that the Gotham fandom is not a discovery of conscience, but rather has no conscience at all.

In their eyes, civilians are as worthless as gangsters, but because of the constraints of Batman, they can simply ignore them.

In fact, the main reason has to be Batman. Because Batman no longer has the principle of not killing, he will force Gotham fans to adopt the principle of not killing in self-defense. This kind of absurd and magical thing in Li Ming's eyes happened.

Full of dark humor.

According to Li Ming's understanding of Bruce, he must have been aware of this incident and deliberately allowed the fan group to act.

After all, the Gotham fan club no longer kills or even harms civilians, but they never show mercy to gangsters and other criminals.

In fact, this also relieves Batman's work pressure from the side.

The price paid is just that the civilians are a little frightened during the game they play with Batman, and Batman has to spend a lot of energy playing games with the fan base.

But compared with the lives of civilians, Bruce is worth it no matter what.

So looking at it this way, the nature of the Gotham fan club has changed. They are no longer super criminals who endanger civilians, but associates of Batman.

Fake Batman Assistant: The disobedient and foul-mouthed Robin.

Real Batman Assistants: A Gotham fan group that plays games with Batman and helps kill criminals.

Jerome walked up to Killer Croc and patted his arm: "Now, as the leader of the Gotham Fan Club, I announce that you have officially become a trainee member."

"The assessment period is half a year. If you pass the assessment, you can become a regular employee."

"But before that, if you need any help, such as revenge on some enemies or something, you can tell me."


Killer Crocodile became interested. He thought of a certain gangster who had driven him out of the sewers to transport flour through the sewers, and he couldn't help but reveal a ferocious smile.

"Wow, I smell blood." Jerome said with a smile, and then pointed outside, "Go to the waiter in white clothes, she will help you find someone."

Killer Croc immediately turned around and walked out. When he was far away, Two-Face suddenly spoke: "Are you going to let him be the scapegoat?"

"No no no."

Jerome shook his finger: "I said it was a test. If he is smart enough to survive, I will let him join us."

Then he gave a cruel smile.

"Of course, if he is too stupid and is killed by the Assassin's League, it will be his life hahaha."

He spread his hands and made a show of showing off: "It's impossible for us to deal with the King of Gotham anyway. We can't even deal with Batman. Why bother with Li Ming?"

"Are you looking for death?"

(End of this chapter)

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