The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 674 Bruce's Proposal is a Success

Chapter 674 Bruce's Proposal is a Success
Although Bruce had a bitter smile on his face, he felt very warm in his heart.

Because these photos represent that when he was very young, Li Ming and Afu were by his side, silently protecting him.

He knew that at the beginning, Li Ming did not have super powers, and Ah Fu was just an ordinary person. In order to protect him, he must have encountered many dangers, but he was almost unaware of it.

This is all thanks to Li Ming and Ah Fu who protected him behind the scenes.

Before he knew it, Bruce had also placed his hands on the album, and he and Selina each held one side and flipped through it together.

These are all the details of Bruce and Selina's journey, from meeting each other to falling in love, quarreling, acting together, etc., all are recorded.

The two of them went from feeling nostalgic at first to slowly becoming moved as they watched the rest of the film.

When they turned to the last page, a shining light burst out from the album, transforming all the images in the photos into visual scenes, surrounding the two of them.

Selina was so moved that she shed tears. At this point Bruce had learned everything on his own. The atmosphere was already there, and he didn't need anyone to teach him what to do next.

He immediately knelt on one knee in front of Selena and took out the ring.

"Selena, will you marry me?"

Batman and Catwoman have known each other for twenty-five years, so there is no need for him to say anything long.

Selina nodded excitedly: "I do!"

She held out her hand for Bruce to put the ring on, then hugged him.

[Ding, the current parsing progress is 100%. 】

At this time, Li Ming stopped recording and left the rest of the time to the young couple.

In Wayne Manor, Alfu also turned off the broadcast in his room. He raised his hand to rub his wet eyes and murmured, "Sir, Madam, did you see that? The Wayne family is lively again."

At this moment, Li Ming, who was about to check what Bruce had analyzed, suddenly felt a resentment. He looked over and found that it was Diana who was looking at him.

Even if she is the heroine, she would be envious when seeing such a romantic scene, not to mention that the one who planned this scene is her boyfriend.

Li Ming took out a gorgeous blue gem with his backhand, and the sparkling light made the surroundings look extremely dreamy.

Diana's eyes suddenly brightened, as beautiful as the bright moon in the sky.

"This is for you." Li Ming handed it over with a smile.

As soon as Diana took it, the gem turned into a necklace and was worn around her neck, luxurious and elegant.

"This necklace allows you to contact me in any world." Li Ming explained its purpose.

Now Diana couldn't bear it anymore and threw herself into Li Ming's arms.


If it was just a necklace, Diana would certainly be happy but she would only cherish it. However, when it became a communication device between her and Li Ming, the status of the sapphire necklace in Diana's heart became incomparably higher.

She knew that Li Ming was very busy and could accept that Li Ming was not in this universe for a long time, but she would feel sad sometimes. It was just that her love for Li Ming made her accustomed to waiting.

Now with this necklace, Diana can contact Li Ming anytime when she misses him, which brings her and Li Ming closer.

Although it is still a long-distance relationship, it is like going from ancient times where you would lose contact with each other once you left home to the modern times where you can keep in touch anytime. These are two completely different feelings.

Looking at the happy Diana, Li Ming was also very happy.

If he can think of helping Bruce to coax the girl, how could he ignore his own girl?
This necklace was inspired by a watch from the Weaving Network Organization and he upgraded it himself.

The web-weaving watch relies on Spider-Man's web of destiny, allowing Spider-Men in different worlds to travel and communicate with each other.

This necklace is hung under the abyss. Li Ming specially let the abyss use the origin of the world to make it.

Because this mode exploits a loophole in the rules of space, even the Abyss cannot be duplicated. There is only one copy of the Samsara Space.

Now, as long as Diana is in a world where she can communicate with Li Ming in the abyss, she can contact him and make her lovesickness no longer so painful.

Diana gave Li Ming an affectionate kiss, and then stared at Li Ming with loving eyes.

How could Li Ming not understand this?
He put his arm around Diana's soft waist and whispered something in her ear, which made Diana moan.


The next day, Bruce told everyone he knew that he had decided to marry Selina.

The Robins were the most excited, especially Dick and Jason. They all entered Wayne Manor when they were around ten years old. Dick had been here for nearly ten years and had long since tacitly accepted Selina as Bruce's partner.

Now Selina is finally going to officially become the mistress of the Wayne family, and they are all very happy.

But Damian was a little confused.

Isn't this right?

Didn't you agree to steal your father's dark history photo album? Why are you getting married right after you come back?
Could it be that the contents of the album were so shocking that the father had no choice but to propose to her on the spot in order to beg for forgiveness?

Da Mi was thinking about it, but no one could answer it for him.

What Alfu is most concerned about is the specific time of the wedding, which Bruce has not yet decided.

However, considering that it took Bruce and Selina twenty-five years from the time they met to the time they got engaged, Alfred didn't want to wait another twenty-five years.

Although the people Li Ming was familiar with in this universe had all used the blood orchid serum, and their vitality and lifespan far exceeded that of ordinary people, Ah Fu didn't want to wait a moment longer. He kept urging Bruce to make a decision quickly so that he could make arrangements immediately.

Helpless, Bruce had to nod and agree to let Alfu start preparing for the wedding.

The main thing is that he himself doesn't intend to delay any longer.

But before that, Bruce had a small problem.

"Alfu, I originally thought that album contained my childhood photos, but it turns out not to contain them. So that album doesn't exist, right?" Bruce asked.

There's no way, it concerns his own face, he still cares a little.

"Yes." Ah Fu admitted it directly.

Compared to the upcoming wedding, there is no need to hide photo albums or anything like that.

He has a backup anyway.

Bruce showed a look of astonishment.

He knew that Ah Fu was not as honest as he looked.

But it doesn’t matter if it exists, Bruce mainly doesn’t want the children to see it.

But Ah Fu immediately asked with a puzzled look on his face: "The photo album is not your childhood photos? In that case, what is in the album?"

When Selena came back, she was holding a photo album with the same cover as the one he gave to Li Ming. Ah Fu thought it was that one.

Bruceton felt something was wrong, so he quickly asked, "Who did you give the photo album to?"

"Li," Ah Fu answered as a matter of course, "He said he needed this album to help him propose to you."

Bruce suddenly felt that he was being enveloped by evil forces.

He knew that Li Ming was even more sinister and cunning than he appeared!

(End of this chapter)

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