The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 659 My name is Damian Wayne

Chapter 659 My name is Damian Wayne

Just when Bain was feeling annoyed, he suddenly noticed a new figure appearing on the field.

"Li...Li Ming?"

Bain was in shock. They had never received news that Li Ming had returned to Gotham, otherwise there would be no such operation.

Then he thought more. Could it be that Li Ming was planning this operation behind the scenes, so they were defeated so outrageously?
It's a pity that Bain can't know the truth. His last impression when he wakes up is the dazzling yellow light in Li Ming's hand.

Li Ming used the Mind Stone to distort Bain's cognition. He planned to put Bain back and lurk next to Lei Xiao Ogu.

Since there is a risk of the Source Power Mark being discovered, directly planting a spy is the most efficient option.

It just so happened that Bain's status in the League of Assassins was not low and he had access to many secrets.

But this is not enough. There is obviously a high probability that Bain will die in this operation. After all, Gotham is so close to Metropolis. Even if Bain catches the black cloak by mistake, he will be killed by the red cloak falling from the sky. .

And if this mission fails, Bain may become even more marginalized after returning.

Li Ming wanted Bain to help him find out the most secret information about Lei Xiao Aogu, so he had to give Bain some credit.

No, it's unreasonable to still get information after defeating the battle.

This is also a slightly famous villain, Black Mask.

Li Ming understood it when he saw the name.

Li Ming suddenly thought of something, so he contacted Sunday.

"How's work going on Amanda Waller?"

"Hey, that's right!"

"Make a copy of Waller's list." Li Ming ordered.

It is estimated that Lei Xiao Ogu will still dislike Jerome for polluting the air of the Assassin League.

Batcave information?

"Roman Sionis."

"As of one minute ago, Amanda Waller has instigated 11 middle-level and above-level people in Gotham, two of whom are Wayne Group executives and one is a Gotham City Council member." Sunday quickly replied.

He even had to be instigated by Waller before he was qualified to be known by Li Ming.

On Sunday, the information about the traitor was retrieved.

"Gotham's city councilors were actually incited to rebel?" Li Ming was a little surprised. Gotham's city councilors can be said to be his direct descendants.

It's just that no matter how powerful Roman Sionis was in other versions, he is just a minion now.

Because of Li Ming in this world, Gotham has no place for gangsters to survive. However, Roman Sionis comes from a noble family, is a classmate of Bruce Wayne, and also opened a Janus cosmetics company, so he relies on He became a member of parliament with social influence.

Named after he often wore a black mask when committing crimes, he once dominated the Gotham gang in the comics.

But now it seems that Roman is obviously not satisfied with the status quo, so when Amanda Waller came to the door, she almost hit it off with Roman.

Then he let Bain go, and the list of internal agents will be handed over to Bain on Sunday. With this list, Bain can be considered a meritorious service.

Capture Jerome back?
No, the League of Assassins can't use it.

Through the people on this list, the League of Assassins finally has the opportunity to intervene in Gotham, and Raixiao Ogu will definitely value Bane more.

After finishing his work, Li Ming walked to the main console to join Ah Fu and the others.

"Li, Your Excellency Li Ming." Tim greeted Li Ming quickly after seeing him.

In the eyes of most of the younger generation in Gotham, Li Ming is a god-like existence.

Li Ming patted Tim on the shoulder and responded with a smile: "Don't be so nervous. I even helped you persuade Bruce when you were Robin."

"Come on, Gotham's future is yours."

Tim immediately felt as if he had been beaten to death, and nodded loudly in agreement: "Okay, Your Excellency Li Ming!"

"How are you sure Bain can help you?" Keaton Bat asked at this time.

They all saw Bain leave from the surveillance camera, and they also understood that Bain would definitely not be able to escape from Li Ming if he didn't pay something, so Keaton Bat asked if it was safe. Li Ming nodded: "I'm good at convincing people."

Afu shook his head: "Maybe Bain would rather go to prison than help you."

Everyone was happy when they heard this.

Also, if Bain goes to prison, he will be locked up at most, and there is no threat to his life. But if he helps Li Ming go back to the Assassin League and work undercover, his life will really be in danger at all times.

Of course Li Ming did not recognize these.

He changed the topic and said to Ah Fu: "Bruce is coming back, Ah Fu, please prepare."

"Oh?" Alfred was a little anxious, "Master Bruce is injured?"

"That's not true, but you have to be mentally prepared." Li Ming did not reveal too much, but just gave Ah Fu a vaccination, "Just don't be too surprised later."

Hearing that it was not Bruce who was in danger, Alfred felt relieved and replied confidently: "Since I became Batman's butler, there aren't many things that surprise me."

However, Keaton Bat next to him showed a meaningful smile. Although he didn't know what happened, he always felt that things were not that simple.

Just as Li Ming said, Bruce sent a message after a while.

"Afu, I'm back."

"By the way, we need to tidy up a room, we have a new member."

Ah Fu understood immediately.

"Sir, do we have a new Robin?"

After speaking, he raised his eyebrows at Li Ming, indicating that this kind of thing was no longer shocking to him.

Ah Fu has long been accustomed to his master, often picking up little boys from outside and bringing them home. Fortunately, Bruce's profession is Batman, not a priest.

Ah Fu's only opinion on Bruce's behavior is that since he can pick up so many children and take them home, why can't he have one of his own?
Bruce used the power of the yellow light and quickly returned to the Batcave, and everyone also saw Little Bean who was following him.

"Sure enough, it's a little boy again." Ah Fu thought to himself. Although time was tight, he also tidied up the room, but when he walked over to greet him, he suddenly realized something was wrong.

Although this little boy has a bit of baby fat, if the flesh on his face were slimmed down, he would look exactly like his father when he was a child.

Up to now, Afudu thought it was a coincidence. Maybe Bruce thought it looked like him and was suitable in all aspects, so he brought it back.

After so many years, Afu has become deeply skeptical about whether the Wayne family can have a next generation.

"Young master, what do you call me?"

Seeing that Bruce had no intention of introducing him, Ah Fu took the initiative and asked with a smile.

"Damian." Da Mi looked around and said slowly, "Damian Ogu."

"Ogu?" Ah Fu's face was a little sluggish.

The last time he heard that name was from an enemy in Gotham.

Afu looked at Bruce, and Bruce nodded.

The meaning was very clear, it was the Ogu he was thinking of.

But then Bruce coughed again and asked in a low voice: "What did we say on the way? You have to use your real name here."


Damian glanced at his father dissatisfied, pouting and snorting.

Although he has accepted his father, Damian's character is still very independent, which does not affect him being a little rebellious like Jason.

But his arms couldn't hold his thighs, so Da Mi could only reintroduce himself.

"Okay, my name is Damian Wayne."

"This last name is much more pleasant to my ears." Ah Fu habitually smoothed things over, but then he immediately realized that this name was a bit too familiar.

"What?" His expression suddenly changed, and he shouted in disbelief, "Wayne!"

(End of this chapter)

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