The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 668 Li Ming is a huge fan of Barry Allen

Chapter 668 Li Ming is a huge fan of Barry Allen
Central City.

While Damian was training as Robin, another superhero was being born here.

Barry Allen has been feeling nervous recently. Ever since he was struck by lightning and accidentally gained the Speed ​​Force in the laboratory some time ago, he has always felt like someone is watching him.

However, he found no abnormality every time he observed. He even used the speed force to run around several times, but he did not find repeated unfamiliar faces.

"Is it more stressful to have superpowers?" Barry thought to himself.

Just when he relaxed his guard, a voice suddenly appeared——

"Hello, Barry."


Barry Allen was eating a sandwich. He was so frightened by the sudden sound that he dropped the sandwich. He fumbled for a while before regaining his balance.

"who are you?"

Overall, he is a good person, but not lovable, especially to girls.

This is completely different from the Flash that Keaton Bat is most familiar with.

Because Xiao Shen has lived under the care of his parents since he was a child, he was even carefree and careless at first. In the past two or three years, he has become much more mature after following Keaton Bat.

"We met at the convenience store downstairs from your house three days ago, have you forgotten?

Keatonbat nodded.

And now Keaton Bat can give a personal research report of Barry.

He has been silently observing Barry's characteristics. As for why Barry didn't notice him even when he used the Speed ​​Force?
Although the Speed ​​Force allows Barry to see everyone within a few dozen meters in one second, there is nothing he can do if he doesn't find them.

Poor popularity.

"Are you spying on me?"

Good IQ.

The person coming was naturally Keaton Bat.

Barry followed the sound and looked over and saw that he was a little old man with gray hair, wearing black clothes and having a very tall figure.

In order to better understand the Flash in this universe, although he has been in Central City for a while, Keaton Bat has not had early contact with Barry except for showing up once.

His experience was the same as that of Flash. His mother was killed and his father was wrongfully imprisoned. This made him very introverted and he didn't even have the usual best friends of superheroes.

After hearing this, Barry was confused for a while, and then suddenly realized: "It's you!"

To be precise, Barry didn't have any friends.

Low self-esteem.


Flash is enthusiastic, cheerful and full of energy, and even Barry's crush, Iris West, starts dating Flash.

But Barry Allen in the Gotham universe is different.

Keaton is an old bat, and there are a hundred ways to keep rookie Barry from seeing him.

But Barry's heart did not become dark because of this, because he firmly remembered his parents' teachings and his character was always gentle and kind.

Keaton Bat has discovered Barry using the Speed ​​Force to help others no less than ten times in the past few days.

So Keaton Bat also has a very good impression of Barry.

"I'm Bruce Wayne," he introduced himself.


Barry was even more surprised.

"Bruce Wayne? The one from Gotham?"

That's right, so Keaton Bat nodded. Just when he was about to explain that he came from a parallel universe, Barry suddenly stammered and asked: "I thought you were...younger...and what you saw on TV no the same."

Barry's eyes widened: "Do you usually wear makeup when you go on TV?"

"No wonder people always say there is a gap between celebrities and reality..."

Keatonbat sighed heavily. Although their life circumstances are different, everyone is very close-mouthed.

"I'm not the Bruce Wayne of this universe." Keaton said.

"Bruce Wayne from the parallel universe, why did he come to me?" Barry was very surprised, but thinking that he had just gained superpowers, and having watched many movies, he couldn't help but feel alarm bells ringing in his heart.

Could he be a dark version of Bruce, here to recruit me to join his evil organization?

Is this my big superhero thing?
Can I join the Justice League if I defeat him?

Seeing the change in Barry's expression, Keaton Bat knew that he was thinking wildly.

So he silently kicked a stone towards the left front.

At this moment, Barry thought that no matter what, he should investigate the person in front of him.

Just like Sherlock Holmes, he can infer the identities and characteristics of others from various details about them.

Although Barry doesn't have this level of observation, it doesn't matter, he can see for a long time.

Under the influence of the Speed ​​Force, the time and space around him can have an effect similar to time stasis, but his actions are not affected.

So Barry activated the Speed ​​Force and began to carefully look at the man who claimed to be Bruce Wayne.

Dressed in black, he has the characteristics of a villain.

A disheveled beard breeds sin.

After Barry had the forced first impression, no matter how he looked at Keaton Bat, he didn't look like a good person. However, when he was paying attention for a long time, he easily ignored his feet. When he was thinking, he accidentally stepped on a rock kicked by Keaton Bat. superior.


The Flash jumped onto the street magnificently and rolled several times on the ground until he stopped the car with his face.

In other words, the Speed ​​Force has a very good self-healing ability, otherwise Barry's face would have been smoothed out this time.

Bat Keaton is very familiar with Barry. After all, he is Little Flash's mentor. After Li Ming and Big Flash left, he relied on him to train Little Flash to master his abilities, so he knows all about Barry's little problems when using the Speed ​​Force. Chu.

In fact, if you put it this way, Xiao Shen can be regarded as a Robin.

"Li Ming asked me to come. I will train you in the next year." Keaton Bat explained his purpose.

Because the time flow rate in the Gotham universe and the Flash universe are different, and only more than two months have passed in the Flash universe here, Keaton Bat also agreed.

Training the Flash, he's a pro.

"If you don't believe it..." Keaton Bat was about to continue, because he knew that logically speaking, no normal person would believe this sentence alone.

"I promise!"

Barry Allen yelled, raising his hands high and his eyes widening, as if they could burst into dazzling light.

"Since it is His Excellency Li Ming who said it, I am willing!"

Keaton Bat asked in confusion: "Don't you suspect that I'm lying to you?"

"Your Excellency Li Ming will not lie! And who dares to impersonate Your Excellency Li Ming?" Barry replied matter-of-factly, his tone full of contempt for Li Ming.

"This kind of lie will be exposed easily. Then I will have to face His Excellency Li Ming's accountability. If that happens, I will also be able to see Your Excellency Li Ming!"

For a moment, Keaton couldn't tell whether Barry was incredibly stupid or extremely smart.

At this time, he also knew why Li Ming just asked him to come alone.

It turns out that the Barry Allen of this world is actually a huge fan of the King of Gotham!

After giving Li Ming's name, Barry followed him obediently.

In fact, there was a deeper reason why Li Ming didn't come.

It was precisely because he knew that Barry was his ardent fan that he didn't come to recruit him himself.

The more fanatical fans are, the more you need to keep a certain distance, so that fans will always have filters and always support you.

Li Ming learned this kind of push and pull from the stars in his previous life.

(End of this chapter)

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