The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 656: Fancy helps Bruce fight for custody rights

Chapter 656: Fancy helps Bruce fight for custody rights

"Why is this child so unlovable?" This thought suddenly popped into Bruce's mind.

Then his mind was filled with worries again.

How come a son suddenly appeared?

Having grown up in a hellish place like the League of Assassins, he knew with his toes what Leixiao Ogu and Thalia would raise their son to be like.

But happiness is always conserved. The happiness that disappeared from Bruce's face appeared on Li Ming's face.



"A close-up, click!"

He enthusiastically directed various photos and screenshots on Sunday. I believe both Selena and Afu will be very interested in this photo album.

Because she knew that Bruce Wayne was also very proficient in psychology, and because of the blood relationship, Damian might take Bruce's words to heart, and it would be bad if Batman took the opportunity to interfere with his thoughts.

So he immediately made a decision - he would take care of this baby by himself!

"Why didn't you choose the League of Assassins and become the Dark Knight?" Damian suddenly asked.

Thalia also came over and said sarcastically.

He had no doubt about Damian's identity. Thalia had no reason to go to such trouble to lie to him when a paternity test could solve the problem.

Damian gripped the long knife tighter. He had killed many people, but Damian hesitated to kill his father.

"Thank you for my mercy, Bruce Wayne, for letting you know about Damian's existence before you died."

Batman kept staring at Damian, and he keenly noticed that when Thalia talked about the glory of the League of Assassins, the claws on the sidelines raised their chests, as if they were proud, but Damian remained unmoved. .

"Why are they unwilling to accept the League of Assassins when they re-form the Justice League? Obviously the League of Assassins can also bring peace to the world."

Thalia looked enthusiastic, but Bruce wasn't paying attention to her.

"Even if you abandon your mission and turn your back on the Assassin League, we will always have a way. This has been the case for thousands of years."

"No one can escape the League of Assassins!"

"Damian, do you have anything else to ask? If not, just send him on his way." Thalia said impatiently, "You will eventually surpass your father!"

However, Batman has a strong psychological endurance and quickly accepted the reality.

"The honor of the League of Assassins cannot be trampled upon!"

He could tell the difference between calm and disinterest, and although Damian's long knife was aimed at his throat, Bruce didn't feel much killing intent.

"Damian!" Thalia suddenly felt something bad and quickly wanted to interrupt Da Mi's question.

I estimate that my son is at most ten years old. Even if he was brainwashed before, there is still hope of bringing him back.

But Bruce's heart moved and he immediately realized that this was an opportunity.

To be honest, if it weren't for Damian's strong request, Thalia wouldn't even want the father and son to meet.

So he felt relieved. It seemed that the child was not seriously poisoned and could still be saved.

"The peace of the League of Assassins is based on ruling by violence and bringing suffering to others."

"Although there is no absolute justice in the world, it must not be so narrow-minded. People under the Assassin's League have no ego at all!"


Thalia couldn't listen anymore, and she quickly shouted to stop, but by then Bruce had finished speaking.

She immediately ordered: "Damian, kill him quickly!"

Damian was lost in thought.

After a long time, he raised his head and frowned and replied, "I'm sorry, mother."

"But...he is my father."

Bruce felt like things were getting better.

Thalia felt that things were getting tricky.

She knew that Damian was very close to her and Lei Xiao Aogu, but Thalia didn't pay much attention to Damian's inner world before, thinking it was because of familiarity.

But she didn't expect that Damian was much more emotional than she thought.

"Have you forgotten what we taught you?" Thalia wanted to use the majesty of her mother and Lei Xiao Ogu to force Damian to take action.

But I have to say that they taught Damian very well.

Damian was not at all afraid of authority. Thalia angrily shouted to Bruce: "You are indeed a disaster!"

Then she grabbed the katana from Damian's hand and tried to kill Bruce Wayne herself.

Damian's brows furrowed even more tightly, and he even felt a little impatient.

Bruce also quickly activated Extremis Metal, repaired the broken spine directly, and then prepared to fight.

But just then——

Batman, who was suppressing Batman next to him, suddenly went berserk and sent Talia flying far away.

Not only these two, but other bat-men on the island also began to attack the people around them unscrupulously.

"Damn, how could they lose control?" Thalia couldn't believe it, this had never happened before.

In the distant Gotham, Li Ming smiled slightly, of course it was him who took action.

The bat-men quickly hunted the claws, and of course there were bat-men attacking Bruce. Thalia smiled coldly.

"Even if the bat loses control, you will still die...what?"

In her gloating eyes, Bruce Wayne, who was originally paralyzed, was suddenly able to stand up and suppressed two bat-men who attacked him during the battle.

Thalia's face suddenly became dull, and she couldn't understand why this happened.

At this time, three batmen flew over and attacked her.

Because she had withstood the attack just now and was shocked by the scene of Batman showing off his power, Thalia did not react for a moment.


Damian hurriedly rushed to her side to protect her, wielding a long knife like a tiger, making Bruce's eyes brighten.

As expected of his own cub, he is so talented.

But Thalia was not so happy.

"Go!" she shouted.

There was definitely no way to kill Batman in this situation, so she could only retreat with her men temporarily.

But at this time, the batmen on the island had almost killed all the claws, and they all rushed towards this side, immediately blocking Thalia's way.

The building they were in was a wooden structure, so under the impact of twenty batmen, the entire building was crumbling.

Moreover, the habit of batmen is to start hunting from the weakest, so almost all the batmen rushed towards the shortest Damian.

Damian's situation suddenly became very critical. Even though he was powerful in combat, he couldn't stop so many bats.

"Mother!" Damian couldn't help but seek help.

But Thalia's men were almost completely injured, and her own life would definitely be in danger if she went to save Damian.

After all, Damian is just the most successful of her many genetic test subjects. Thalia only uses him as a tool to make the League of Assassins more powerful. Does she want her to risk her life to save Damian?
She doesn't want to.

The worst case scenario is to breed a new one.

So under Damian's shocked eyes, instead of coming to save him, Thalia turned around and ran away.

Damian was extremely disappointed and even wanted to cry. He was actually abandoned by his mother who was so close to him.

At this time, the building finally failed to hold up and began to collapse from the middle, and Damian fell from the air.

Bat-Man could fly and was still attacking him. In the blink of an eye, Damian had many wounds on his body.

After all, he is still young and can no longer support himself.

"It's about to end..."

Damian was so sad that he even closed his eyes and planned to give up resistance.

But at this moment Damian suddenly felt a strong arm hugging him. He suddenly opened his eyes and found that it was Batman's father!
Bruce was holding the rope gun in one hand and holding Damian in the other.

Although he couldn't resist, and the Batman kept attacking him, leaving Bruce with wounds all over his body, he never let go.

Damian's heart became hot again, and he felt that the missing piece in his heart was directly filled.

It turns out that this is what my father's chest feels like!
"Hold me tight!" Bruce whispered.


Damian nodded vigorously, stretched out his arms and hugged his father firmly.

(End of this chapter)

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