The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 654: The League of Assassins specializes in backstabbing

Chapter 654: The League of Assassins specializes in backstabbing
The bottom of the Atlantic Ocean.

As the second-in-command of the Assassin's League, Thalia will of course not use conventional means to travel. A modified luxury submarine is her car.

"Damian, why are you still reading that information? I told you not to worry about them." Thalia reminded him standing at the door of Dami's room.

"Okay mother, I just... want to know more about father."

Damian quickly put away all the documents in his hands.

"You are a member of the Ogu family first, and then you are a Wayne." Thalia walked up to him and said.

Damian nodded.

But in his mind, he unconsciously thought of the information he had read, about the various stories about his father since he became the Dark Knight.

There was an idea he didn't dare to tell his mother.

That's why Damian actually felt that he wanted his father to be a chivalrous Dark Knight instead of being in charge of a group of brainwashed assassins.

Li Ming discovered that Damian's feelings for Batman were somewhat special, and he was very curious and yearning for them.

"In this case, I have to write the script again."

It’s just that Li Ming knows that Damian will become Robin, but Thalia and Bruce in this world have no feelings, especially when Bruce is devoted to Selina.

There are many elite members of the Assassin League inside the submarine, as well as secret weapons carefully cultivated by Thalia.

I believe Bruce will thank him when he finds out.

But as we all know, when there are no accidents, Li Ming is the accident.

However, Damian knew that this idea was very rebellious, so he could only bury it deeply in his heart.

Talia wanted to kill Wayne and would not entrust the child to Bruce, so normally, Da Mi would not live with Bruce unless there was an accident.


Li Ming was immediately happy. The League of Assassins was still the League of Assassins. It was worthy of being a training base for super talents. Thalia would never have imagined that the baby she had carefully trained for ten years could actually be smitten by Bruce, whom she had never met before.

Li Ming chuckled.

Bruce was his best friend, and it was Li Ming's duty to help him arrange a gorgeous recognition with his biological son.

But his emotions were accurately captured by Li Ming, who was monitoring the place. After analyzing the Soul Stone, he was able to control people's mental fluctuations.

After Bruce left the Assassin's League and chose to become Batman, the Assassin's League immediately made a lot of things with Bat characteristics.

On the contrary, Damian's heart did not waver when Talia told him to control the Assassin's League.

Um... Of course, there is a small chance that Bruce will stab him with a batarang, so Li Ming thought it would be better to hide his merit and fame.

It can be seen from Batman that the League of Assassins really has a pathological pursuit of Bruce Wayne.

These are humanoid bat monsters that have been genetically modified. They are nearly three meters tall, have huge wings on their backs, and possess physical strength that far exceeds that of ordinary people.

Each one, like the claws, has been brainwashed by the Assassin's League. Even if Talia asked them to die, they would not hesitate at all.

There were a total of twenty bat-men in the submarine, but as the power of the Mind Stone in Li Ming's hand surged, yellow light appeared in the eyes of all the bat-men, and it disappeared in an instant.

These bat people are named Li.

"Isn't it embarrassing for such a big organization to follow suit?" Li Ming complained.

You can tell from Thalia's attitude.

Until now, Leixiao Ogu still feels that Bruce is the best successor.

That's why Damian, who has the Bruce gene, was trained by Leixiao Aogu himself, even more attentively than when he trained Bruce.

Speaking of Lei Xiao Aogu, he didn't even come forward for such an important action, which was really unlike him.

So Li Ming activated the source power mark on Lei Xiao Aogu. He found that Lei Xiao was still in the Himalayas and was studying the Lazarus Pool?

Li Ming was confused. Lei Xiao has been using this thing for a thousand or two thousand years, hasn't he figured it out yet?

But then he discovered that the pool water in Lei Xiao was different from anything he had seen before.

"Is this... energy?"

"Very high intensity energy!"

Li Ming's spider sense suddenly rang. He immediately realized that something was wrong and quickly canceled the source mark.

He had a premonition that if he was one second later, he would be discovered by the owner of the energy in the pool.

With Li Ming's current strength, someone who can trigger the spider sense with just a burst of energy must be a strong person of level eight or above.

And coincidentally, Li Ming knew that there was someone who happened to be related to the Lazarus Pool.

"Three Palace Demons."

He said the name with a solemn expression.

The Three Palace Demon is a top-level existence on the DC magic side. Its strength is comparable to that of Darkseid. Although Li Ming doesn't know if it has reached the ninth level, it is definitely stronger than the Supreme Strange.

Li Ming had also studied the Lazarus Pool before, but found nothing wrong with it. It seemed that he was not destined for it.

It is estimated that the appearance conditions of some things require specific people to trigger them.

Realizing that the universe was more dangerous than he expected, Li Ming felt that he should speed up his pace.

The Abyss Alliance cannot be just the Marvel group.

Moreover, the strength of everyone in the Justice League should also be mentioned again.

Li Ming put all these into the memorandum and prepared the plans one by one.

But for now, the most important thing is Bruce's journey to recognize his family.

Thalia's plan is ready to be put into action.

Of course, she did not go to Gotham in person. Thalia and Damian landed on a small island in the Atlantic Ocean. This is the secret base of the Assassin's League, where they will wait for the results of the operation.

Someone else is actually responsible for implementing the plan.

"I'm very curious. You have been wearing this mask, but there are so many virus tubes inserted into your body. Are you doing it to prevent viruses or...?"

Jerome laughed and judged the leader sent by Thalia.

"Your name is Bain? You do seem to have masochistic tendencies, hahaha!"

That's right, the leader of the Assassin's League is the famous Bane.

The pipes on his body can inject special viruses into him, greatly strengthening his physical fitness. Moreover, Bane is also an elite member of the Assassin's League, and his fighting skills are unquestionable.

The most commendable thing is that although Bain is strong in stature, he is not reckless at all. He has a very high IQ and is Thalia's most capable assistant.

"I heard that you are also called a clown? But ten years have passed and you haven't done anything surprising."

Bain glanced at Jerome, and then said mockingly.

Jerome was immediately furious.

Is it because he doesn't want to make a big move?
When there is a big operation in Gotham, Jerome can still tell the difference between who is involved and who is killed.

He didn't want to deal with Bane anymore, so he just let these outsiders accept the beatings from Gotham.

Jerome finally understood.

Everyone who comes to Gotham to cause trouble thinks that he is extremely evil, but in the end he will find that he is the honest one in front of Gotham, which has simple folk customs.

(End of this chapter)

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