The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 667: The most harmonious version of Robin’s foursome

Chapter 667 The most harmonious version of the four Robins
"Didn't I...not complete the trial?" Damian asked in surprise.

"I haven't found the mission target yet."

Tim shook his head at him: "No, you have completed the final task."

Tim held up a piece of paper: "This is the third clue."

He opened it halfway first, and Damian saw it read - "Rescue the Hostages."

Damian frowned for a moment, and then he immediately thought of the hostages of the Clown Gang.

Only then did Da Mi suddenly realize, and he blurted out: "It turns out that is also part of the trial!"


"If you didn't choose to save people but went directly to the third location." Tim showed the second half of the clue at this time.

I saw it clearly written on it - "Trial failed!"

"Not really." Tim shook his head.

"But that's not the case with Robin."

Looking at the friendly scene of his brothers, Dick couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"In that case, is the hostage fake?" Damian asked a question that he was very concerned about.

"Robin is not something you just come to play with if you are interested. It represents responsibility."

The smile on Jason's face stopped and he rolled his eyes back at Tim.

Dick's expression turned serious.

"We know that you used to stay in the League of Assassins, where missions came first and human life was regarded as nothing."

"No wonder I spent so long looking for the second clue." Damian muttered, then stared back and forth at the three of them with resentment.

"Nightwing has been watching over you. If you hadn't come, Dick would have come to the rescue."

At this time, Dick also explained: "We have planned it so that you have no extra time and can only choose between the trial and saving people."

"Because we want to see your options, Damian."

He knelt down and put his hands on Damian's shoulders.

"Robin is Batman's assistant and a partner in justice, so if you want to become Robin, you must put kindness first!"

This succeeded in earning an eye roll from Tim.

"Of course, the plan was mainly made by Tim." Jason suddenly interrupted, trying to distance himself from the firepower.

Damian fell to the ground again, and then asked in confusion: "Why do you need to test like this?"

"Okay, the photos have been taken, let's put Damian down."

Tim continued: "So by arranging this test, we just want to see whether in your heart you care more about Robin's false reputation, or whether you already possess Robin's essence."

"Then Jason," he changed the topic, "will laugh at your face at the third clue for failing the trial."

Damian felt relieved, as long as he really saved people.

"The result is very good, little Damian is still great!" Jason was overjoyed.

Dick has gone solo, and he is the eldest brother among the current Robins. Of course, he is happy to have another younger brother.

But Damian puffed up his cheeks and asked Tim angrily: "You said you were covering me, is this how you covered me?"

"Not only did you set a trap for me, but you also tied me up with a rope?"

Tim finally felt a little embarrassed and quickly defended himself.

"The rope was Jason's idea. I originally just wanted to put a countdown."

So Damian stretched out his hand to Jason very fiercely.

"Give me back the Red Hood!"

Jason spread his hands and ran back immediately: "What kind of hood, I don't know!"

Damian hurriedly chased after him, and Tim also joined in the fun. Dick stood beside him, recording their fooling around with a camera.

At this point, all four of Batman's Robins have assembled. The photos Dick took were immediately sent back to the Batcave.

"Oh, Damian's fist was a hard punch."

"Tim's two-pronged gang was indeed targeted by two people at the same time."

Li Ming kept commenting on the photos.

Bruce was also smiling. Several Robins were his closest people. Now seeing that they were getting along very harmoniously, Bruce was also very happy.

[Ding, the current parsing progress is 94%. 】

At this time, Li Ming pointed to a close-up of Damian and said to Bruce: "If Damian's face slimmed down, he would really look like you when you were a child."

Bruce also joked: "I was so ugly when I was a kid?"

"Hey." Li Ming raised his eyebrows, "Little Damian is much cuter than you."

Bruce obviously didn't believe it. Who didn't know that he was a well-known handsome young man from all over Gotham.

"By the way, have you figured out how to propose to Selena?" Li Ming suddenly asked.

Now Bruce suddenly became worried.

"No, I have thought about many plans, but none of them are perfect." He shook his head.

At this moment, Batman's advantage of being good at making plans has become his biggest disadvantage. Bruce has so many plans that he doesn't even know which one to use.

"Proposal only requires attitude and atmosphere, why pursue perfection?" Although Li Ming had never asked for a proposal, he was quite good at talking the truth with his mouth.

Li Ming's eyes stayed on the photos taken by the Robins, and an idea suddenly came to his mind.

"How about I help you get one?" he suddenly suggested with great interest.

Bruce's first reaction was that Li Ming was going to play a prank, and there was a hint of rejection on his face.

"Okay, Bruce, you don't believe me?" Li Ming immediately looked hurt.

"No." Bruce quickly defended himself, "It's just... I don't know if Selina will like it."

"It's ok."

Li Ming waved his hand.

"I only help you create an atmosphere. When Damian's Robin training is on track, you just need to have the ring ready at all times."

"It's up to you whether you want to take out this ring or not."

If you put it this way, Bruce has nothing to worry about.

"Okay, what are you going to do?" he asked.

Li Ming chuckled: "Don't worry about it."

Seeing Li Ming's smile, Bruce suddenly felt bad, but he knew that Li Ming was just playing pranks and would not mess around, so he let him go.

Anyway, based on Bruce's understanding of Li Ming, he would do it regardless of whether he agreed with Li Ming, and he would not admit it afterwards.

"By the way, don't tell them yet." Bruce didn't want to have his own proposal ceremony. Known in advance by Catwoman.

"No problem." Li Ming gestured OK.

"What about you?" Bruce also asked, "What are you and Diana planning?"

To be honest, Li Ming hasn't thought about it yet, mainly because although he is now very strong in most worlds, his enemies are even more terrifying.

Although the Abyss is now visible to other factions, it remains hidden in the shadows.

But Li Ming had a premonition that with the expansion of the camp war, Abyss would one day be involved.

The pressure he will face will be particularly great at that time, and Li Ming does not want to be distracted.

Of course, the more reason is that he is not ready yet.

"If the camp is not destroyed, why should we take care of our family?" Li Ming said solemnly.

(End of this chapter)

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