The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 658 The Assassin’s Alliance is defeated

Chapter 658 The Assassin’s Alliance is defeated
As we all know, there are two Batmans in Gotham.

The League of Assassins doesn’t know?
As long as I, the Justice League, know about it.

What Bain and others saw in the Batcave was naturally the Keaton Bat.

He was originally going to help Bruce take charge of the overall situation, but Alfred suddenly discovered many unknown people activities around the Batcave, so Keaton Bat stayed here and waited.

Bruce had long expected that the Batcave might be noticed by interested people, so he placed a lot of surveillance equipment around it.

Infrared monitoring and thermal imaging can only be said to be standard features, and even Cybertronian and Kryptonian technologies are used.

Bain and others thought they were already hidden, but little did they know that in the Batcave, every move they made fell into the eyes of Keaton's bat in the form of holographic images.

He even thoughtfully opened a hole in the sewer to let Bain and the others in.

Otherwise, with the tightness of the Batcave's defenses, Bain and the others would never be able to sneak in.

But Bain and others don't know this.

Bain was only briefly surprised, and then immediately made a judgment and issued an order.

In the blink of an eye, only Bane was still standing wearing a breathing mask. His mask could filter most of the poison gas, and he himself also had strong poison resistance.

A large amount of gas suddenly sprayed out of the Batcave, and the Talons fell to the ground softly after inhaling it.

"Bang bang bang!"

No matter who the person wearing Batman's clothes in front of him is, Bane believes that he will never be able to stop so many of them.

That's right.

But the premise is that so many of them can come in.


On the way to the New Gotham Police Station, a wall was blasted open, and a strong shock wave knocked the Talons around.

"Bang bang bang!"

"It seems that I am the only one who can deal with you."

Nightwing Dick came out with a short stick: "This road is blocked."

Bane jumped up and rushed directly towards Keaton Bat across several meters. The battle between Bane and Batman began again.

Jason held two pistols and showed a bloodthirsty smile: "This is a dead end!"

"This is false, we have more people and we will fight quickly!"

Batman doesn't interfere with him either. As long as no innocent casualties are caused, the Robins can use whatever weapons they want.

In other words, Killer Croc is a native of Gotham and has a more sensitive sense of smell and ran away early.

Bruce's specially made coma gas, even the claws that have been modified by the human body, are still unable to resist it.

The Talons couldn't hear this. They reorganized their formation and charged forward, and then the intensive bullets interrupted their offensive.

Elsewhere in Gotham, the Guardians are taking action.

Compared to cold weapons, Jason is accustomed to using hot weapons, and dual guns are his greatest restraint.

But Ah Fu's helpless voice came from their headsets.

"Master Jason, Master Bruce has made it clear that you can no longer go out in this dress before you are 18 years old."

"It's only one year away. Just pretend you don't know Ah Fu." Jason chuckled, trying to get away with it.

He now doesn't wear his usual Robin uniform, instead wearing a gray jacket, and the most iconic thing is the red hood on his head.

"I shouldn't have given you the same red hood that the clown once wore as a birthday gift just because you wanted it." Afu is very concerned about the mental health of his family members. "I always feel that the clown is dead, and I shouldn't give it to you just because you want it." I still miss him. "This is different, Ah Fu."

While Jason was fighting the claws, he said in the headset: "This is a kind of spur, always reminding me not to compromise with sin."

"Bat kids always have their own way of saying things."

Ah Fu ignored it. He looked at Tim, who was constantly looking at the computer screen, providing intelligence support and battlefield assistance to Dick and Jason, and took a comfortable sip of black tea.

Since Tim arrived, Afu has basically no need to do the logistical support work, which makes him very worry-free.

After Dick and Jason dealt with the Talons heading to the police station, Tim promptly sent a prompt: "The two largest Talon teams are now heading towards the power plant and the hospital."

"Ms. Selina and Barbara have already passed over at the hospital. You can go to the power plant."

"Okay, on the way." Dick responded quickly.

He and Jason got into the Batmobile and headed straight to the power plant.

Jason suddenly remembered: "By the way, Tim, how is Gotham?"

Tim took a quick look at the monitor.

"The situation is very good. Director Gordon has led the special police to block the lurking Talon in the cold storage."

"The Gotham SWAT has also been dispatched?" Jason said gloatingly, "I hope the Talons are strong enough."

Due to the restrictions of the "Gotham Act", Gotham cannot have its own army, but Gotham does have a military factory, as well as various weapons and equipment supported by the Gotham Group and the Wayne Group.

So these things were used on the Gotham Police Department, and Gordon relied on these equipment to create a SWAT team that made criminals fearful.

Apart from anything else, if Jason were to deal with the gangsters, it would be no problem to deal with one against twenty, but if he had to deal with the Gotham SWAT, without the high technology in the Batcave, it would be a bit difficult for him to deal with five against one.

"Where's the Batcave? How is Mr. Wayne?" Dick asked concerned.

They all respect Keaton, because he single-handedly wiped out crime in Gotham.

But after all, Keaton Bat is old, and Dick is worried that he will be injured in the battle with Bane.

"Oh, you don't have to worry at all. Mr. Wayne seems to be...very experienced in dealing with big guys." Ah Fu replied.

In terms of physical fitness, Keaton Bat is indeed not as good as Bane, but no matter how strong Bane is, can he be better than the Kryptonian?

Keaton Bat can defeat the Kryptonians alone, and the same method can still be effective against Bane.

After all, Bane's weakness is too obvious, and the channel for injecting venom is so eye-catching in the eyes of Keaton Bat.

Although Bain was well aware of his weaknesses and had tried his best to defend himself, Keaton Bat was also a master of combat. He only feinted twice before successfully placing the micro bomb near the pipe.


The venom pipe was blown open, and most of the mask was damaged. Bain's strength seemed to have been drained away, and he immediately became sluggish.

He wanted to escape the way he came, but Tim pressed on the console and the gap in the sewer was closed directly.

Now Bain finally understood. It turned out that they had been being treated like monkeys from beginning to end!
"It seems that your ability is not as powerful as you thought."

Keaton Bat said a word, turned around and left without looking back. In Bain's eyes, his back was like a huge bat.

"Is this Gotham? No wonder the head of the devil died here twice."

Bain's heart sank to the bottom.

He realized that the League of Assassins might never be able to retake Gotham.

After all, this time, Gotham's most dangerous person, the King of Gotham, hasn't even taken action yet.

(End of this chapter)

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