The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 676 God and the Clown

Chapter 676 God and the Clown...

"No way, no way, you are God, how can you be so bad?"

"What do you mean there is a God in this world? Fight him!"

"Eat Him and you will be the boss!"

In the Flash world, Li Ming looked disappointed and kept encouraging the unresponsive [Mark of God].

But God was unmoved.

Li Ming wanted to speed up the upgrade process of God, so he came to the Flash world, and wanted to start from here and let his ally God replace the original God of this universe.

But he didn't expect that his good ally would back down.

"You can obviously jump out in the Gotham world and influence the world." Li Ming complained.

Then a flash of understanding came into his mind.

"Because I exist in the Gotham world? So it's special?"

"Okay, I accept this explanation reluctantly."

But Li Ming started to worry.

If he were asked to find worlds to protect God one by one, not only would it waste his time, but the efficiency would also be too low.

At this moment, Li Ming received a message in his heart.

"The more the world is in crisis, the easier it will be for you to occupy the world consciousness?" Li Ming pondered.

In this way, every battlefield world where camps fight each other is God’s ideal destination.

But putting God in those places is too ostentatious.

And it is estimated that it will be discovered soon.


Li Ming's eyes suddenly lit up, and he thought of a good place to go.

He came to a ruined world and called Solus, who was undercover in Hell.

"How is the clown now?" Li Ming asked.

"That's great. It's so good that the top leaders of the demon organization want to abandon several battlefield worlds and start hunting him down with all their might." Solus said in a deep voice.

"He has already affected more than a thousand worlds. Although most of the unrest has been controlled by the Hell Faction, there are still many worlds that are still in chaos."

Solus couldn't help but exclaim: "You released a real devil."

Li Ming was unmoved. The clown was just a mad dog he released with the purpose of muddying the waters so that he would have enough time to develop.

The more trouble the clown makes, the happier he is.

But this time Li Ming didn't come here for the clown.

"What's the situation in this world?" Li Ming asked, looking at the desolate scene around him.

Solus had already gathered intelligence before coming: "This is a subordinate world of Hell that was once plagued by the Joker. The various forces of humanity were extremely chaotic under the influence of the Joker, and eventually the world was turned into ruins in the war, leaving only a few people alive."

"Because this world has no supernatural powers, Hell is basically in a state of abandonment."

Because of the Joker alone, the whole world was destroyed.

The power of chaos is terrifying.

After hearing this, Li Ming nodded.

"It's the end of the world, with only a few humans left. It's very suitable."

"Okay, you can go back now." Li Mingsui Solus said, "By the way, remember, no matter what happens in this world, you have never been here."

Solus was startled and quickly nodded in agreement.

Li Ming didn't remind him like this when he released the clown. Now he is so serious. God knows what kind of killer weapon Li Ming is going to release next?

The less he knew, the better.

After Solus left, Li Ming used the power of the Infinity Stones to search carefully and made sure that he was the only extraordinary person left in the world.

Li Ming took out the [Mark of God] and activated it directly.

"Is there anything wrong with this world?" he asked with a smile.

Soon he felt a surge of praise in his heart; it seemed that God was very pleased.

Can you be dissatisfied?
After searching, Li Ming discovered that although there were very few humans left in this world, there were even fewer books of all kinds.

Especially religious books, almost all of them were destroyed. It was simply a paradise where God spread his holy light.

This time, the [Seal of God] did not transform into a sheep, but directly merged with the world, but it has not yet replaced the world consciousness.

In Li Ming's perception, God chose a human being and gave him a mission.

"Go to the West." "Find a printing house and bring the Bible back to the light of day."

This human's name is Eli.

Li Ming's face looked a little strange for a moment. He didn't expect it to be such a coincidence that he picked this world at random.

The Book of Eli.

The protagonist, Ellie, is a staunch believer in God. Although he is blind, he can even recite the entire Bible.

He is simply a missionary sent by God.

If Ellie can do what God tells her to do, then God can successfully replace the consciousness of this world.

God's explanation to Li Ming is that in the process of occupying the world's consciousness, God cannot take direct action, but He can find agents to help Him exercise His authority and achieve His wishes through agents.

Gods in many worlds also use this method to spread holy light.

For example, angels, the legendary Moses, Noah, and Eli in this world.

Ellie was also given many special abilities by God, which enabled him to complete the journey independently, commonly known as "miracles".

Li Ming didn't pay attention to what happened next. Having seen the movie, he knew that Ellie could accomplish it all, and God would eventually occupy the consciousness of this world.

This was another role of the clown that he had in mind.

Worlds plagued by clowns are excellent resources for God.

There are confused beings everywhere, who are in urgent need of a belief to support them. In this situation, the ability of holy light to bluff people is greatly enhanced.

Moreover, in this world that has fallen into chaos and doomsday, the world consciousness does not have much ability to resist.

With the Clown paving the way ahead, Li Ming can accurately deploy God and achieve twice the result with half the effort.

Having said that, the Joker fully deserves the honor of being the performance king under Li Ming.

Moreover, there is another great benefit in allowing God to occupy the camp consciousness of the subordinate worlds of Hell.

When the higher-ups of Hell discover that their territory is being encroached upon by an alien God, guess who they will go after?

Of course it’s the little baby in heaven!
God and heaven are inseparable.

It is said that behind heaven is God, but now it makes perfect sense to say the other way around and behind God is heaven.

Of course, the consequence of doing so is that the danger faced by the Joker will be infinitely magnified.

So Li Ming spread his hands.

"My employees risked their lives for you, don't you have any appreciation for that?"

Spend God's money and do your own business.

Li Ming's basic operations.

There is a phrase that can specifically describe this scene.

Wool comes from sheep.

Isn’t God a sheep? It makes sense.

And God is always generous.

A flash of light appeared in Li Ming's hand, and something appeared in his hand.

【Guardian Angel Mark】

Quality: Legend

Type: special props

Effect: Allows the user to receive the blessing of a guardian angel, and can be resurrected without restrictions after spiritual or physical death. Limited to strength level three and below.

Good guy.

Li Ming was amused. This time the clown might be proven to be from heaven. He couldn't explain why even if all of Michael's wings turned into a mouth.

As expected of God, he is always magnanimous. Solus won’t have to protect the Joker anymore, and the risk of exposure is reduced.

Li Ming accepted it decisively, then spread his hands again.

At the right moment, a feeling of doubt came over him.

It is obvious that God is asking if the benefits have already been given?

Li Ming shook his head and didn't care. He said viciously, "It doesn't count. That was the clown's."

"Where's my share?"


(End of this chapter)

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