The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 660: Bruce still has to thank me

Chapter 660: Bruce still has to thank me

After Bruce explained, everyone knew the whole story.

This Damian is actually the child of Bruce and Thalia. He grew up in the League of Assassins. This is really...


Ah Fu said impatiently.

He didn't care who Bruce had fathered Damian, as long as he was the next generation of the Wayne family, that was fine.

Not to mention that Damian grew up in the League of Assassins, even if he grew up in hell, Ah Fu was confident that he could bring him back.

Ah Fu looked at Li Ming and then understood what Li Ming meant by being mentally prepared.

But he didn't mind at all, the more surprises like this, the better.

Bruce naturally noticed Ah Fu looking at Li Ming, and the answer to his suspicion suddenly came to him.

"No, I have to find someone to fight, let them see my strength, don't really treat me like a child." Dami thought to himself.

Tim was a detective, and he could tell by looking at Damian that he was a little tsundere, so he smiled and nodded.

When Tim saw Damian, he immediately ran over with surprise on his face.

Bruce brought a biological son back, and everyone in the Batcave was very happy for him, but Bat Keaton was a little silent.

But overall he was very happy for Bruce.

Seeing Tim like this, his strength was not as good as his own, Damian raised his head and snorted: "You are so weak, I should protect you."

After Damian was settled, Bruce came to see him as Li Ming expected.

Seeing that he had companions and family in another universe, he seemed to be comforted.

He had discussed children with Bruce a few days ago. Bruce vowed that he was not ready yet, but turned around and pulled a ten-year-old child in front of him.

As soon as he came here, someone accepted and protected him. Damian felt warm in his heart, but he was not the kind of child who was powerless.

"When did you know about Damian?" Bruce asked angrily.


And since Tim was so kind, Damian didn't really want to beat him.

"Why is it different from what I thought? Shouldn't you refute me and then I take the opportunity to show my strength?"

After Damian arrived, he was no longer the youngest here. Tim himself was relatively mature in mind, so of course he would not miss the opportunity to be an older brother.

"Hello, my name is Tim Drake, um..." He followed Jason's previous gesture and patted Damian on the shoulder, "I'll cover you from now on!"

"Okay, I'll leave it to you from now on."

But seeing how Tim was coaxing a child, he would definitely not fight him. If he really wanted to fight, Tim might just admit defeat, which would not have the desired effect at all.

Keaton Bat suddenly felt bad.

Damian's expression froze.

Okay, okay, let's play like this, right?
In the end, you are the only one who is really alone in the co-authorship, right?

Li Ming confessed: "When I come back this time."

"I found traces of Lei Xiao Aogu. When I investigated him, I found that he actually had a grandson. Then I found out that he was actually your cub."

Bruce's attention was indeed attracted.

"Leixiao Ogu is still alive?" After he was surprised, he was no longer too surprised.

After all, he has killed Lei Xiao Aogu twice.

Li Ming nodded: "Not only is he still alive, I also discovered that he is related to the great demon outside the universe. Do you remember the Lazarus Pool, right?" Of course Bruce remembers that Lei Xiao Ogu's immortality is long-term. Obtained by soaking in the Lazarus Pool.

"I discovered that the Lazarus Pool was created by a great demon, and Lei Xiao Ogu was studying the water in the pool to try to communicate with the great demon." Li Ming explained.

"How strong is that demon?" Bruce became alert, realizing that this was another potential crisis.

"Stronger than Parallax Demon and Green Lantern Corps combined. In order to prevent him from sensing it, I'd better not even tell you my name."

Li Ming was right, the Three Palace Demons were indeed that powerful.

Bruce frowned tightly.

"Can we deal with Lei Xiao Ogu now?" he asked.

Thank you very much, my father-in-law, for being so cheap.

Li Ming shook his head: "That demon is very powerful. Without Lei Xiao, he can interfere with the earth through other people. At least with Lei Xiao, we can be prepared."

To kill Lei Xiao Aogu, it is better to find the daughter of the Three Palace Demon, Raven. Anyway, Li Ming has already asked Sunday to start searching for Raven.

"I have incited Bain to rebel. He will monitor Lei Xiao for us in the League of Assassins. For the time being, we can only wait and see." Li Ming said.

Without the raven to seal the Three Palace Demon, it would be extremely unwise for them to rashly provoke this big demon now.

Bruce also agreed with this method of handling it. He still focused on Li Ming in such a big matter.

"But I discovered something else."

Li Ming whispered to Bruce: "Damian was actually created by Thalia using your and her genes using artificial embryos."

Bruce had a look of astonishment on his face. He had really thought that Damian was born normally by Thalia.

"But even so, Damian is still my son." Bruce said firmly.

Although he had never been prepared before, from the moment his son appeared, Bruce no longer rejected the idea of ​​having a child.

And this is even better, Bruce no longer has to worry about taking Damian away from his mother, causing a psychological burden.

Li Ming also agreed with Bruce's responsibility, and then he changed his tone: "Of course, but his mother does not have to be Thalia."

Bruce then understood: "Is that why you control Batman?"

Li Ming chuckled: "We have to let the child see who is really good to him."

"In this way you can give him real family care."

Bruce's eyes lit up, and the dissatisfaction in his heart towards Li Ming's concealment immediately disappeared.

[Ding, the current parsing progress is 92%. 】

To be honest, Thalia's abandonment of Damian really made Bruce relaxed a lot. If Thalia had a very maternal love for Rice, things would be more difficult to handle.

Now that Damian has contrast, he will definitely be more accepting of himself.

Bruce is well aware of the impact of the environment on children. Where is the League of Assassins and how can it be as good as the Justice League?

"Lee, thank you."

Bruce thanked him sincerely.

Li Ming accepted it with peace of mind, but then he smiled evilly and said, "But your troubles have just begun."

Just when Bruce was about to ask why, he saw Selina and Barbara coming back on a Bat-motorcycle, and he couldn't laugh or cry on the spot.

Li Ming turned around and left: "You should think about how to deal with it yourself."

(End of this chapter)

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