The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 669: It only takes one sentence to fool the Flash

Chapter 669: It only takes one sentence to deceive the Flash
Barry and Keaton Bat walked to his residence together.

"But why does Mr. Li Ming want you to train me?" Barry felt a little strange, "Is there anything special about Bruce Wayne in parallel time and space?"

Keaton Bat continued to move forward.

"Stop," he said.

Barry stood still obediently. Keaton walked a short distance away and then quickly turned around, took out the batarang and threw it directly at Barry.

Barry was startled at first, then reacted and activated the Speed ​​Force to catch the dart.

This is why Keaton Bat needs to stay some distance away first. If it is too close, the current rookie Barry may not be able to react.

"Is this...a batarang?"

he exclaimed, then Barry's voice got louder when he realized something.

"Are you Batman?"

"Wait..." The look of surprise on his face became more intense, "Bruce Wayne is Batman?"

Keatonbat nodded.

"Great, I knew Bruce Wayne, who once defended Gotham, would not really become a super rich man who only enjoys himself." Barry cheered.

It can be seen that he really likes the King of Gotham, and even knows the important people around Li Ming.

"Then why are you here to teach me?" Barry didn't stop asking, "Are you the novice mentor of the Justice League?"

"Because I was in my own universe and trained Barry Allen there." Keaton Bat explained.

Barry looked particularly curious: "Another me? It's amazing. How is he?"

Keatonbat was silent for a moment, and then simply replied: "Very well."

He didn't feel comfortable saying that Xiao Shen had both parents and a happy family. This was tantamount to adding salt to Barry's wounds, so he simply passed it off.

But Barry didn't mind at all, he didn't care what Keaton Bat answered, he just wanted to find someone to talk to.

He has no friends, and after gaining superpowers, he can only explore it carefully on his own. Such an open conversation is something he has not experienced in a long time.

But then Barry realized they were going in the wrong direction.

"This is not the way to my dormitory." He is still in college and has not graduated.

"We're going to Gotham," Keaton explained.


Barry's face was full of surprise.

To him, Gotham is like Jerusalem, a holy place in his heart.

"Then I have to go back to the dormitory to pack my things."

"No, buy a new one." Keaton Bat said lightly.

Barry was a poor student, but he also knew that neither Li Ming nor Wayne was short of money, so he could only nod obediently.

"And it won't be long before you come back. From now on, you can study normally and go to Gotham for training when there are no classes." Keaton Bat explained the arrangements to him.

"I have a question." Barry raised his hand, "How do I get to Gotham?"

Keaton Bat looked at him and smiled: "Run over."

Barry was momentarily stunned.

"'s 1800 kilometers from Central City to Gotham." He murmured.

"You underestimate your ability, Barry." Keaton shook his head, and Little Flash ran from Central City to Gotham at such a speed that it didn't even take a minute.

"Do you know how long it takes for Barry in my universe to get from Central City to Gotham?" he asked.

Barry shook his head and tried to guess: "An hour?"

"57 seconds."

"What?" Barry put his head in his hands. This moment directly impacted his world view. Keaton Bat started his first teaching: "I think he still has a lot of room for improvement. You are the same, Barry. Don't underestimate yourself."

Barry nodded blankly, he still couldn't accept that his speed could reach Mach 50.

Now he is only Mach 1 at most.

When they were about to walk out of the school gate, Barry suddenly came to his senses. He quickly took out his mobile phone: "I want to ask for leave from my tutor first."

"No need." Keaton stopped him. "The school will tell him."

"School?" Barry was confused.

"Don't you know?" Keaton Bat smiled a little strangely, "Li Ming bought this school a long time ago."


It's a good thing that Barry's current expression has not been made into an emoticon, otherwise Nick Young's status in the world of question mark face will be shaken.

Keaton looked at Barry with a stupid look on his face and shook his head.

This silly kid didn't even know that he had been targeted by his idol.

But he thinks this is okay. Many super criminals were born because they had no one to guide them after gaining super powers, and they went astray. Li Ming's Justice League was lucky to pay attention to them in advance.

As for Li Ming's purpose, Keaton Bat also knew it.

He is forming a major alliance of superheroes from different worlds to deal with the invasion of the outside world.

Keaton Bat is very supportive, after all, his world has just suffered a crisis.

"How are we going to Gotham this time?" Barry followed Keaton Bat to an open place and asked quickly when he saw Keaton Bat stop.

"By plane."

Keaton waved his bat hand, and a sci-fi fighter jet suddenly appeared on the originally empty ground.

"Bat Fighter!" Barry looked like he had never seen the world before, rushing up and touching around, almost touching his face.

His yelling didn't stop. By the time the plane landed, Barry was still exclaiming.

And when he stepped out of the plane and saw the people standing outside, he almost fainted.

"The King of Gotham, Batman..."

For the next time, Barry was in a daze. He was so excited to see his two idols in person that no matter what Li Ming and Bruce said, he would just say yes yes yes.

Bruce glanced at Li Ming, meaning this is the gatekeeper of the Justice League you are talking about?
Li Ming could only temporarily let Barry live in his Wayne Manor: "Let him calm down first."

Sure enough, after Barry was agitated for a while, he finally calmed down and was able to talk to Bruce and the others normally.

"Li...Your Excellency Li Ming, I..."

Of course, he still couldn't say a complete sentence in front of Li Ming.

"Don't be nervous Barry, I've actually been watching you for a long time."

Li Ming showed a warm smile and said nice words: "I know you are a good boy, so I asked old Bruce to pick you up."

It was a very ordinary sentence, but Barry was extremely excited when he heard it.

This is the power of idols. As long as you give them a little sweetness, sensible fans will figure it out on their own.

"Your Excellency Li Ming, I..."

Li Ming waved his hand, indicating that he didn't need to say more, and then he put his hand on Barry's shoulder.

"I believe you will become a great superhero, don't let me down, Barry."


Barry nodded sharply, his whole body seemed to be burning with a fire called fighting spirit.

"I will definitely do it!"

(End of this chapter)

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