The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 653 Batman is Gotham’s public property

Chapter 653 Batman is Gotham’s public property

"On Sunday, if there is any recent intelligence infiltration into Gotham, as long as it does not involve secrets, we will just record it without stopping it."

"If someone comes into contact with Gotham's insiders, as long as they are not physically threatening, there is no need to interfere."

What Waller didn't know was that Li Ming opened the door of convenience for her before she took any action.

Of course Ponte Baker is Li Ming's man now. Although he has no need to modify his cognition, Li Ming can always find ways to make friends.

Otherwise, how could Li Ming allow an opponent to occupy the position of commander-in-chief to make himself unhappy?

He had long known that Norton's unreserved bias would usher in a counterattack during the election, so he had made plans in advance.

Li Ming said that in the world of Gotham, whoever can be his enemy must obtain his permission.

He did not manipulate the election, he just manipulated the candidates.

In fact, when Amanda Waller's plan was still in the discussion stage, Li Ming already knew about it and gave Pente some advice.

Batman said in a deep voice.

Since Waller was looking for insiders, she would naturally find these worms. She thought she was digging for Li Ming's foundation, but she was actually helping Li Ming eliminate dissidents.

It turns out that the League of Assassins only sent a small number of people to Gotham, and the majority of the troops were all in New Gotham.

Because of Li Ming's reminder, Bruce carefully investigated the information of people and vehicles recently traveling to and from Gotham, and sure enough, he discovered clues.

The League of Assassins will definitely not send people into Gotham arrogantly. It is okay that the personnel in New Gotham are chaotic. Gotham is Li Ming's base camp. A swarm of claws will easily attract the attention of the Gotham Police Department.

When Bruce arrived at the factory, he immediately knew what Jerome was going to play this time.

Bruce had no choice but to rescue the hostages first. Although Jerome had not killed civilians for some time, this kind of thing could not be left to chance. Otherwise, if he made a mistake in judgment, the price paid would be several lives.

Borrowing others' hands to achieve one's own goals is Li Ming's routine operation.

That's why Ponte Baker strongly supported Waller and acted against Li Ming when he heard that the information came from Killer Moth.

Because Li Ming knows that it has been almost twenty years since Gotham became a land of no one. During this long time, there will always be some people who become corrupted and become moths.

They came in mixed in with the passing trucks. Bruce discovered that there was something wrong with the accounts of a cold chain company. They frequently purchased goods, but the sales of goods did not increase significantly.


Because Jerome was an excellent engineer, he often showed off his talents and designed many mazes to play with Batman.

Batman is a top detective, and with Tim's help, he quickly deduced that the League of Assassins was using cold chain trucks to transport the Talon into Gotham.

Some of it can be seen on the surface, but some of it is hidden deep and not shown.

However, they did not alert the snake in the grass. These people were just pioneers, and only by taking a long-term approach can they catch big fish.

So of course Li Ming has to support Waller's work. Li Ming likes working for him for nothing.

Just as Bruce was lurking deeply, Tim suddenly sent news that Jerome had kidnapped a family of three and were waiting for Batman to come to their door in an abandoned factory.

The more actively Waller works, the more stable his throne as King of Gotham becomes.

Bruce placed a small tracker on the cold chain truck to observe their movements, and sure enough, he found more clues.

Of course, these mazes are not just for Batman to find his way, there are also many traps hidden in them.

"Standard play, Batman."

At this time, Jerome's voice came from the factory's loudspeaker. "If you can't find the hostages within twenty minutes, I will take them away and wait for the next chance to be rescued by Batman hahaha."

"As for when the next time will be? I don't know, hahaha!"

twenty minutes?

It used to be half an hour.

But Bruce would not dwell on the patterns of mental illness. He quickly rushed into the maze, quickly dealt with the ambush by the members of the Clown Gang, and arrived at the center of the maze within eight minutes.

Three hostages wearing clown masks were tied there, and Batman felt something was wrong just as he was about to go to untie them.

Tim said that the kidnapped were a family of three, the youngest was only eight years old, but the three people in front of him were all over 1.6 meters tall.

Is this person eight years old?
He did not let down his guard, walked over and lifted their masks, and found that only one man was the hostage, and the other two were members of the Clown Gang.

The hostages were actually separated.

Bruce could only deal with the members of the Clown Gang, and then ran in the other direction with the man. In order to speed up the progress, he even became more ruthless, and finally found the whole family of three when the twenty-minute countdown was about to end. .

After he took the hostages out of the maze, Jerome had already fled, but Bruce, who was sharp-eyed, discovered that Jerome had left a USB flash drive.

After the hostages left, Bruce read the USB flash drive on the Batmobile, which contained only two paragraphs of text.

The first sentence is: "Surprise by clearing the level."

The second sentence is an address in New Gotham——

Ground floor of Rock Lee Building

Bruce knew that Jerome would not take aim at nothing. Whether there were new hostages or an ambush, he had to check it out.

But after Bruce sneaked in, he discovered that the address Jerome gave was actually the secret base of the Assassin's League.

The Assassin's Alliance placed many detention devices here and prepared several strict escape routes, as if they were trying to transport someone out.

Bruce reacted immediately.

The League of Assassins’ primary target?
Isn't that you?
"You actually help Batman?"

On Jerome's way back, Poison Ivy suddenly appeared and said.

Her intelligence ability is not weak either. After all, there are flowers and plants everywhere. Poison Ivy told Jerome this address.

"No, no, no, I'm not helping Batman, I'm causing trouble for the League of Assassins!" Jerome corrected.

"Batman is public in Gotham, but the League of Assassins actually wants to capture him? This is absolutely not allowed!"

"Gotham can't live without Batman!"

Poison Ivy was noncommittal. She didn't have a Batman complex, but she had to admit that Gotham would be more interesting with Batman.

At least Batman occasionally respects her views on plants.

She hated the second generation Robin Jason the most, because Jason set her plants on fire more than once.

"Poor Thalia." Poison Ivy sighed.

Although she didn't know why Thalia wanted to capture Batman, it was not okay to come to Gotham to cause trouble without knowing the customs and customs here.

(End of this chapter)

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