The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 671 Jared the Joker and Harley Quinn

Chapter 671 Jared the Joker and Harley Quinn
Is Bruce busy?

It would definitely be unrealistic to not be busy. Bruce has to deal with the affairs of the Justice League and Wayne Group during the day, and patrols the night as Batman at night. He also has to find time to learn the knowledge given by Li Ming. It can be said that it is a continuous cycle.

But Li Ming didn't quite believe that Bruce was too busy to prepare for a proposal.

Suddenly, Li Ming became alarmed: "Bruce isn't going to back down, is he?"

"Or is he worried that Selena will say no?"

However, Li Ming had already asked Diana to test Catwoman's tone. Since Damian appeared, Selina's attitude has obviously relaxed and she has become much more emotional.

It can be said that as long as Bruce proposes, the two can get married the next day.

After all, it’s not an idol drama, so Catwoman wouldn’t feel like she was not ready and ran away on purpose.

Li Ming felt that it was not impossible, and it would not work if it continued like this.

It seems he still has to take action.

"Afu, is Bruce very busy recently?" He ran directly to ask the butler.

Afu knew all about Bruce's schedule.

"Very busy." Ah Fu said truthfully.

Through Ah Fu's words, Li Ming learned that Batman was indeed not having an easy time during this period.

The mental hospital in New Gotham exploded, and many prisoners escaped. Batman had to re-capture them.

This is a bit like the dungeon is refreshed, and the monsters that have been defeated are pulled out and defeated again.

But this is the characteristic of New Gotham, which perfectly inherits the dark side of Gotham.

It's not that there is no solution, either Batman and Robin can follow Keaton's example and kill all the criminals.

But although they don't have a no-kill principle, they aren't that crazy.

Then putting the criminals in Gotham's Arkham Asylum would also solve the problem.

The Arkham of today is not what it used to be.

After Borderlands, Arkham was also torn down and rebuilt, and various high-end talents and equipment were introduced. So far, Arkham has become the top mental hospital in the world.

Every year, many medical experts from all over the world line up to come here for further study and inspection. It is completely different from the previous Gotham Talent Incubation Center.

Moreover, Arkham is under the jurisdiction of Gotham and is extremely tightly guarded. If criminals are imprisoned, they will actually serve their sentences.

According to common sense, Gotham has such an advanced mental hospital, and there is no need to build another one in New Gotham.

But where there is demand, there is a market, and where there is a market, there is motivation.

No matter what kind of criminal they are, they don't want to go to Arkham to go to jail. A mental hospital that allows them to escape at will is a good prison cell.

And among the officials in New Gotham, who doesn't know that one of the major incomes of the mental hospital is issuing mental illness certificates to others.

Especially among the gang bosses, who doesn’t suffer from two mental illnesses?

If you are really caught, you can be sent to a mental hospital to serve your sentence with this. The specific length of your sentence will depend on your power.

As we all know, the prison time of a criminal in New Gotham is inversely proportional to the power he controls.

So of course New Gotham officials will not let go of such a lucrative place as the mental hospital.

They built a new mental hospital in New Gotham on the grounds that Gotham's Arkham Asylum was located in Gotham and was restricted by the Gotham Act.

Compared with Arkham, this place is very humble, with only a few buildings.

However, considering that this place is often bombed and the buildings and everything are consumables, there is no need to spend a lot of money on it.

So Batman has no choice but to catch these old friends again.

The one who made a big fuss this time was Jared Clown, who had been captured by Bruce before.

After he was caught by Bruce, he was put in a mental hospital of course.

For Jared Clowney, coming here feels like coming home, but he's in no rush to leave.

It's not that he can't do it.

Jared the Clown comes from a wealthy family. In addition to the clown gang that follows him, he also has a large number of mercenaries. It is impossible for a mental hospital to stop him.

The reason he didn't come out was because he met an interesting woman.

His physician, Harley Quinzel. Harley thought she could cure Jared, but she didn't realize she was being reverse-attacked by Jared the Joker.

She fell in love with Jared.

After noticing this, Jared found it interesting, so he completely brainwashed Harley into Harley Quinn.

His queen.

But the most interesting thing happened to Li Ming.

What Jared the Joker didn't expect was that he himself was a love interest.

He thought he could throw Harley away after playing with her like other women.

But Jared was wrong.

He was stuck.

So when Harley was willing to jump into the chemical pool for him without hesitation.

Even though Jared had realized that accepting Harley would mean accepting all kinds of troubles, he still couldn't restrain his feelings for Harley, so he turned around and jumped into the chemical pool to fish Harley out.

Among the clowns in Gotham, he is the only one who is here to fall in love.

However, Li Ming knew that Jared himself was not deeply perverted. He just thought it was fun to imitate the clown.

This is the attraction of the clown. No matter whether the target is rich or poor, it only takes one devastating day or a miserable childhood to turn others into his supporters.

In fact, Jared didn't really love Harley at first, but because of Harley's unreserved love for him, Jared's desire for the Joker overcame his reason.

If the Joker's love for Harley is exhausted, he might dump her.

Only now, Jared and Harley are the crime kings and queens of New Gotham.

Because he has money, brains, and no scruples in doing things, Jared the Clown still caused a lot of little trouble for Bruce.

In the relationship between the Joker and Harley Quinn, Bruce undoubtedly plays the role of the villain, frequently breaking up the young couple.

"Master Bruce spent a lot of time working with the Robins to recapture the criminals scattered in New Gotham."

"Even Barry went to help." Ah Fu introduced.

Then he said angrily: "The officials of New Gotham are really shameless. They actually asked Gotham for donations to help them rebuild the mental hospital."

"Spend our money to raise prisoners for them, and then let those officials make a lot of money out of it?" Alfred was speechless.

However, Li Ming smiled and said: "I guess the Gotham City Council refused, but Bruce agreed."

Ah Fu sighed: "That's it."

If Bruce contributes money, he can rebuild the hospital and provide more pinhole cameras, monitors, scanners and the like.

Spending a small amount of money can make Batman's work much more convenient. This deal is quite cost-effective for Bruce.

"What's the matter with you?" Ah Fu asked.

He understood that Li Ming wouldn't come over to ask if nothing happened.

Li Ming said lightly: "It's not Bruce yet. He said some time ago that he wanted to propose to Selena."



Ah Fu suddenly became energetic.

He couldn't believe Bruce finally figured it out.

"Yes." But Li Ming shook his head immediately, "But Bruce has never thought about what to do with the proposal ceremony, and it will probably be postponed again."

"I originally wanted to help him, but he said he was very busy..."

"not busy!"

Ah Fu immediately interrupted loudly.

"I'll let Master Dick and Master Jason catch the criminals. Master Bruce's proposal ceremony must be completed as soon as possible!"

The mistress of Wayne's house has been vacant for twenty-five years.

(End of this chapter)

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