The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 675 Bruce Template, Satan was killed?

Chapter 675 Bruce Template, Satan was killed?

Ever since he knew that the dark history photo album was in Li Ming's hands, Bruce pretended that this thing did not exist in the world.

He knew that with Li Ming's bad character, he would be caught if he asked.

Cold treatment is the best way.

But Li Ming doesn't think so. If Bruce doesn't mention it, won't he mention it?

When the time comes, he will throw out one photo at a time, and he is not afraid that Batman will not surrender.

Little Bruce was still playing tricks on him.

But considering that Bruce gave him a good thing, Li Ming generously forgave him this time.

Bruce Wayne Template

Quality: Mythical

Type: special

Effect: Gain exclusive abilities [Mortal body, comparable to gods (S-level)] and [Master of Tactics (A-level)].

[A mortal body is on par with a god (S-level): During combat, if the opponent's life level is different from yours, you can ignore the difference in life level.]

[Tactical Master (A-level): You can get damage bonus from the intelligence you have. The more intelligence you have on the target, the greater the damage bonus.]

Bruce actually gave him an S-level ability!
"A mortal man standing on equal footing with a god? Very Batman indeed."

Li Ming was very satisfied with this ability.

It seems that its function overlaps with that of [God Slayer (S-level)], but there is a prerequisite for releasing [God Slayer] - being able to touch.

Like God, he is untouchable.

But with [A mortal body comparable to that of gods (S-level)], there is nothing that Li Ming cannot touch.

Perfect complement!

"This is forcing me to fight monsters above my level." Li Ming complained in his heart.

As for [Master Tactician (Grade A)], it is also very practical. Considering that he can fight with Batman but must not challenge him to a fight, this analysis is very appropriate.

The best way to deal with Batman is to just beat him up without making any plans when you remember.

Although this could have been anticipated.

Overall, Li Ming was very satisfied with the analysis results, which gave him a sense of satisfaction as if a child he had raised for more than 20 years had finally blossomed and borne fruit.

Afterwards, Li Ming went out for a while and paid attention to the current battle situation between the two camps.

In just a few months, there has been almost no change.

The faction war is fought one by one in each subordinate world. Each world is a bit of blood for the faction, and each faction has at least tens of thousands of worlds.

Although not every world is heavily guarded, most worlds are in a state of stalemate, and it takes a long time to determine the winner, and there will be blood exchanges between the camps.

Today you occupy my world, tomorrow I occupy your world.

If the fight continues like this, it may take thousands or even tens of thousands of years to determine the outcome.

So at this time, more depends on the top combat power.

According to Hayes, the top combat force on the battlefield is still level seven, and level eight reincarnations rarely take action.

Because the camps have not yet fully entered the battlefield, people like heroes and gods are still watching, and the warring parties are trying to win them over while also being cautious.

If an Eighth-Level Reincarnator is dispatched rashly, leaving a certain position unguarded, it would be bad for the camp that suddenly joins the battle to take advantage of the opportunity.

"Where is Michael?" Li Ming asked Hayes.

After learning that Lao Fei predicted that he would be killed by Michael, Li Ming became very concerned about this super boss in the Heaven camp.

But Michael is very mysterious even within the Heavenly Camp. Michelle only knows that He is of the ninth level and the leader of the angel organization, but nothing else is clear.

After all, Li Ming knew that Michael's weapon was a blood-red cross sword.

Hayes, a veteran eighth-level reincarnation in heaven, is more reliable.

"After you asked me last time, I went back and sorted out the information about Michael. Although it's not much, it's all secret enough."

Hayes was like a storyteller and successfully aroused Li Ming's curiosity.

What Li Ming told Hayes was that although the Abyss had recovered a lot of its vitality, a lot of old information had been lost.

Hayes did not question it. He was already on board and there was no point in questioning it.

"Michael was active 100,000 years ago. It is impossible to find information about things that happened too long ago. The earliest information I can find is from the time when the factions united to fight the Abyss 100,000 years ago."

"I believe you also know that the current eight camps were once divided by the Abyss according to different characteristics." Li Ming wanted to say no, I don’t know.

No wonder there are such big differences between the camps. It turns out that from the very beginning, the camps were positioned as classified warehouses.

Hayes continued.

"But after the latter factions grew stronger, they began to be dissatisfied with the various restrictions of the Abyss, so they united together to overthrow the rule of the Abyss and divided up the Abyss space."

"Michael's peak strength was demonstrated in that battle."

Hayes said darkly: "He killed the camp consciousness of the abyss."

"What?" Li Ming was shocked.

"Is the ninth level the pinnacle of strength in the reincarnation space?" he asked.

"No, the power controlled by the Legend Camp's autonomous consciousness can reach the tenth level!" Hayes denied.

"A tenth-level being was killed by a ninth-level being?" Li Ming couldn't believe it, and no matter how he looked at it, Abyss didn't seem to be as strong as a tenth-level being.

The last time he saw the ninth-order supreme master of the legendary camp, the Abyss was very scared.

Hayes also shook his head: "No one knows how Michael did it, but the previous camp consciousness of the Abyss did dissipate in His hands."

Li Ming's mark of Michael's danger level in his mind rose again. If Michael was so awesome, then many plans would have to be changed.

"But Michael was also injured in that war. He was affected by the aura of the abyss and has been recuperating in the heaven space for 100,000 years. Until now, there is no sign of him coming out." Hayes added.

At this time, Li Ming suddenly asked: "You said that Michael has not left the camp space for 100,000 years?"

Hayes nodded.

Now Li Ming was very confused, because Lao Fei's prediction was that Michael would kill him.

Li Ming, who knew Michael's strength, would never go to the heaven space to seek death. Moreover, if heaven had not been attacked by concentrated fire, he would not be able to enter even if he wanted to.

Therefore, the place where Michael killed him could only be outside the heaven space.

This conflicts with what Hayes said.

Is Hayes lying to himself?
Li Ming didn't believe it. Hayes had no reason to lie to him now, and he had a lot of spies around Hayes.

If that's the case, then the truth is easy to guess.

Or it could be that old silver coin Michael, who is clearly able to come out but refuses to say anything, hiding it from everyone and trying to do something secretly.

Or maybe in the next period of time, Michael will obtain something that will allow him to leave the heavenly space.

According to what Li Ming thought, both of these are very likely. Maybe Michael decisively launched the holy war just to find some treasure?
After all, Li Ming had previously thought of provoking a dispute between heaven and hell, but he did not expect that Michael would directly launch a full-scale holy war.

We need more intelligence.

"By the way, I also found out something about hell."

Then Hayes suddenly said.

"When the war with the Abyss began, Hell also had a ninth-order reincarnation named Satan."

"But it is said that during the great battle of camp consciousness, Satan was deceived by Michael through unknown means, which led to the Hell and Heaven camps becoming mortal enemies."

"In the following 100,000 years, there were three holy wars, with Heaven and Hell winning one and losing one. The third one was this time."

It turns out that heaven and hell have such a grudge. After killing the ninth-level reincarnationist on the opposite side, Michael himself cannot leave the heaven space. No wonder hell will find all kinds of ways to deal with heaven.

But Li Ming became more wary of Michael.

It seems that this Heavenly God of War is not only extremely powerful, but Old Silver Coin's skills are not inferior to his, and he can even kill a ninth-order reincarnationist.

Hayes was not quite clear about Michael's strength. He was an eighth-level reincarnation who emerged in the Second Holy War, and there was still a gap of tens of thousands of years between him and the Faction War Abyss.

But according to his own experience, in the heavenly space, Michael is invincible.

Therefore, many bigwigs in the heaven camp can only submit to his rule, otherwise Michael will not be able to get out, and these reincarnation bigwigs have to enter the heaven space.

Michael holds authority over part of the heavenly space, including the ability to switch camp protection here.

He once killed a disobedient new eighth-level reincarnationist in front of everyone, and no one dared to disobey him since then.

After Hayes finished his report, Li Ming fell into deep thought.

It sounded like Michael was difficult to deal with. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that his method of having God replace the consciousness of the Heaven camp was very feasible.

So he rushed to the Constantine world again.

"God, why are you sleeping? Hi!"

(End of this chapter)

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