The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 670: What can Batman do if Catwoman is a dog licker?

Chapter 670: What can Batman do if Catwoman is a dog licker?

Gotham Manor and Wayne Manor are closely adjacent, so although Barry lives here in Li Ming, he can meet Batman and Robin within two steps.

"Are you the new one?"

Damian, who was training in the garden but actually killing flowers and plants, asked after seeing Barry.

"Huh? Yes."

Although Rice was just a small bean, Barry was completely overwhelmed by Damian's aura and could only nod blankly.

"Although another Batman trained you, you are still half Robin..."

Damian's eyes lit up, and he rushed directly to Barry, stood on tiptoes, reached out and patted Barry on the shoulder, imitating Tim's tone before and said: "Don't be afraid, I will protect you from now on!"

"You cover me?"

Barry felt a little ridiculous. Although this little guy was very mature, he...

At this time, Damian waved his samurai sword and chopped down a potted plant with a few clean strokes. The sharp sword light made Barry's hair stand on end.

Not to mention, it feels really safe.

"But who are you?"

After knowing that Bruce Wayne is Batman, Barry naturally knows that the young man in Wayne Manor is Robin.

He also often pays attention to Batman news and knows that there is a new Robin joining this year, but it is obviously not this one.

Because... Barry stretched out his hand to compare Damian's height.

A bit shorter.

Da Mi was keenly aware of the offense and turned to glare at Barry, making him immediately become more honest.

"Damian Wayne." Rice introduced himself.

Barry was shocked: "Wayne?"

"You...could it be?"

"Yes, I am Batman's son." Damian's tone was a little proud.

"Sorry, I never knew that Bruce Wayne actually had children?" Barry clicked his tongue in surprise.

Damian quickly replied: "It doesn't matter, my father didn't know it a month ago."

With Damian leading the way, Barry quickly integrated into Wayne Manor, where both Jason and Tim welcomed him.

They have long been accustomed to new members joining the family, but Jason teased Keaton Bat, saying that he was worthy of being the old Batman, and the boys he brought back were all one size older.

The next day, Jason was hung upside down because he stepped out of the gate with his left foot first. He hung at the entrance of the manor for ten minutes.

Barry is very happy in Gotham, because he has many friends now because he never had any friends.

Damian, Jason, Dick, Bruce, Alfred and others, Barry never thought he could gain so many friendships.

Especially after hearing that his father was still suffering injustice in prison because he was wrongly identified as his mother's murderer.

Tim immediately expressed his willingness to help and used Batcave technology to restore the supermarket's surveillance camera at the time of the incident. The previous surveillance camera could not be used as evidence because it was unclear. If it was successfully repaired, it would become key evidence to prove that Barry's father was not at the scene at the time of the incident. .

The next month was a stable period. Damian became more and more proficient as Robin, and Barry also grew a lot because of Keaton Bat's training.

On the other side, Amanda Waller's mission is almost completed.

She instigated more than 20 internal agents, large and small, in Gotham, all of whom were middle-level or above. She felt that she was able to do her job, so she went back to report on her duties.

Of course, Li Ming received the information earlier than her boss Ponte Baker.

Then this list was sent to Lei Xiao Ogu through Li Ming's new younger brother Bain.

A list was given to the three bosses, which can be called the king of cost-effectiveness.

After getting the list of Gotham's moles, Leixiao Ogu was very happy. "Well done, Bain." Lei Xiao nodded to Bain.

He was very dissatisfied with the results of this operation, but it was his daughter who led the team, so Lei Xiao did not publicly blame him.

But privately he was furious with Talia, and he didn't care if Batman was the only one in Gotham.

Lei Xiao is confident that Damian will always come back, and he can get some exercise by being placed next to Bruce Wayne and learn from Batman's strengths.

But now the big boss of Gotham is Li Ming, the King of Gotham, and Lei Xiao is very upset now.

Damian fell into Li Ming's hands, thinking that this was a potential seedling given to the enemy.

Lei Xiao has already given an order to Thalia, asking her to re-cultivate an heir to the Assassin's League based on the same method she used to cultivate Damian.

Anyway, there is the Lazarus Pool, and as long as Li Ming doesn't want to fight, their lives can be extremely long.

Yes, Lei Xiao Aogu has already recognized the reality.

The Assassin's League may have been the king of the old era, but they have no competitiveness in front of the new king, Li Ming.

Even Lei Xiao Aogu has been prepared. Once Li Ming knocks on the door, he can run away with the Assassin League's important items as quickly as possible.

So after Lei Xiao Ogu discovered that something had changed in the Lazarus Pool somewhere, he focused on it.

He was keenly aware that there must be a very powerful boss behind the Lazarus Pool. If he could borrow his power, defeating Li Ming might not be a problem.

But if Lei Xiao devotes himself to research, he will also need someone to help him collect various magic resources.

Thalia and Nissa are naturally good choices, but both daughters have suffered losses in Gotham. Only Bain has gained something from Gotham, so Raixiao Ogu decided to increase his efforts in cultivating Bain. .

"Bain, from now on you will only be responsible for me."

Lei Xiao said to Bain.

"Death Knell has rebelled. I hope you won't disappoint me like him."

Bain's heart was burning. He only recognized himself as Li Ming, and he still had the emotions he should have when it came to things that had nothing to do with Li Ming.

Yes, this version of Deathstroke once joined the League of Assassins.

Moreover, Deathstroke was previously trained by Lei Xiao Ogu as his successor.

Until Deathstroke couldn't stand the Ogu family anymore, and circled around Bruce Wayne like a maniac, trying to reverse this trend, and was finally expelled by Lei Xiao Ogu.

Now Bane stands where Deathstroke once stood.

"I will not let you down, my master." Bain said solemnly.

Lei Xiao Ogu nodded with satisfaction, but he didn't realize at all that the master in Bain's mouth was not him, but someone else.

"Are you ready for the engagement ring, Bruce?"

On the rooftop in the night sky, Li Ming asked Batman.

"All right."

"Where's the proposal ceremony?"

"...Not yet." Bruce was obviously lacking in confidence.

Bruce hasn't decided which option to use yet.

After all, it is a proposal, not a battle plan.

And Bruce has been Selena's dog licker since he was a child, so he is naturally more entangled.

The disguised identities of Batman in other worlds are basically playboys, but the Bruce that Li Ming is familiar with, no matter how he fools around, he has never messed with any other woman except Thalia.

"I'm too busy these days." After saying that, Bruce slipped away, leaving Li Ming with a suspicious look on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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