The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 677: New faction joins the battle, Marvel world asks for help

Chapter 677: New faction joins the battle, Marvel world asks for help
"You are so stingy. Be careful or I will feed you dogtail grass next time."

In the abyss space, Li Ming couldn't stop complaining.

[Holy Light Blessing]

Quality: Epic

Type: special props

Effect: Within 365 days after use, you can isolate yourself from the aura of the reincarnation.

Li Ming was not dissatisfied with such things, but he was dissatisfied with why the things given to the clown were legendary, but what he got was only epic?
Blatant discrimination!

"Be careful or I'll tell your followers about your collusion with the Joker, so that they can also have a taste of what it feels like to see their idol collapse." Li Ming thought to himself.

However, he was not slow at all in collecting the things.

[Holy Light Blessing] is a good thing.

In the past, if he wanted to hide his identity as a reincarnation, he could only use identity implantation. However, when he met a top boss, like the Supreme last time, his identity as a reincarnation could be seen even with an identity implantation.

With the [Blessing of Holy Light], he won't have to worry about this happening for at least a year.

After returning to Gotham, Li Ming waved his hand and constructed the battle map that Hayes mentioned.

Currently, more than 300 worlds have been plunged into the flames of war. The world with the most intense fighting has even seen seventh-order deaths. Due to the close proximity of parallel worlds and some world planes, more than 2,000 worlds have been directly affected by the war.

Nearly five hundred of these worlds have been destroyed.

Among them, hell accounts for 60% and heaven accounts for 40%.

What? The other faction?

Except for Heaven and Hell, the direct losses suffered by the subordinate worlds of other camps were almost zero.

The other factions said they would join the war, and they did join the war, but they did not say they would fight in their own world.

After the declaration of war, both the gods and the heavens tacitly sent people to launch attacks directly on the worlds of heaven and hell, leaving them no chance to counterattack.

It is naturally most profitable to fight a war on someone else's land.

Not only will their own land not be invaded by war, but they can also harvest a large number of spoils.

Spend the origin of other people's world and raise your own reincarnation.

By the way, it can also destroy the world of competitors.

Why not do something that can kill two birds with one stone?

Li Ming even thought about it in a darker way: Heaven supports heaven and the gods support hell. Is it really because they believe in or support one side?

Could it be that they are here to take advantage of the situation?

Otherwise, why would they be so tacitly in sync? Why don’t they just beat each one to death?
It is estimated that the other camps have the same idea as Li Ming. It is better to weaken two camps at the same time than to break up one camp.

Otherwise, if they really push a camp to the extreme, they themselves won't get much benefit.

Will the war end with both heaven and hell destroyed at the same time, and then the other camps making a fortune?

No, I have to get involved in the abyss as well.

In the past, Li Ming considered that the Abyss camp was still too weak, but this time when he saw Jerome and the others lying around in the square outside the exchange center when they had no tasks, he felt that he should find something for them to do.

So Li Ming used his authority to increase the intensity of the Abyss Reincarnator's mission, including the faction confrontation, by one to two levels.

When he was working, Li Ming always complained about his boss for adding unnecessary work to him and for not wanting him to have nothing to do. Now, he has finally become the person he once hated.

He, the boss of the abyss, has been through life and death, how can a group of his little brothers act so arrogantly in the mission world?

While other camps are focusing on the war, quickly roll it up for me.

The abyss doesn’t support idlers!
Except Li Ming.

After adjusting the intensity of the task, he ran to Eden in the center of the reincarnation and ordered a glass of the most expensive wine.

Only when his subordinates work hard can he enjoy life.

I was a little confused when I was checking out. What kind of wine costs 2 points?
But when he really drank it, Li Ming still felt it was worth it.

His basic attributes were too high now, and most fine wines made for enjoyment would hardly stimulate him. Even he felt that Eden's wine was good, so it was really good.

It is indeed a den of debauchery for those who have reincarnated.

Li Ming did not come here for enjoyment. A place like Eden is naturally a barometer for reincarnations.

At times like these when factions are fighting, many reincarnations are in an excited state and may reveal some information.

Especially in this camp war, many low-level reincarnations joined in. They were mentally unstable and most likely to speak nonsense.

After sitting here for less than two hours, Li Ming knew the battle situation and the deployment of commanders in many worlds.

There is even a reincarnation from hell. In order to show off that the Lord of the Starry Sky was scared to death by God in the world of God of War, the story is made vivid and full of details.

Everyone knew that what he said was false, but everyone cheered for him, especially the reincarnations in heaven.

Li Ming even ordered him a glass of wine worth 2 points.

No matter whether it was true or not, he enjoyed listening to it.

It deserves a reward!

However, the hell reincarnationists who were traveling with that person had already fled on the spot out of fear, and it seemed that they would never see this reincarnationist again.

But it's a bit of a pity.

Just when Li Ming finished listening to the play and was about to return to the Gotham Universe, the entire Eden suddenly began to stir violently, and it was obvious that something big was about to happen.

Just as Li Ming was about to inquire, he received a communication request from Hayes.

"The hero camp has joined the war, supporting Heaven!"

"Hero?" Li Ming asked curiously. He had never encountered this camp before. "He was recruited by Michael?"

"Half and half."

Hayes replied.

"The hero camp itself has a strong desire to participate in the war. They have reached a bottleneck in their development and also need a new world."

It would be better if one more camp joined the battle. Li Ming hoped that all camps would be reduced to ruins so that he could become the king in the ruins with Abyss.

"Where will the hero camp focus its attack?" Li Ming asked.

"Instead of choosing the existing scene, they said they would open up a new battlefield and leave Hell to fend for itself." Hayes' tone was somewhat mocking.

"Oh, that sounds nice."

Li Ming was also happy. Most of the existing sites had been reduced to ruins and there was no profit to be made. Helping Heaven advance to other worlds would also involve the problem of distributing the spoils.

Compared with these, if you find a new world, everything you conquer will belong to the hero camp, and even a fool would know how to choose.

Eden was still in a state of turmoil, with countless reincarnations whispering to each other about the impact of the incident.

The entry of a new camp into the war can almost change the trajectory of life for a reincarnator, but for Li Ming, it only means that he will have more juicy leeks.

He returned to the Gotham Universe, and as soon as he was free from the confines of the Samsara Center, he sent in a report on Sunday.

"Mr. Li Ming, the Weaving Organization has sent an urgent request for help. The incident has been determined to be an invasion from an alien world."


Li Ming quickly checked the intelligence and found that the world where Spider-Man lived was invaded by the Reincarnationists.

The intelligence from the Web shows that those reincarnations claim to be heroes and want to get rid of fake heroes like Spider-Man in that universe.

Fortunately, there was a big boss in that universe who killed the advance team, but this also led to a massive invasion by the hero camp.

The universe is facing a crisis, and superheroes begin to seek all possible help, and naturally Spider-Man also finds his way here.

When faced with such a situation, Li Ming could not help but take action, otherwise the existence of the web would most likely be discovered by the reincarnations.

But he thought about it and thought that this was a good opportunity to showcase the Abyss Alliance, and it would also allow the members of the Abyss Alliance to get to know each other.

For example... The Avengers and the Justice League.

(End of this chapter)

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