The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 673 The photo album is actually

Chapter 673 The photo album is actually...

In order to avoid making a big fuss and letting everyone know, Bruce sneaked in.

To Li Ming's surprise, the route chosen by Bruce was completely different from Selina's.

By disguising himself, acting, and constantly switching identities, he successfully broke through the artificial defenses of the Gotham Hotel.

Although it was inevitably captured by Sunday, Sunday was originally a God's perspective.

It seems that Bruce had already made a plan on how to enter the Gotham Hotel. I can only say that he is worthy of being Batman.

Li Ming guessed that Bruce must also have a small notebook of his own, which recorded various countermeasures against the members of the Justice League.

Because he learned from Sunday that since returning from OA Planet, Bruce has been secretly looking for traces of kryptonite on Earth.

But he hasn't found it yet, because most of the kryptonite on the earth has already entered Li Ming's warehouse.

Bruce didn't know where Selina was, so he used Extremis Metal to put on the Iron Batsuit and used the suit to scan.

It didn't take long for Bruce to discover Selina's location.

But the next moment the suit was suddenly forced to close, and after a flash of red light, it returned to Bruce's body.

Bruce had no idea that this was a trap set by Li Ming.

Li Ming had said before that he would help him propose marriage. At that time, Bruce thought that Li Ming might be fooling around, but he didn't expect that it turned out to be fooling around.

Can something like a bed-wetting photo be leaked?

If anyone else knew about this, the energy in his yellow lantern ring would probably be reduced by half.

He gritted his teeth and rushed towards Selina.

But Selina is also a veteran, and she often plays the game of cat and bat with Bruce, so she soon discovered Bruce's whereabouts.

So Selena also sped up.

After chasing each other, the two ran to the 17th floor and approached the door of Hall 1.

Bruce saw Selina rushing towards Hall 1 with a clear goal, and knew that the destination was inside. He quickly used the rope gun to quickly approach Selina.

But Selina was prepared. She threw out a light blue firecracker that looked very familiar to Bruce.

Freeze bomb?


Batman quickly dodged the white smoke and dust, knowing that he would be frozen if he got touched by it. Selina took this opportunity to sneak into Hall 1.

Bruce took out a small hair dryer from the tool bag in front of him, blew away the smoke and dust, and immediately followed in.

By this time Selena had found the photo album.


Bruce was quick-witted and quick-handed. He grabbed the album with a rope gun and pulled it into his hands.

"Ahem, Selina, if you want to see the photos, we have them at home."

Bruce said with a wry smile, facing the dissatisfied look cast by Catwoman.

"No, I want to see this!"

Selina is very agile, and she has small props carefully prepared by Bruce. Because Selina often helps fight criminals, Bruce is worried that she will be in danger, so he specially researched many useful tools based on Catwoman's abilities.

But now Bruce feels a little regretful.

Because Selina used all the props he prepared on Bruce, and Bruce didn't want to hurt Catwoman, so he was restrained.

Seeing that Selina was so determined to watch, Bruce finally softened his heart.

He simply hugged Catwoman and sighed, "Okay, I'll show you."

There's no way around it. He has been dominated by Catwoman since he was 12 years old.


Selina gave him a big smile and snatched the album happily. "But you must not show it to other people," Bruce said.

This is his final line.

"No problem." Selina agreed readily.

This is an embarrassing photo of her man, and Selena doesn't want to show it to others.

As for the little spy who was eagerly waiting for her to take the album back and share it with him, Selina could only say sorry.

I'm sorry, but this is Gotham.

Selina stood in the middle of the hall, ready to open the photo album, and Bruce also came over.

He had only heard Ah Fu talk about the existence of this photo album, but Ah Fu only showed him a few photos individually, and he had never actually seen the entire album.

Because Ah Fu was worried that after taking it out once, he would never see this photo album again.

He knew his master's strength very well. Once the photo album was taken out, Bruce would have a hundred ways to find it.

So he was also very curious about what other photos were inside.

Selena flipped open the cover.

After seeing the first photo, Selina and Bruce were both stunned.

However, in the photo album, there was no photo of Bruce wetting the bed as they had imagined, but instead there was a photo taken from a candid angle.

In the photo, the young and innocent Bruce is kissing the girl in front of him with his eyes closed. The girl has fluffy hair and freckles on her face that are clearly visible.

This is... a picture of Bruce and Selina kissing for the first time!
The grown-up Bruce and Selina stared at their youthful selves in the photo, then looked at each other in the photo, and finally turned their heads to look at each other at the same time.


They all laughed out loud and were lost in memories of the past.

"I remember that time you forced a kiss on me and said you wanted to let me see the world." Bruce spoke first and said with a smile.

Selina retorted angrily, "You are just an awkward little boy. You are so smart in some things that are obviously not in line with your age, but you don't understand girls' minds at all."

Bruce didn't dare to talk back, so he could only divert his attention: "This is obviously Li's work. I didn't expect him to secretly take pictures of us."

Bruce felt embarrassed when he thought about his first kiss while Li Ming was hiding nearby and watching the show.

But Catwoman is different. She said generously: "Thanks to him, we can reminisce this experience."

Bruce thought so too, but he would not thank Li Ming, lest someone become even more aggressive.

Selina then rolled over to the back and laughed again.

“This is when we went to the street children’s market,” she said with some nostalgia, “Look, this is me buying clothes for you.”

"I didn't expect Li to be following us all the time." Bruce shook his head helplessly.

He knew Li Ming was a bad guy, but he didn't expect him to be so bad.

Selina continued to flip through the pages, all of which were about the time she took Bruce to wander in Gotham.

Watching the two people in the photo slowly approaching each other and finally holding hands, Bruce couldn't help but smile.

The green years are always missed.

"I remember we were being chased that time," Bruce said.

Then when Bruce saw the next photo, he was stunned.

In the photo, he was running hand in hand with Selena, and then he was caught by gangsters. In the photo, Ah Fu pointed at him and Catwoman snuggling together, and called to Li Ming to take a photo quickly.

Bruce couldn't help but smile bitterly and said, "You are so good, Ah Fu, you actually followed Li's lead."

(Thanks to the inspiration provided by the cat in the void.qdcn!)

(End of this chapter)

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