The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 666 Damian’s decision

Chapter 666 Damian’s decision
Just as Tim expected, Damian quickly broke through King Clock's defense, but it took him more than forty minutes to find the clue.

Damian's first target is of course King Clock, but there are no clues about King Clock, so his search naturally focuses on King Clock's safe.

After all, Damian could also see that King Zhong attached great importance to this safe.

However, the safe has self-protection facilities and cannot pick the lock. Damian had to spend time to torture the password of the safe from King Zhong.

Then nothing was found.

So he could only start with other people, which delayed a lot of time.

The information he obtained this time was the location of the final trial.

Because it took time to rush, Damian only had forty-five minutes left.

Moreover, the final location was far away from the third target location. He calculated that the journey would take at least fifteen minutes.

Damian didn't have time to think about it, so he could only hurry on as hard as he could.

It's not just Jerome's men who are called the Clown Gang. In order to disguise themselves, many criminals put on clown costumes and say they are the Clown Gang.

The man's pleading and crying became louder and louder in his ears, which made Damian unable to leave cruelly.

Damian braked quickly and turned around to see a man in disheveled clothes, kneeling on the ground praying to passers-by.

"Clown gang?" Damian muttered.

"Who can help me? The clown gang kidnapped my family, save them!"

They're not Batman.

When this happened, Damian's first reaction was to find Batman, but he didn't even bring out his communication equipment.

But when he was halfway through, he suddenly heard a cry for help.

It would definitely take a lot of time to save people, and he didn't know this man. Why would he take the risk of failing Robin's trial to save someone who had nothing to do with him?

But at this moment, what Dick said to him yesterday suddenly flashed in his mind.

His hand gripped the accelerator tightly, and Damian was in a dilemma at this moment.

Even if he didn't live in Gotham before, he still knew the name of the Clown Gang. They were all extremely vicious people, and if they were caught, the consequences would be disastrous.

Originally there were people trying to get closer, but after hearing the name of the Clown Gang, everyone quickly walked away.

In New Gotham, who dares to provoke the Joker Gang?

If this fails, he will have to wait another year!

Counting on the New Gotham Police?
Are you kidding? Their director's name is not Gordon.

But there is not enough time for Damian Robin's trial. Where can I find the time to help this person?
At that moment, Robin wanted to turn off the accelerator and leave.

After all, the Clown Gang has no gang membership review. If Jerome has 100 gang members, the Clown Gang can have 1000 non-staff members.

Unable to contact the Batcave, Damian realized the only one who could help the man was himself.

"Robin's most important qualities are justice and kindness..."

"Help, they kidnapped my wife and son!"

Give up the trial and wait another year.

But if he doesn't give up the trial, the man will lose his family.

According to the education he received in the Assassin's League for ten years, no matter whether this man is the optimal solution, the Assassin's League is already the most merciful expression by not killing people. Do you still want Damian to save people?

Finally Damian gritted his teeth and made up his mind.

Just twist the accelerator and leave the place.



The motorcycle made a beautiful flick, and Damian turned around and stopped steadily in front of the man.

"Do you know where your family is?"

He finally chose to save people.

He can still be Batman's helper without being Robin, but if he doesn't help this man, the family will be destroyed.

Although Da Mi comes from the League of Assassins, he is actually a good boy.

"I know I know!"

The man seemed to have caught a savior, not minding that the person who came was just a little boy. "They're on Upper East Street, and they have a rally over there!" the man said.

Go to East Street?

Damian's head sank. The place was not far from his current location, but it was far away from the third target location.

He was still thinking about whether he could seize the time and rush to complete the task.

Although he didn't know if Damian could do it, the man could only seek medical treatment in a hurry, but he still couldn't help but prostrate himself, "Thank you, thank you..."

"Shut up!"

But Damian had no time to be polite to him: "If you keep talking nonsense, I'll beat you up!"

"Come up and show the way!"

The man quickly climbed onto the motorcycle, but he was very grateful.

Although this kid has a bad temper, he has a good heart.

Damian turned the accelerator to the bottom and rushed to Upper East Street as quickly as possible.

"Where are they?" Damian asked.

"This... this..." The man hesitated and couldn't speak clearly.

Seeing that the man didn't know the exact location, Damian was so angry that he almost beat him on the spot.

But it has come and gone, and there is nothing we can do.

In desperation, Damian had no choice but to look for clues on his own. Fortunately, the Clown Gang never acted secretly, and it didn't take long for Damian to find the meeting place.

As expected, the man's wife and children were there, tied up in the middle. It looked like the clown gang was planning to burn them to death.

The next thing was simple. It took Damian three minutes to fight off all the clown gang and help the man save his family.

But now there are only twenty minutes left until ten o'clock.

Rice sighed.

The third clue was unavailable, and there was not enough time to get there.

There are three clues in the final trial.

Target location, defense layout, mission objectives.

Damian already knew the first two, leaving only the final goal unclear.

So he rushed directly towards the final location. On the way, Damian carefully recalled the defensive arrangement at the end point. He wanted to find where the defense was the tightest. No matter what the mission was, there was a high probability that it would be in the center of the defense.

This sight really made him discover the defense center, so after spending ten minutes arriving at the target location on the outskirts of New Gotham, Damian sneaked towards the core location.

He thought that maybe after finding the location, he could guess what the mission goal was.

Damian was careful along the way, avoiding the guards by referring to the defense map, and reached the core position.

But he was surprised to find there was nothing here.

"Wrong guess?" Damien felt relieved.

Suddenly, his ankles were wrapped by ropes, and Jason suddenly jumped out, tied up Damian and hung him up.

"Let me go, Jason!"

Damian screamed, but the rope was specially made and he couldn't break free for a while.

At this time Dick and Tim also walked out from the side.

Tim also had a camera in his hand.

Damian was ashamed and angry: "I know I failed the trial, but there is no need to humiliate me like this, right?"

Jason took the camera and fixed Damian's body while Dick and Tim quickly got into position.


Seeing that Damian's resistance became more intense, Dick patted him and then showed a bright smile.

"Be quiet Damian, this is Robin's first photo together."

Damian suddenly stopped moving.


(End of this chapter)

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