The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 678: Justice League Meets Avengers for the First Time

Chapter 678: Justice League Meets Avengers for the First Time

Back to the Gotham Universe, Li Ming first went to the moon.

In just a few months, the Justice League's watchtower base was completely built.

On the moon they have nothing to worry about and can go wherever the most technologically advanced is needed.

The watchtower base that emerged at the end, compared to the Earth, was, in Arthur's words, the difference between primitive creatures that have not yet left the ocean and Superman.

Because it is on the moon, most of the staff in the watchtower are T-1200 Terminator robots.

T-1200 is an upgraded version of T-1100. The main difference lies in intelligence. Because Li Ming has the Mind Stone, he can replicate Ultron's creation process, so the intelligence level of T-1200 has made a qualitative leap.

Perfect for use as a watchtower base staff.

The important members of the Justice League have already moved in, but to the outside world they still claim that the base on Earth is their headquarters.

Li Ming gathered everyone together and explained that a world was facing an invasion from outside and needed assistance.

Bruce and others immediately expressed their willingness to go.

Firstly, this is in the interests of justice, and secondly, they also want to see with their own eyes what the invaders look like so that they can think of ways to deal with them in advance.

But Li Ming only has five places.

Gotham Justice: An active skill that can bring plot characters in the Gotham world to other mission worlds, 5 places available.

It's not like he brought Keaton to the Gotham world, or brought Thor to the Supreme Strange world, those were all interactions in the same parallel universe.

Crossing over from DC to Marvel, Li Ming currently only has the skills he just acquired using the Gotham Scepter.

"Next, I'll have to let Sunday study the technology of cross-world teleportation." Li Ming thought to himself.

At that time, he can gather Tony, Bruce and others to study together.

Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman, the big three, will naturally follow.

Arthur insisted that he could not be left behind, and Hal also started to act ridiculous. Supergirl Kara was the first to give up, and she wanted to stay on Earth to take care of little Jonathan.

As for Dick, Jason, Damian and other non-staff members of the alliance, they can only stay at home due to the limited number of vacancies.

Why was Tim ignored again? When will the third Robin stand up and tremble with anger?

The main reason is that Tim doesn't have the time to go even though he wants to. Bruce threw him to Wayne Group to learn about company affairs with Lucius. It is estimated that Tim will be the next head of Wayne Group.

So the other two candidates were confirmed to be Aquaman and Green Lantern.

That is to say, Martian Manhunter has not yet joined the league and the Flash is just a rookie, otherwise there would have to be some competition.

It's just that Bruce's wedding has to be postponed, and Selina and Alfu both understand this.

Anything that can mobilize the entire Justice League must be a big deal, and they can still sort it out.

Everyone was still riding on the Saint Tianzun. Li Ming waved his hand to open the portal, and the Saint Tianzun drove straight in.

Bruce took out a bunch of devices and recorded all the readings when passing through the portal, which would help them study how to use technological means to open the portal in the future.

After the light flowed, they finally arrived at their destination.

Infinite Ultron Universe.

Of course, it is now renamed the Abyss Alliance Universe.

"Is this the headquarters of the Abyss Alliance?"

"An entire planet? Just like Planet OA!"

Arthur and Hal gathered at the porthole and shouted.

Li Mingxin asked, "What are we getting to now?" They didn't see Loki's palace.

Bruce's focus was not on the Abyss Alliance. He asked solemnly, "Is this universe...dead silent?"

"A very powerful robot once appeared in this universe. It destroyed almost all life and invaded the multiverse, trying to massacre all the multiverses. After I and the Abyss Alliance here defeated it, we established a base here." Li Ming explained.

Now Arthur and Hal, who had been making a lot of noise, were silent.

The entire universe was destroyed, and the multiverse that made them extremely interested and excited turned out to be so dangerous!
Saint Tianzun successfully entered the headquarters of the Abyss Alliance. After opening the hatch, a group of superheroes were already waiting there.

Supreme Strange, Thanos, Tony, Captain America, Wanda, Spider-Man, Thor, Thor, Loki, Loki... Of course, there are no repetitions. They are the Thor brothers from the Supreme Strange world and the Loki brothers from the god of stories.

The Dutch Spider, whom Li Ming first met, also joined the Abyss Alliance. He was also a member of the Web Weaving Organization. Naturally, the Abyss Alliance also received a call for help.

They were discussing countermeasures when the backbone Li Ming came back, so they all waited here to listen to Li Ming's plan.

Naturally, the Avengers also saw the Justice League behind Li Ming.

"Are they the Justice League?" Tony had heard Li Ming mention it before and reacted immediately.

"Wow, there are so many people." Arthur was the first to exclaim.

"But there are so many...twins here?" Hal asked doubtfully before he could react. "Is this a specialty of this universe?"

Arthur couldn't help but cover his face with a sigh, and quickly reached out to cover Hal's mouth to prevent him from continuing to embarrass himself.

"Have you forgotten old Bruce?" Arthur asked helplessly.


Hal suddenly realized and nodded quickly, but he couldn't speak because his mouth was covered.

Originally, the two groups of strangers felt a little awkward and unfamiliar when they met, but after Arthur and Hal's commotion, the atmosphere suddenly became relaxed.

"Relax, here you can not only see the twins, but also see them fighting with each other." Tony teased.

"That's right, and I've seen a hundred people who look the same together!" Dutch Spider also raised his hand.

He's talking about Peter Parker in the web, there are more than a hundred?

At this time, Arthur also got excited: "Oh yeah, I also heard that I was a puppy in another world!"

"Me too!" Thor also jumped in to say, "In fact, I also have a frog version."

As he said this, he glared at Loki, the God of Stories, and Loki, the God of Stories, glared at Li Ming resentfully.

Who told Li Ming to send the video of Shiba Inu Thor to his brother? Loki got a good beating.

After these conversations, the atmosphere suddenly became harmonious.

"This is the Justice League." Li Ming introduced them to each other, and pointed to Supreme Strange, "They are the Avengers."

Both sides introduced themselves, and when it was Loki, the God of Stories' turn, he took out a notebook.

"I know you guys."

He cleared his throat and said in a low voice: "Ai Baiteman!"

The God of Stories controls the multiverse timeline, and some of these universes contain DC comics, which Loki just happened to have read.

This made Loki from the Supreme Strange World very jealous. He couldn't help but ask his brother: "Where is my Time Planning Bureau? Why haven't they come to catch me yet?"

"Haha!" Thor laughed and patted his shoulder, "Is it possible that this universe is not where you, Loki, go to TVA?"

Loki looked depressed and could only watch the God of Stories Loki enthusiastically discussing the plot with Bruce.

"Did you really adopt a few little boys?" Loki asked.


"You're a playboy during the day and you fight criminals at night. Do you really have time to sleep?"

Bruce found this question very strange. How could he be a playboy when he was loyal to Selina?

"I heard that you have a villain there called the Joker. What is he like?" Loki asked again.

"Not very good." Bruce shook his head. "I killed him."

“Kill…kill?” The God of Stories’ smile suddenly froze.

He quickly came up to Li Ming and asked him quietly with a serious face.

"Lee, tell me honestly, this Batman... is he laughing maniacally?"

(End of this chapter)

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