The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 657 The scheming Bruce

Chapter 657 The scheming Bruce

"It's done!"

Inside Gotham's Indian Hill base, Li Ming couldn't help but applaud himself.

After such a big drama, there is no doubt whether Damian will choose Thalia or Bruce.

He had long known that Thalia used Damian as a tool. She did have motherly love for Damian, but not much.

At least not compared to his own life.

But Bruce is different. After knowing that Damian is his son, he will definitely rescue him regardless of danger.

And Bruce is strong enough.

On the island, Bruce took Damian to the ground, away from the collapsed building.

Because Li Ming sent several batmen to chase her, Thalia had already fled on the submarine, and all the surveillance on the island had been destroyed, so she had no way of knowing what was going on above.

What is this called?

It’s so insidious, I don’t know who I learned it from.

Damian's eyes widened on his round face.

Although he had been away from the Assassin's League for many years, Bruce still remembered that place where the strong was the most important, so he felt it was necessary to let his son know why the Assassin's League desired and feared him.

Bruce definitely did it on purpose, letting himself suffer so many injuries in front of Rice without using Extremis Metal to recover on the spot, just to show his love for his son.

"Father, don't go." Damian said with concern.

He never thought that he would be so deeply moved by the son he met for the first time.

Then the power of the yellow light immediately changed Bruce into a fluid suit, and of course he didn't forget the cape.

Didn’t mother say that father is an ordinary person?
Do you call this an ordinary person?

"Green Lantern? Oh this a yellow lantern?"

But as soon as he turned around, he felt his cloak being grabbed by Damian.

He wanted to give Damian a little shock from his father!

"It doesn't matter, I can solve it." Bruce's voice unconsciously became deeper again.

Because he was determined to show his son his strength, Bruce took out all the yellow light rings and put them on the middle finger of his right hand.

Maintain the dignity of the father.

He even wanted to say something to Thalia: "Look, this is a member of the Wayne family. Even if he was raised by you, no matter what, he is still closer to me!"

The Bat-Man on the island is still chasing after him. Bruce puts Damien on the ground and plans to fight the Bat-Man head-on.

At this moment, Bruce's bat suit was already in tatters, and Bruce's body was also covered with wounds, many of which were deep enough to show the bones.

Bruce immediately activated Extremis Metal, and then Damian saw that the dense wounds on Bruce's body were healing rapidly!
"Shameless, actually playing tricks on a child." Li Ming secretly complained.

Bruce was very happy to hear his son's concern.

Bruce felt happy when he heard Damian refused to kill him.

Damian recognized his father's appearance, which was very similar to that of Green Lantern, only the color was different.

He then thought that the League of Assassins were still complacent before, saying that they even knew Batman's true identity, but now Damian discovered that they were very wrong.

Basically, except for a name and identity, nothing else is clear.

The ability of the yellow light ring is not much different from that of the green light ring, and Bruce uses it very skillfully.

Even Captain America can secretly practice a set of Thor's Hammer combos, not to mention that the yellow light ring originally belongs to Bruce.

He first enveloped Damian with the power of the yellow light, protecting his son while also using energy to heal his injuries.

The ability of the lamp ring is very comprehensive, and healing is one of them.

Bruce then condensed a shield to block the charging Batman, and then several spikes protruded from the shield, piercing the entire Batman.

The yellow light Batman flew into the air, and the light ring materialized into a long knife, which was very similar to the one Damian had just used.

Then, just like a teaching demonstration, Bruce mastered the long knife to perfection. In Damian's eyes, he was even more powerful than his grandfather Lei Xiao Ogu. Bruce has already mastered the true inheritance of Lei Xiao Ogu, and now his physical fitness is far superior to that of the ninja master. Of course, his displayed strength is much stronger.

And his performance perfectly fits Damian's image of a strong person who his mother and grandfather would do whatever it takes to train him, just to make him transcend.

But Damian's face looked a little gloomy again. He didn't know how he could get along with his mother now.

"Does it mean that in my mother's heart, I am the same as Talon?"

He watched Bruce holding a long knife and killing all the batmen like chopping melons and vegetables.

"Perhaps it would be more suitable to go to father's place." Damian thought to himself.

Bruce's movements are very fast. Batman's brain is not very good and he doesn't have much fighting skills. His current strength is in a crushing situation. Any slower will not be worthy of his name as Batman.

He returned to Damian and observed carefully. The wounds on Damian's body had healed a lot, and Bruce felt relieved.

"Let's go home," Bruce said.

Although he had a headache how to explain this to Selina, Bruce never hesitated to take Damian home.

Damian glanced at his father blankly, then nodded.

He frowned and looked at the corpses of the bats around him, wondering: "How could they suddenly lose control? This has never happened before."

Bruce doesn't know either.

However, he knew that the Batmen's riot was definitely not a coincidence, otherwise the timing would not have been so accurate.

Usually when encountering this kind of questionable matter, Bruce would think about who the beneficiary is.

The beneficiaries and the people behind the scenes are often inseparable.

But after thinking about it for a while, he realized that the beneficiary seemed to be him.

He picked up a son, and the son saw Thalia's true face.

Thinking about this idea, Bruce realized that this incident was almost the best outcome for him.

Although Bruce knew that he was not the person behind the scenes, he happened to know a person who had this strength and this motive.

Bruce couldn't help but shook his head, wondering if he wanted another photo album.

[Ding, the current parsing progress is 90%. 】

"Oops, Gotham!"

At this moment, Damian suddenly thought of something. After coming back to his senses, he shouted anxiously to Bruce: "Oops, Bane wants to overthrow Gotham!"

"Don't worry, Gotham will take care of it." Bruce was not nervous at all.

Since the Assassin's League's actions had been known for a long time, Bruce had of course made strict arrangements before pretending to be caught.

"found it!"

Outside Wayne Manor, Killer Croc finally found a hidden pipe and quickly got out of the way to let Talon and others in.

But Killer Croc is not stupid. It's okay to ambush Batman in New Gotham. After all, this is what villains do.

Can you come to Gotham to cause trouble?

slip away.

Killer Croc escaped through a small pipe while Bane wasn't paying attention.

Talon immediately came and reported the incident to Bane.

"Don't worry about him. Anyway, the King of Gotham is not here, and Batman was captured by us." Bane said he didn't care about Killer Croc's escape from the battlefield.

Batman isn't here, so what...

Bane suddenly noticed some commotion among the Talons, and then he also walked into the Batcave.

A man wearing a bat suit was standing upright in the shadows, staring at them coldly.

Bane exclaimed, "Batman?"

(End of this chapter)

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