The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 662: The test of becoming Robin, rice VS 2 buckets

Chapter 662: The test of becoming Robin, rice VS two barrels
Damian and little Jonathan still haven't gotten into the Batmobile.

Little Jonathan pushed the door too loudly, alerting their respective fathers, who were quickly taken back.

However, the two little ones are quite interested in each other, and this friendship has been forged.

Bruce and Clark were also very happy. It was okay for the two little boys to be naughty together. They were satisfied when they saw the children getting along well.

But Damian was not satisfied.

Because of this busy schedule, others still treat me like a child.

So after the welcome party, Damian found Bruce.

"I want to be Robin too!" he said, pointing to the Robin uniform in the Batcave.

Bruce had foreseen that Damian was by no means a stable person and would definitely be prone to various twists and turns.

However, Bruce originally thought that Damian would become a mercenary or go to Gotham to fight gangs. Unexpectedly, Damian actually wanted to be Robin.

"In terms of strength, Damian is fully qualified." Li Ming looked at Damian and changed the topic, "But Robin is a team. If Damian wants to become Robin, he should also obtain other Robins." 's consent.

What could be an easier way to prove yourself as a Robin than to defeat a Robin directly?

If Batman and the others could still think of dealing with him, the League of Assassins, the King of Gotham, wouldn't dare to mess with him at all.

Although Damian was a little disappointed, he didn't care.

He looks even younger and more handsome than his father.

"Li, what do you think?" Bruce turned to Li Ming and asked.

If he also becomes Robin, he can get rid of the aura of a child.

This made Bruce feel a little happy, and he felt more and more that Damian still had a kind side and was a teachable child.

But after getting along with Damian for the past two days, he felt that the King of Gotham was not as scary as the legend said.

So Bruce nodded: "Damian, when all three Robins agree that you join, you can become Robin."

It's okay for Damian to fight alone, but he wants Damian to have more friends and get rid of the bad habits he learned in the Assassin's League, so getting Damian recognized by the Robins is a good first step.

After all, Li Ming's overwhelming strength is really scary.

Damian felt that life here was indeed good, but he had grown up in the Assassin's League since birth and was used to fighting and killing, so he wanted to work hard to give himself a chance to use his hands and feet.

The King of Gotham's reputation is even louder within the League of Assassins.


Because the League of Assassins was the last owner of Gotham, Li Ming's Gotham was taken from the hands of Lei Xiao Ogu.

Damian also looked at Li Ming. He naturally knew the most famous superhero in the world.

And Damian also knows Lei Xiao Aogu and Thalia's attitude towards Li Ming.

In his opinion, if that doesn't work, just beat them up one by one.

He was destined to become Robin.

Bruce originally wanted to agree directly, but after hearing what Li Ming said, he immediately understood his intention.

He found Tim first and told him his purpose.

After hearing what Bruce and Li Ming meant, Tim thought for a moment. He was there when Damian first arrived, and he knew Damian's strength from Li Ming's mouth.

So Tim raised his hand.

"I surrender, I agree to you becoming Robin."

Damian looked like he had expected it and left proudly.

But what he didn't know was that Tim turned around and contacted Dick and told Dick everything.

"You're right Tim, I'll let Damian know that you don't have to be strong enough to become Robin." Dick, who has become Nightwing, said. Tim can't beat Damian in terms of combat power, but he's still close to Damian in terms of brains.

By this time Damian had already found his next target.

"Ah Jason let me go!"

Damian struggled helplessly, but Jason held him with one hand and rode the motorcycle at high speed with the other, refusing to let go.

"Hahaha, little Damian, you are quite strong, but the more you act like this, the cuter you become, haha." Jason laughed, looking like a weirdo.

Well, when it comes to annoying Damian, Jason is much better than Barbara.

"I'll beat him today!" Damian shouted in his heart.

But Jason still enjoyed it. He didn't have any evil intentions, he just wanted to show his closeness.

The Jason of this world is different from other Batman worlds. There is not so much bitterness and hatred.

The Joker was killed by Batman, avenging his crowbar.

Batman won't interfere with his preferences. It doesn't matter if Jason likes to fight violence with violence, as long as Jason himself doesn't get lost in anger.

Therefore, the relationship between Robins is very harmonious, and of course this is indispensable to the credit of the child king Arthur.

After all, the "I'll protect you" message passed down from generation to generation by Robins came from Arthur.

Jason really regards himself as a member of the family, and now that the family has a new member, Bruce's biological son, of course he is very happy.

So when Damian said he wanted to go out to play, Jason immediately rode his motorcycle, grabbed Damian and rushed out.

But Jason enjoyed it, but Damian didn't feel the same way.

The last thing he wanted was to be treated like a child, but Jason hugged him like a baby!
The howling cold wind hit Damian's face, and coupled with this shameful posture, Damian felt ashamed.

"No, this Jason Todd, I must beat him up!"

At this time, Dick, who was patrolling the night, noticed the speeding motorcycle and hurried over to stop Jason.

They came to a factory
"Jason, this is too dangerous." Dick, wearing a Nightwing suit, said, as if he had no idea of ​​Damian's true strength.

"I'm fine!"

Damian said quickly.

He was still somewhat grateful that Dick came to rescue him.

"Look at little Damian saying he's fine." Jason chuckled.

Da Mi struggled to jump out of the car, and after moving his hands and feet, under the surprised eyes of the two, Damian raised his head and said loudly: "I want to be Robin too!"

When he told Dick and Jason the reason, they immediately looked at each other.

"How powerful can you be, a little bean?" Jason squatted down and tried to pinch Damian's face in a funny way, but was pushed away by Da Mi.

Seeing that Jason was still wearing a red hood, Damian said directly: "Then let's make a bet. If I win, you give me this hood."

Jason was happy and agreed.

"no problem."

Dick, on the other hand, suppressed his laughter.

Fifteen minutes later.

On the way back to Wayne Manor, Damian rode Jason's motorcycle at top speed while whistling with disdain.

On the headlight of the motorcycle, a red hood hangs very conspicuously.

(End of this chapter)

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