The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 663: How did Rice outsmart the young master?

Chapter 663: How did Rice outsmart the young master?

Jason clutched his waist and groaned.

"This little Doudin is so harsh."

Although Jason does not use hot weapons that he is good at, he is also very confident in close combat. He usually boasts that he is invincible in Gotham except for Bruce and Dick.

Of course, Li Ming is excluded by default.

Unexpectedly, he was defeated by a kid who had just turned ten years old today, which made Jason a little embarrassed.

"Let's see if you dare to act so openly." Dick supported him and complained.

Jason reacted immediately: "Did you already know that little Damian was so powerful?"

Although he was beaten up, Jason did not blame rice, but felt that it was pretty good.

The stronger he is, the better Damian can protect himself.

Dick is the oldest of all the Robins and cares most about the brothers.

"Let you experience a little setback, and you can understand the truth that there are people outside the world and there is heaven outside."

Dick shook his head.

For example, last time when Parallax Demon happened, he could only watch from outside the battlefield.

"I did do it on purpose, but I didn't do it to make fun of you."

Jason was silent after listening to Dick's words. He thought about it carefully and found that he did seem to be a little too reckless.

The eldest young master put his arm around the second young master's shoulders and warned him earnestly.

Although he has a gentle temperament, Dick has followed Batman for the longest time and knows when to do something.

In Gotham, there are usually Batman, Sunday, Dick and others, and he has people to back him up when he does many things.

"Okay, you actually saw my joke."

But although Jason recognized his shortcomings, he didn't say anything.

Then Jason added: "But don't hurt him."

"Otherwise, we, as brothers, would be so shameless?"

But their enemy is not just Gotham or New Gotham.

So after getting the news about Damian from Tim, he made plans not only to correct Damian's mistakes, but also to change Jason's perspective at the same time.

But for Dick, Jason gave him a gentle punch unwillingly.

Dick didn't continue. He had known Jason since he was ten years old, and knew that Jason would silently correct it after he realized his mistake.

Now is the time for him to discipline his brother.

"Being Robin is dangerous, and it will be even more dangerous if you act alone in the future."

Dick rolled his eyes at him, so how could he fight?
On the second day, Damian, the Stinky Fart King, rode a motorcycle to the agreed place and brought a long knife with him.

"You and Xiaodouding have made an appointment to compete tomorrow. Don't lose."

What they were competing against today was weapons.

Jason's eyelids jumped when he saw his hood hanging on the car light by Damian.

He suggested to Dick in a low voice: "How about... I take back what I said yesterday? Give this little brat a good beating."

Damian jumped off the motorcycle, picked up his katana and walked up to Dick.

"Let's get started, after today I will be Robin!"

He had already defeated Jason yesterday, and he didn't think he would be unable to defeat Dick.

Although Dick is the oldest, in Damian's mind he is just a good-tempered older brother. His fighting ability may be a little better than Erbong's, but I guess there won't be much difference. "Okay." Dick nodded with a smile and took out his two short sticks.

"Is this what you use?" Damian frowned and reminded, "I use a knife."

Dick waved the short stick twice: "Don't worry about me getting hurt. The treatment methods in the Batcave are no weaker than the Lazarus Pool."

Damian felt relieved now. He pulled out his long knife and made a fighting stance. Jason, who was watching the excitement, gave the order - "Start!"

Damian quickly rushed over to seize the opportunity. Although he was not tall and looked a bit funny holding the long knife, he had extraordinary agility and quickly arrived in front of Dick.

The short stick and the katana came into frequent contact, and Rice soon realized that he had guessed wrong.

Dick is stronger than he thought.

It seems that he is holding a samurai sword that is one inch long and one inch dangerous, but Dick can always use two short sticks to show off his moves, and the defense is airtight.

Damian gritted his teeth, knowing that it would be difficult to win if this stalemate continued, so he immediately decided not to hold back.


Damian quickened his movements and quickly achieved results. The long knife slashed Dick's arm, leaving a long wound.

Upon seeing this, Damian immediately slowed down his movements, but Dick didn't stop at all and hit him on the head with a backhand stick.

"The battle is not over yet, continue!" Dick said sternly.

Damian gritted his teeth and swung the katana faster. Although Dick also speeded up the pace, he could often hit him, but the short stick only hurt when he hit him, while the knife was really bleeding.

So while Damian was enduring the pain of being hit, he also added many wounds to Dick's body.

But Dick was never defeated. On the contrary, he continued to figure out Damian's fighting habits. Finally, when Damian swung his knife in a big way, Dick discovered the flaw.

As soon as he put his hands together, the two short sticks turned into a long stick. The sudden change of moves caught Damian off guard, and Dick quickly knocked the long knife away from his hand.

Da Mi couldn't believe that he actually lost.

He stood there blankly. Judging from the battle just now, Dick was indeed stronger than him, but the gap was not insurmountable.

"We'll see you tomorrow..."

Damian was about to say fight again tomorrow, but when he looked up, he saw Dick's current appearance.

His hands, chest, and thighs were all covered with stab wounds caused by Damian. Dick's whole body was covered in blood, and he had to be supported by Jason to stand up. He looked very miserable.

Damian's words stopped on his lips. He looked at Dick's self-inflicted injuries, and recalled Dick's meticulous care for him these days, and suddenly felt a little clogged in his heart.

He quickly ran over and supported Dick with Jason.

"Why? I just want to be Robin. I just agree to it. Why don't you agree to it even if you have to get hurt so much!" He shouted, his voice was trembling. From what he said, he seemed to be complaining, but The tone was more like worry.

Dick put his palm on Damian's head. To his surprise, Da Mi, who had always been averse to such actions, did not resist.

"Because the most important thing about Robin is not strength, Damian." Dick suppressed the pain on his face, but still smiled and said, "The most important factor in becoming Robin is justice, kindness, unity and many other good qualities. These are much more important than pure strength!”

"I have to let you know that if you become Robin, you are not fighting alone. We are brothers and partners, and we have the ability to help you at any time!"

Dick's words touched Damian deeply. Justice, kindness, unity and other things were incompatible with the education he received in the League of Assassins.

But Damian was relieved and preferred to be someone like Dick.

Seeing that Da Mi was silent along the way, Jason couldn't help but glance at Dick and found that his face was as normal and there was not much pain at all.

Jason understood. Dick was indeed pretending. Damian was very measured in his actions and did not hurt any vital points. Dick obviously had a lot of mobility, but he had to pretend so badly just to break through Damian's psychological defense.

He rolled his eyes back at Dick.

"As expected of Robin, who has been with Batman for the longest time, he actually uses tricks on children. How shameless."

(End of this chapter)

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