The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 655 Batman meets his biological son for the first time

Chapter 655 Batman meets his biological son for the first time
"Are you ready?" Bain asked.

"Of course, Killer Croc will capture a group of doctors. When Batman receives the news, Killer Croc will lead him into an ambush." ​​Jerome said with a relaxed expression.

Bane questioned: "Can you guarantee that the one attracted is Batman, not Robin?"

Jerome can't say that I'm angry with Batman, right? So he directly pretended to be pretentious and said: "Are you doubting the professionalism of the Gotham fan club?"

"We are much more familiar with Batman than you are."

Bain was noncommittal, but sneered in his heart.

"Familiar with Batman? I even know his true identity. Who is more familiar with him may not be sure."

He waved his hand to a group of Talons to spread out the mission, and as soon as they captured Batman, they immediately began to mess up the situation in Gotham.

For Bane, catching Batman is just one of his tasks. If he can bring chaos to Gotham again, he will be able to accomplish what even Thunderclap Ogu has not accomplished, which is a very glorious thing.

Of course, if it fails, Bain is also ready to be the scapegoat.

The Jerome in front of me is a good choice.

But before Bruce came, he had thought that the Assassin's League would definitely restrict him, and he was mentally prepared.

Bane then led his men to ambush at the predetermined location, but he had already made up his mind that he would never take action until he saw Batman, even if he gave up today's action.

In such a dilemma, the number of people is the biggest advantage, although Bruce can use Extremis Metal to put on the Iron Bat suit at any time and forcefully break through the siege.

Batman arrived as promised and beat Killer Croc to death, heading towards the ambush.

The gangsters in New Gotham saw that Batman at least started out with bullets. It can be said that Bruce faced high-intensity battles most of the time.

Bain directly injected himself with venom, and his whole body became a little stronger. Without saying a word, he rushed up with his claws.

Gotham... stable?
The same can be said for Gotham itself, but can New Gotham be related to stability?

The League of Assassins mainly rely on surprise to capture Batman. They round up Batman when he is only wearing the most ordinary suit, and then quickly move away.

The idea was a good idea, but it was a pity that it was already leaked before it was implemented.

When closing the hatch, Bane couldn't help but say: "Is this the Batman that the head of the devil and Talia have been thinking about? It seems that the stable life in Gotham has made you relax your vigilance."

But he also wanted to know what the League of Assassins wanted to do, so he pretended to be defeated and was caught red-handed.

Bruce, who was pretending to be unconscious, suddenly had a series of questions flashing through his mind.

Bane directed a group of claws and quickly loaded Batman onto the small submarine.


After entering a place with dense sewer pipes, a lot of poisonous gas suddenly appeared around him. Batman hurriedly retreated, but was blocked by Bane.

Because Bane has also seen the Iron Bat suit from intelligence, if Batman is alerted and goes back to change into this suit, their operation will be declared a failure.

Acting requires a complete performance. Anyway, with Extremis Metal, he can heal himself at any time.

If nothing else happens, Batman will be paralyzed immediately.

Do you really think that when he patrols the night, he is looking for criminals to play house?

It's just that Bane's methods were particularly ruthless. It wasn't enough to catch Batman. He even lifted Bruce up and hit Bruce hard on the spine with his knee.

If he didn't want to see what the Assassin League was up to, Bruce was confident that he could break through the siege on his own even without Extremis Metal and the Iron Bat suit.

Bain waved his hand, and the submarine sank into the water and quickly headed towards the Atlantic Ocean. At the same time, several trucks drove out in different directions to attract the attention of investigators.

Then Bane took the Talons and Killer Croc and went straight to Wayne Manor in Gotham proper. His target is the Batcave.

Because the League of Assassins has long known that Bruce Wayne is Batman, it is easy to find that the Batmobile and Batplane are usually dispatched near the Batcave.

So there must be Batman's arsenal there.

Even the League of Assassins had to agree that Batman's equipment was very advanced. He happened to plunder all of it and then use Batman's equipment to protect Gotham to subvert Gotham.

They took a boat all the way to the north shore of Gotham. When they were halfway through, Bain gave the order again, and the claws of New Gotham directly started a riot, making New Gotham boiling again, and even the attention of Gotham itself was attracted. Quite a few.

Make noise in the east and attack in the west.

It's just that Bain knew that there was a Batcave, but the specific location was not clear. Of course, he had been prepared.

He pulled Killer Croc out.

"You said you live in the sewers, then go and find Batman's secret base for me." Bane ordered.

Killer Crocodile knew that there were Bane's people around him, so of course he didn't dare to object, so he could only find a drainage hole and got in.

On the other side, the small submarine carried Bruce to a cruise ship, and then Batman was loaded onto the plane and flew toward Talia's island at a faster speed.

The whole process took no more than an hour. When New Gotham was in chaos and Killer Croc was looking for the Batcave, Bruce also landed on the island.

As soon as he landed, Bruce felt that this place was unusual. The surrounding area was very tightly guarded. Moreover, when he saw several bat-men flying over in the air, a strange feeling flashed in his heart.

When he was in the League of Assassins, he didn't have this.

Batman grabbed Batman and went directly to the tall building in the middle of the island, where Batman's one-night stand partner and results were waiting for him.


Bruce was thrown to the floor as he pretended to be seriously injured and didn't even look up to look good.

Thalia, on the other hand, stared at the black bat lying on the ground, her eyes full of relief.

She didn't love Bruce Wayne, and her one-night fling with Bruce was just to prevent him from accepting the position of heir, so that he could keep Bruce's genes.

Facts have proved that her prediction was correct, Bruce did not choose the League of Assassins.

So now seeing Bruce Wayne again, Thalia was filled with pride. She wanted to see Bruce's expression after he knew that Damian existed and had been trained as a qualified heir.

"Damian, go say hello to your father." Thalia said with a sneer.


Bruce was shocked, and he immediately thought of the time when he was young and failed to control himself in the League of Assassins.

So he couldn't help it any longer, and quickly raised his head to look, and saw a boy with a round face walking towards him.

Bruce gritted his teeth.

No, there really is a child?
Damian approached slowly. When he learned that his father's spine had been broken, he was worried for a moment, but then he was a little disappointed.

The education he received in the League of Assassins made him accustomed to worshiping the strong, so after learning about Batman's deeds, he still yearned for him.

But if that's all Batman does, it seems like it would be good to stay in the League of Assassins?
Damian pulled out the long knife, without showing his true emotions. He stood in front of Bruce, and then pointed the blade at Batman's neck.

"Father, you are shorter than I thought."

(End of this chapter)

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