The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 652 Testing Pentebeck

Chapter 652 Testing Pent Baker
"Where did you know that name?"

Bruce was unusually panicked.

It's not that he is still interested in Thalia, after all, it has been more than ten years since he last saw Thalia.

Bruce is just a little embarrassed. He is not used to exposing his feelings, especially for someone with a bad taste like Li Ming.

Who knows if Li Ming would go and tell Selena just to watch the fun?

"I didn't tell Selena." Li Ming said first, "I heard it from the insider in the Gotham fan club."

"Inside? Who?" Bruce asked.

Of course he knew about the Gotham fan club, but he didn't know that Li Ming was involved.

"Killer Moth." Li Minghun said nonchalantly.

There's no need to hide this kind of thing from Batman.

As of now, Li Ming has not appeared in public. Only relatives and friends know the news of his return, and at Li Ming's request, no news of his return has been disclosed.

"Pent Baker?"

He would not miss such a good fishing opportunity.

"How do you get along with the other Bruce?" Li Ming asked curiously.

"I heard that she wants to take revenge on you for being rebellious and abandoning her before, so she wants to come to Gotham to cause trouble. I'm not sure exactly what she's going to do." Li Ming only said half of what he said.

Bruce dared not speak out when he was angry, but he knew that Li Ming could not do anything ethical.

Of course, his plan didn't include what he would do if he suddenly got a fat boy.

He has already made a plan in his mind, what to do if Selena expresses that he doesn't mind, and what to do if Selena really cares.

"I knew it……"

Li Ming suppressed a smile and replied: "Well... Batman's exclusive photo will help him imitate you."

Of course, he couldn't say clearly that Thalia gave birth to a big fat boy for you. Li Ming was still waiting to take a picture of Bruce's surprised expression.

Then he thought of a countermeasure, not to Thalia, but to Selina.

"By the way, aren't you planning to show up in public?" Bruce asked suddenly.

Bruce smiled and nodded: "Great."

"How did you do that?" Bruce was a little surprised. Killer Moth was famously only interested in Batman, and because he was a rich man, he was not interested in money.

Although Keaton Bat has been active for a long time, his vision and wisdom are still there. He only needs to check for leaks and fill in the gaps, and make suggestions for others in Zhenglian to implement.

"He taught me a lot of experience, and he also had many unique insights into the design of the watchtower base."

"What is Thalia going to do?" Bruce brought the topic back.

Bruce took the information Li Ming gave him to heart and prepared to let Sunday pay attention to it.

What bad intentions could Li Ming have? He just wanted to help Bruce record the important moments in his life.

"Wait a minute, the League of Assassins is going to return to Gotham anyway, so I'll take the opportunity to see if anyone will jump out." Li Ming waved his hand.

The first thing Bruce thought of was the newly appointed commander.

"That's not true." Li Ming immediately denied it.

"I'm surprised that with your temper, you would acquiesce to Pent's rise to power." Bruce showed an inquiring look, "Did you make some kind of deal with Pent?"

Li Ming immediately responded: "Okay, you actually think like everyone else that I will manipulate the results of the election?"

Bruce looked helpless: "Don't I know what your character is? No matter who offends you, there will be no good end for you. I'm surprised that you can tolerate Pent for such a long time."

"No matter what, you hurt my heart. You have to take a set of photos to appease my hurt feelings." Li Ming said nonchalantly.

"Two groups!" Bruce was particularly generous. Anyway, he knew that Li Ming would secretly film him if he refused, "But you have to tell me if Pente is yours."

"No, he must be yours." Bruce shook his head and directly acknowledged this fact. "But you want to tell me when it started?"

Li Ming's eyes lit up: "Private one? With it, I can even incite rebellion against Jerome..."

Batman ran away without looking back.

"Is there someone really trying to sneak into Gotham? Who provided you with the information?"

In the white house, Commander Pont Baker looked at Amanda Waller in front of him and asked in surprise.

"Killer Moth, I promise not to seize his secret assets." Amanda Waller said as if taking credit.

"Killer Moth?"

After Ponte Baker heard this name, he stopped delving into the accuracy of the intelligence.

"What are you going to do?" he asked.

"Li Ming hasn't returned to Gotham yet. This is a good opportunity for us. We can take the opportunity to plant some nails in Gotham." Waller said his plan.

After saying that, she looked at Ponte without changing her expression, but her heart started to grow.

There was a risk that Ponte's actions some time ago were tilted towards Li Ming, and this plan was a test by Waller.

If Ponte Baker vetoes it, then the position of this commander-in-chief will be very dangerous again, which will be very troublesome and inconsistent with Waller's values.

"Insert some nails?" Ponte Baker's tone was somewhat disapproving, which made Waller's heart twitch.

"not enough!"

Unexpectedly, Ponte Baker changed the topic.

"I will give you more manpower and authority, and you must instigate some key figures from within Gotham!"

Waller finally felt relieved. Ponte Baker was still the anti-Li Ming vanguard. Even if he was temporarily hesitant, he would dare to attack when given the opportunity.

This is the kind of leadership she wants.

"Okay." She nodded.

"Exploring weaknesses, finding characters who are not firm in their stance, and playing to their liking. You don't need me to teach you these methods, right?" Pent asked in depth, seeming to be worried that Waller wouldn't do his best.

Waller immediately expressed his loyalty: "Mr. Baker, don't worry, I will do my best!"

Pent nodded with satisfaction.

"That's good."

Then Waller left the commander's office and walked out of the white house. The phone rang immediately.

"There's nothing wrong with Punt Baker."

She said in a relaxed tone on the phone: "Before, it was just politicians' habitual swing. Pent not only agreed to the plan, but also gave me unexpected resource support."

"That's good." The person on the other end of the phone was obviously relieved, "Although he passed the secret test of Pent's mental state, we are still a little worried."

"It seems to be okay now, so it's not in vain that we help him take over."

"You're doing a great job, Waller." The person on the other end said approvingly, "Keep it up, I'm very optimistic about you."

"Thank you, sir." Waller responded respectfully.

After hanging up the phone, she returned to her normal expression.

When he suspected that Pent might have a problem, Waller began to look for a way out.

Fortunately it was only a false alarm.

Looking at the document that Pent signed for her in her hand, which gave Waller a lot of authority that only the commander-in-chief had, Waller suddenly felt confident.

"Gotham, I will dig holes in you!" She said confidently.

(End of this chapter)

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